
Nov 27, 2011 14:39

Title: Zen
Author: Lerah99
Rating: G
Word Count: 279
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #111 'present'
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: John Sheppard is a man defined by his past.

Rodney watches John as he sleeps. A shaft of moonlight cuts across his torso. Angles and planes defined by pale illumination and deeper shadows. His eyes trace the line of John’s jaw. It’s too dark to see the wrinkles at the edges of John’s eyes and the freckles John pretends not to hate.

John Sheppard is a man defined by his past. Rodney believes it’s the reason John is so hesitant to speak about it. Not that he expects them to start gabbing and braiding each other’s hair like twelve year old girls. Just, it would have been nice to know John had an ex-wife, and a brother, and rich bastard of a father. These pieces of John’s past always appear unexpected, like Athena emerging fully formed from Zeus’ head. Damn Lorne for spending the past couple months teaching Teyla popular Greek and Roman myths. Now, precious brain cells are being wasted on primitive stories told to scare children into obedience.

Rodney is a man obsessed with the future. He frets, worries, and shapes what is to come. A thousand years from now he expects school children to be taught his theorems along-side of those by Euclid, Pythagoras, Newton, and Euler. McKayian Physics has a grand an appropriate ring to it.

Rodney shifts closer and curls his arm around John in the darkness. He closes his eyes and tucks his chin next to John’s shoulder. Breathing in deep he can smell John, and the ridiculous hair product John denies using. Here in the silence and the dark, Rodney lets everything else go. The past and future melt away, leaving only the steady thump of John’s heartbeat beneath his hand.

sga, john/rodney, mcsheplets, fanfic, rating: g

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