read on if you want to hear me whine
what an annoying day.
today at work it was -30 and I had to go from st-henri to across the street from the prefontaine squat. on the way back the car in front of me tried to clean its windshield. unfortunately for me, it was so windy that the washer fluid squirted over the car, around my massive prescription sunglasses and into my eye! (no permanent damage, but shit did it ever burn, and I lost 20 minutes giving myself a chemical eyewash in a mall bathroom.)
then, on my next call my toeclip snapped which is complete hell on a fixed gear. at least I have 2 brakes.
then, on my 2nd last call before i was supposed to be done for the morning, i dropped my bike key and had to spend another 20 minutes retracing my footsteps up and down flights of stairs.
finally, work was over and I could go meet some friends at the people's potato for a warm, filling lunch.
wishful thinking. I get to the people's potato about half an hour late, wait in line for food, and at the end of the line discover that all that's left is watery cabbage soup with almost-raw turnips floating in it, plain porrige, and 2 spoonfuls of salad. and, to top it all off, none of my friends are still eating, but the place is full of people who I suspect hate my guts. great.
then I went to get plastic to seal my window (the only one left in the house) and the hardware store is sold out of everything but the $25 roll.
i'm sure i'd be feeling better right now if i had come home and made myself real food instead of compensating for the puke-tato by eating a bag of dollar-store chocolate bars.
also, fuck soft-fucking-titler for jerking me around. I heard that they just hired more people for the english department, after refusing to let me apply because they wanted me for a different job which hasn't yet materialized and sure as fuck isn't going to be paying my fucking -30 hydro bill any more than biking around the city for less than minimum wage is.
good thing my godfather just called me to let me know about a job opening for an administrative assistant to a francophone chief financial officer at a film company. i'll be blown away if they can't find anyone more qualified than me for that one.