I hope SUP gets eaten alive by the LJ userbase and is forced to sell to someone else, like the classroom of kids so unruly that their previous subs refuse to work in that classroom again.
This article, while badly written, is even more awful in what it says SUP has said,
link. Basically, the only reason SUP intends to keep ~paid~ accounts is that they currently can't make enough from ads for it to be profitable for them to eliminate them, but it strongly implies that if that someday changes, the ability to have an ad-free journal, even by paying, may be removed. This also does not bode well for permanent accounts.
The degree of awful in that little article is amazing... I got the link for it from
I also rather agree with rho's take on all of this:
link which is somewhat humorous, but sadly true.
I am toying with the idea of writing up what I would want from SUP, not that I think they'd listen. Trying to make it reasonable, not saying never raise prices or such, they do need to make money, but also requiring that they not hide things or lie to people and try to preserve the culture in a profitable way. But I don't think they'd listen.
Sorry to keep going on on this, and there were other things I wanted to write about, but I don't feel comfortable using my journal as a journal right now.