hmm well dont give up part time jobs are usually really easy to get the way i look at it, if they wont give you something you need off, quit and get another one or try to go back
at least such has been my experience but i suppose i have gotten lucky bc ive never been turned down after an interview..or had problems getting any vacay off
but maybe you shoul sacrifice some of your vacationing for a steady job for just one year? that way you will look like a better candidate (and have money)
Comments 3
get a job girl!
i do everything i want to do and have been working since before it was legal. it's so possible.
its more like...
if some one hires me now, im going to right off the bat ask for thanksgiving weekend
kinda things like that.
but thats certainly not stopping me from getting a job, its just no ones hiring!..or hiring me at least lol
part time jobs are usually really easy to get
the way i look at it, if they wont give you something you need off, quit and get another one or try to go back
at least such has been my experience but i suppose i have gotten lucky bc ive never been turned down after an interview..or had problems getting any vacay off
but maybe you shoul sacrifice some of your vacationing for a steady job for just one year? that way you will look like a better candidate (and have money)
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