I got an A- in math! I didn't even have to sleep with my prof! (Although if I had to sleep with one he's the top of my list)
Then, stolen from Jon:
-- Your name: Sarah Katherine Ryle Smith (quite a mouthful)
-- Age: 19
-- Height: 5'5"
-- Eye color: dark grey-blue
-- Hair color: brown
-- Birthday: Aug. 14
-- The shoes you wore today: Well, I haven't worn shoes yet since I am a degenerate hobo, but last night I wore my new black ballet flats.
-- Your weakness: I don't think before I speak, it all just comes out no matter how insane
-- Your fears: Drowning and I'm not scared of heights, but I don't enjoy them
-- Your perfect pizza: without cheese, the with black olives, green peppers, and mushroom
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: I'd like to find my passion and follow it, succeed in everything I try, and fall in love.
-- Your most overused phrase: "later days"
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Today? "I really didn't steal that baby, He was out in the rain." And that was about my dream- not an actual stolen baby.
-- Your best physical feature: Probably my eyes, but I also have very nice calves
-- Your bedtime: When I either fall asleep in order to get enough for early class, or when I pass out on someone's floor in a drunken stupor. This time can range anywhere between midnight and 6:30 am.
-- Your most missed memory: Is this a memory of something we miss? Then it would be playing outside with my french sisters in the spring sunshine.
-- Pepsi or Coke: diet coke. I like a little aspertame in my soda.
-- McDonald's or Burger king: I don't do fast food.
-- Adidas or Nike: I think my current running shoes are Nike, but frankly I dont care
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Snapple, baby. Made from the best fucking stuff on earth.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee. I like my coffee black. Like my men.
-- Smoke: Nope
-- Cuss: I am a casual swearer. I define someone as such when they swear and don't even notice that they did anymore. Example: "Where the fuck ate the keys?" "Sarah! Don't swear!" "I didnt!!" "You said the f word." "Really?"
-- Sing: All the time
-- Take a shower everyday: I shower the days I work out, so that amounts ot every day of the week, but occationally there will be a day when I take a break and neither go to the gym nor shower. But I never fail to shower after running.
-- Have a crush(es): I crush hard. Like nobody's business.
-- Do you think you've been in love: No, I woulndt really know
-- Want to go to college: I am in college.
-- Like high school: It was fun
-- Want to get married: Someday
-- Believe in yourself: On occation
-- Get motion sickness: I used to have really bad motion sickness. Now its only slightly bad. But it used to be a real problem.
-- Think you're attractive: Sometimes. Most of the time I think people saying I'm attractive are just into ugly.
-- Think you're a health freak: Yeah, but I think of it as a good thing.
-- Get along with your parent(s): I get alone sooo well with my dad! My mom...well lets just say that if I saw her for 5 minutes once every couple of months that would be just fine and dandy.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love them!
-- Play an instrument: I used to play the piano (for like 12 years) but now I just dabble and my main instrument is my voice.
In the past month
-- Drank alcohol: all the freaking time
-- Smoked: hooka, yes. anything else, no.
-- Done a drug: some consider alcahol to be a drug.
-- Had Sex: nope
-- Gone on a date: No (fucking MSG and his fucking girlfriend and his fucking dinner)
-- Gone to the mall: No
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I try to stay away from processed crap like that. I poison my body enough as it is.
-- Eaten sushi: Maybe california rolls. but thats it.
-- Been on stage: Yup, for my Men in Drag concerts
-- Been dumped: No, but it felt like it when I was blown off
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: no, but I probably will do that today
-- Gone skinny dipping: where? Lake Mishigan? Its fucking freezing you fool!
-- Dyed your hair: No
-- Stolen anything: Wait, I'm pretty sure that I have 'cause I remember something about it, like I was justifying it to someone but I dont remember what or where. Maybe it was a dream.
Have you ever-
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yup. I played strip poker without learning how to play poker first. Needless to say, I lost very quickly. Then this year I sold my shirt for more chips (now that I do know how to play poker)
-- If so, was it mixed company: Yes indeed.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes, quite oftern actually
-- Been caught "doing something": hahaha. During O week. And that was a bad idea all in all.
-- Been called a tease: A cocktease, but never just tease in its own
-- Gotten beaten up: When I was little
-- Shoplifted: I dont think so, but then I have that vague idea that I recently stole something and now I'm all confused.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Not really. Cause I never fit in and I'm not sure I could change if I tried.
-- Age you hope to be married: I dunno. Maybe like 34? when the right person comes along and we both want to. I dont know hoe my life is goona shape out, stop pressuring me mom I'm only 19 and I'll get married when I do. No, I'm not gonna marry Graham for the last time! No mom! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
-- Numbers and Names of Children: Ideally I'd like twins to get it all over with at once. I wouldnt want just one kid, but I wouldnt want more than 3. So, I suppose, 2 or 3. eeeehh...maybe just 2. Lyra. If I have a girl that will be her name. If the father wants to name the kid, I'll say "If you want to pop this kid though your vagina, then you can name it. Otherwise, I do."
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I'd be in love.
-- How do you want to die: I'd be running though the jungle, being chased by a group od bandits all wielding shapened sticks, but then I'd fall off a clif into the mouth of a lion who is on fire.
-- Where you want to go to (graduate?) college: I...dont think that it english. SO I wont respond.
-- What continent/country would you most like to visit: I'd like to visit Russia and Italy. I'd like to live in France again.
-- Best eye color? Really dark brown
-- Best hair color: Brown or black. Not so into blondies.
-- Best weight: Um..not fat and not less than me. Thats the bracket.
-- Best first date location: Casual dinner, movie
-- Best first kiss location: in doesnt matter where it is, it matters how it is.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: well, aren't all illegal drugs taken illegally? Bah, one.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I really have no idea. I'm actually a very trusting person.
-- Number of CDs that I own: A lot
-- Number of piercings: 2
-- Number of tattoos: None, yet
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: as me? Um...I think once. I was on the news once, that was cool.
-- Number of scars on my body: the big ones? Well I have a lit of little onces. I have one on my lower hip left side, and a really cool one on my right foot that is very very thin, so you almost can't see it, and it has a great story behind it.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. A lot of things