ABSTRACT. The main definitions for term of psychological system in 5-Dimensional psychological space first have been suggested. The classification of 32 psychological types has been proposed. They differ one from another by combination of five from ten possible fundamental psychological features. The concept of psychological mass has been introduced as a measure of inertness of psychological system. Full psychological systems set was shown to include 128 psychological species in view of temperament differences of individuals. Main laws of existing and evolution of psychological system are formulated as well as their main consequences.
The object of science in psychological research - thought process of individuals is coinciding with subject of investigation which studies these activities. In this case the paradox in psychology science has still to be found. So, up to present the only classification is generally accepted which had been suggested by Greek doctor Hippocrates in IV century B.C. He singled out four principal temperaments: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic temperaments which were based upon different emotional perception of environment by the man, theirs affectivity.
At the beginning of XX-th century Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung founded the theory of psychological types (Jung, 1990). All other attempts (Myers, 1985, Myers, 1990, Bradway, 1964, Bradway, 1976, Bradway, 1978, Lawrence, 1986, Augistinavichute, 1998, Filatova, 1999) of classification principles creation on the base Jung’s type theory has been doomed to failure (
Pittenger, 1993,
Quenk, 1999,
Paul, 2004). Narrowness of Jung’s theory is in lack of full set of fundamental functions suggested to describe the psychological types (Leonard Khalil, 2005). Also the laws of existence and evolution of psychological objects have not been formulated yet. Thus psychology is still mainly an empirical science describing the some of properties of objects without any reason of their origin or manifestation.
In this case the introduction of full set of main conceptions to describe the psychological objects as well as formulate the main laws of their evolution is important and actual problem of psychological science. An approach of Common Theory of systems has been used in this study after Swiss biologist Ludwig von Berthalanfi (Bertalanfi, 1969).
The thought activities of individuals and their communities are an object of psychological studies: means of perception, information storage, processing, decision making, controlling with feedback. Obviously, that the objects of psychological research are not only the man brain activities, but other living things, as well as their simulators.
Four pairs of psychological functions: rationality-irrationality (Judging - Perceiving, MBTI) (Myers, 1985, Myers, 1990), logic-ethics L-E (Thinking-Feeling), sensorics-intuition S-I, introversion-extraversion I-E to describe thought activities have been suggested by C. Jung which let’s call as fundamental features or the elements of psychological objects.
Unfortunately, all classifications into 16 types suggested after Jung (Myers, 1990, Bradway, 1978, Lawrence, 1986, Augistinavichute, 1998, Filatova, 1999) proved to be incompleted (Leonard Khalil, 2005). In this basis psychologically diametrically opposed revolutionary Robespierre and scientist Leonardo da Vinci, litterateur A.P. Chekhov and dictator I.V. Stalin are of the same personality types. Meanwhile still at the beginning of the XX-th century Otto Weininger deduced (Weininger, 1982) that individuals are differed in some degree by “masculinity” or “femininity” (“Yang” or “Yin” in Chinese philosophy).
So, according to Freud’s classical psychological portrait (“Leonardo met himself in Mona Lisa”, Freud, 1999) Leonardo da Vinci belongs to “feminine” type, accepting the peace as it is. Judged of destinies of peoples and France, Robespierre belongs to ambitious of power “masculinity” type.
Thus, Masculinity (9) and Femininity (10 or 0) (M-F) added in L model are suggested as the fifth pair of fundamental features. The order of disposing of the first four pairs proposed by Jung are arranged in the following way: rationality (1) or irrationality (2), logic (3) or ethics (4) L-E, sensorics (5) or intuition (6) S-I, introversion (7) or extraversion (8) I-E.
As Jung at once suggested idea “crystallographic system of axes” (Jung, 1990), for reliable description of space features we introduce a definition of 5-dimensional psychological space. To characterize psychological space orthogonal coordinate system XYZL has been applied by us to identify psychological individuals as shown on following visual model (Fig.1. Orientation of personality type in 5-dimensional psychological space of psychological functions XYZL - L model). X is the rational axis defining participation of reasonable activity of the individual including logical function L in conditionally positive direction and ethical function -E in opposite direction. Irrational axis Y is presented by conditionally positive intuitive +I direction and conditionally negative sensory -S direction. Introversion/extraversion scale on Z axis has also two directions: extraversion E to be found in upper segment, and introversion -I in the lower segment. The forth coordinate characterizing vital force of an individual is to be defined by color, with red (positive) part of spectrum being feminine F, and the blue (negative) one being masculine -M. The fifth coordinate (chirality) is defined by the order of leading and following features disposed on X or Y axes.