Title: The Song Remains the Same
Rating: M
Spoilers: 8x13
Summary: I had a dream. Crazy dream. Ellis Grey is alive and well. Seattle Grace is the premiere hospital in the country. Callie Torres is married to Owen Hunt, with a home and three children, while Arizona Robbins does who and whatever she pleases. The history is different, the world itself
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Comments 49
Question - to ensure that I'm not missing anything, lol - Arizona still isn't "officially" living at the house, right? Or was the assumption that she can pay her bills online and all of that the go-ahead for her to move in? Just curious!
Thanks for a great story! Looking forward to what's next. :)
Nope, she doesn't officially live there - she's still wasting money on an apartment she doesn't sleep in. We'll see when they discuss changing that. :)
Thank you! More soon!
Nervous about Arizona working herself into exhaustion though. That's the last thing they need! And I'm so glad that Owen's mom and Arizona had that chat. It was needed.
I love seeing the awkwardness between Callie and Arizona. It seems very realistic - them both being afraid that the other needs space and time away because they've moved faster than relationships normally do, especially when kids are involved, but both needing to be with each other and the kids. So glad that the kids are happy Arizona's around. Although that's not surprising. She's awesome. And I am seriously impressed with how well Callie is coping.
Well, until Alex is back on his feet she's got to do what she's got to do. But she's Arizona, so she's going to try and do it all. I'm glad you liked that bit - I thought about making it more of a confrontation but I couldn't see Ellen fighting against someone who clearly loves her grandkids. She did want to speak up for her son's memory though.
:) I'm happy you liked that. They've been in a messy, complicated situation since day one but this isn't exactly just relationship complicated since they're both trying to think of the kids and what's best for them.
If it HAS to end sometime, though, I can be appeased with another equally awesome story. This chapter just made me want this story to never end. I can't help loving this little family.
(how do you feel about Harry Potter?) I love this family too. :D
Loving this as always, a little concerned that you are foreshadowing something with Owens mother insisting on Arizona being there for the kids no matter what? And strangely I'm almost hoping for a speed bump or two before they sail of into the sunset.
Anyway I trust you implicitly.
Aww, well Owen's mom is just trying to make sure Arizona understands where she's standing now that Owen's gone. ;) *no comment*
I appreciate that!
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