lalala well this weekend was full of mikey and jessie fun!!!!! woohoo! i saw u EVERYDAYYYYYY!!!! AHHH!!!!! that's scary..... but whatever. yes game was fun on friday, saturday was nice playing with teddy and him begging for my lunch and u totally grossed out by me drinking from the carton... haha i <3 u! then sunday was full of fun "doing charity work" meaning running to MGP (greatest place in the WORLD) and to the mall for shopping and ice cream. o yea and then we actually DID do SOME work haha. old ppl r silly, i like them... mostly but yea that one lady freaked me out too babe. then we got to dance and sing with the entertainer and that was just plain fun. and then we were in "bumper to bumper traffic.... then went on the express-way" haha silly boy. ok this is ridic. long............... ill end. ttyl lover xoxoxo Jesssssss
Comments 2
and i definately am going to go to that place with you some sunday
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