
May 31, 2005 00:19

Well, Andrew has finally gone home. So I'm actually... alone. Aiyah. The weekend's been pretty good. We watched The Empire Strikes Back tonight and Kinsey last night. Kinsey was actually really good... and a bit disturbing. And funny, though not always in the 'right' way ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

xayeidemon May 31 2005, 04:52:48 UTC
Melissa ate a can of Friskies and shat a brick in the garage last week. How this corresponds to anything you've posted, I have no idea...


darkangelalana May 31 2005, 04:59:26 UTC
O.o Poor kitty!! I feel for you I really do. *huggles* You should call Alltel about the DSL problem, of course the more you wait the more we can wait to pay the bill... >> But I'd still get on it pretty quick.

I'd call, but you are the one who knows more about the problem that I do at the moment. ^^'

Good luck on your final!


xayeidemon May 31 2005, 17:38:23 UTC
I finished most of the work on the lame community. Go look at it.

... )


Hehehe leravenn June 3 2005, 18:14:26 UTC
You misspelled 'cruising.' *chide tsk*


Re: Hehehe xayeidemon June 3 2005, 20:41:47 UTC
D'oh! Normally my spelling is impeccable!

You should have seen how I'd misspelled "pinnacle," though. I practically raped that one.

::enters into a month long period of self-flagellation in penance for her misspelling sins::


Re: Hehehe leravenn June 3 2005, 23:58:01 UTC
Now, now, Dimmesdale. But just so you know, we offer our Whips of Shame in Ribald Red and Grievous Green now. Shipping's just 20 pence!!


If only there were mail order services in Puritan New England... hehehe.


The Sims II trek_girl June 1 2005, 01:21:52 UTC
Okay, something about you and Adnrew harness training Melody conjured up thoughts and feelings inside of me that I cant explain...actually, I can explain it. It reminds me of SimsII when The character who is supposed to be me tried to potty train her toddler...yeah, I need a life.


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