In the flowering dogwood was Parmenides,
The fledgling thus delivering his panegyric song
To the empyrean he perceived, to his sky,
Until a bolt of summer lightning struck him dead;
The dogwood was enveloped in flame,
And became a pile of ashes, as did young Parmenides:
Goodbye friend, and goodbye to your
Sky, and song, and song of sky!
From this point I suffered most acutely
The sense of a great loss,
But could not account for which loss was the greatest loss:
Was it singing, young, downy Parmenides; or
The singing itself; or the flowers of
The dogwood; or the flowering dogwood; or
The song among the flowering dogwood;
Or the bleary pastelled empyrean to which
Young Parmenides sang; or perhaps
All of this, all of it, for which no single word exists?
And as of that I was lost in
The vagueness of my own loss;
I cried for I knew not what, and for everything,
My grief, through accretions, was infinity;
Everything existed as prelude to its own loss,
And I evolved thought no further; no more
Could I cry for anything but grief itself
Which in that moment became the only
Recognizable truth; and I realized all truth
Is inexplicable; only it is more obvious
In vague truths such as these.
A sense of labor under Locke’s
prescribed value theory overcame me,
And then waned, until I shot into the blue;
I was propelled into the empyrean, gone, or
Perhaps struck by lightning,
Becoming fire,
Becoming ash.
Fuck your philosophy, a songbird is dead.
Death is the ever-flowering thought blooming
Past the limits of our understanding.
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