I'm doing an acrylic painting, to try a full-realism color style.
Problem is, I'm hitting a block on doing the pre-sketch. I've got the basic figure, a demonic humanoid (A tiefling, more or less) wielding a sword, but I'm having trouble figuring what costume I want to put him in. I could go with fantasy armor, plate, leather, etc (maybe even a Conan-style barbarian getup).
The other idea is to make this a Nightmares character, dress him in more mundane clothing, mixing in spot armor. The idea in-story is that many of these other races, especially the types not trying to hide amongst humans, wear the cheaper clothing, favoring certain styles, but mix in the necessary bits of armor and so forth that their dangerous life demands. (I'm thinking of stuff I've seen where african tribesman and other rural cultures mix the cheap-to-come-by industrial clothing and fabrics with their more traditional garb.) I figure there might even be a bit of cultural backwash, with a fictional fashion movement for 'dungeon-punk' and the like, with KISS-like spiked armor and cured leather armor being sold alongside the baggy chain pants and band t-shirts at Hot Topic.
The idea started with some sketches I was doing from memory of a sharp, almost-clawed hoof, and the 4-horned breeds of sheep. (obviously wrong, now that I look it up..) I was also looking at poses to try and do a figure in.
Here's the pre-sketch so far on the hot-press board. It's very grainy because the sketch is really light, until I'm more satisfied with the linework, and can add clothes. (I want to have a very clean start on this painting.)
Part of it is I'm probably just delaying, I'm nervous about doing the paint, but I honestly can't figure a good outfit for him to wear.