Once more into the breach. It's been a while. :)
What is your name?
Lee (also spelled l33 for aesthetic reasons). Hi there.
What is your relationship status?
I'm not actually in a relationship, but I do have a FWB (= friend with benefits). I'm looking for another similar relationship, emphasis on "friend", because if that's not there I don't see much point in hopping into bed. I don't have to be in love, but I can't do it with someone I don't like, you know? (And, hey, if there is love later on, that works too. But let's start with attainable goals.)
As you can gather, I'm not monogamous. I should stress that my FWB is aware I'm doing this and is okay with it; that he WON'T be involved, though the possibility of your meeting him exists; and that any girl I'm with WON'T be asked or expected to join us for a threesome or anything like that. (He can get his own girls, anyway.) This is meant to be separate to what I have with my male partner, and its own thing entirely.
Where do you live? Will you date girls who don't live there?
Southern Indiana, on the Kentucky line and about an hour from the Illinois line. I'd be willing to date within parts of the Midwest; my geographical limits are probably Indy (north), Memphis (south), Dayton (east), and St Louis (west). The point, however, is to have some real-life interaction going on, so I'd be reluctant to date much farther away. I'd also expect not to be the only one driving.
Friends from anywhere are fine. :D
How old are you?
25 30. While age isn't a huge thing for me, I'd prefer someone within 5 years of my age, either side.
Are you a student? If so, what are you studying?
I'm not a student at present. I am college-educated, though, and I studied classics, which explains the next paragraph.
Do you work? If so, what do you do?
Kind of a touchy subject for me, but that's not your fault. I am hideously underemployed and work in the service industry for an employer I hate. I spend a lot of time trying to find work I wouldn't hate, or would hate less, or that would provide enough benefit to offset the hate.
How would you define your sexuality?
I wouldn't. :D I've gone through all the labels and rejected them all because none of them are really accurate. The best thing I can say is that I am neither exclusively heterosexual nor exclusively homosexual. I'm not "confused" (at 19, I might have been; by now I pretty well know what I am and what I want), nor am I bi-curious. The best word seems to be "queer".
How would you label yourself (androgynous/butch/soft butch/femme/mtf/ftm), if at all?
I wouldn't. :D I am pretty recognizably female in terms of my appearance (women wear more interesting clothes, and I like makeup and jewelry), but I like pants better than skirts and my personality is pretty masculine (I enjoy such things as cold pizza, samurai movies, cars, chasing girls, and the word "fuck").
Do you have a preference, or don't you? If so, what is it?
I tend to be attracted to women who are more feminine than I am, which is not that hard to do, and I'm not very attracted to masculine women, although I can appreciate them as friends and aesthetically.
How tall are you?
5'6" and a half.
What size (slim/athletic/average/curvy/heavy) are you?
Lardassed. Oh, sorry, I meant "heavy". I'm working on it, but I didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight, either. If it makes you feel better, I can and do walk under my own power and I don't shop at the tent store.
Do you have a size preference, or don't you? If so, what is it?
No extremes - I like both thin and fat girls, but find emaciation (as opposed to being thin) and looking like Jabba the Hutt (as opposed to being fat) to be a turnoff.
Are you out?
I am out to my immediate family and my friends--in other words, to the people who are important to me. The rest of the world doesn't need to know. I don't ask that a girl also be a total closet case, but I do need her to accept and respect that this is probably as out as I'll ever be.
What's something you just absolutely love in a relationship?
It depends on the relationship, because every partner I've had has been different. In general, I like intelligent, funny people who are a little more low-key than I am. I like interesting conversations, and I like intellectual curiosity (which doesn't need to come in tandem with a lot of formal education).
I really, really love it when the other person understands that I have a life and activities outside of them, and she has the same and doesn't need or want to spend every waking moment together, but is willing to give me her undivided attention when we are together (and obviously I'll return the favor). I probably need more alone time than most people, and I need anybody I'm with to understand and respect that right up front.
Also, geek girls are hot. :D
Do you have any pet peeves? If so, what are they?
+ The usual applies: don't lie to me, don't dick me over, don't dick people I love over, and don't cheat. (Since I'm not monogamous, obviously I would have no issue with your having an additional partner, provided I were made aware of them as it happened or told about them up-front.)
+ Passive aggression. If you want me to know about something, or if you have a problem with me, tell me straight up. Otherwise, I will get bored with trying to figure it out and go do something that promises more entertainment.
+ Pouting, babytalk, and infantilizing language. That shit isn't cute and it won't make me more kindly disposed towards you if I'm annoyed or angry with you (it'll actually make it worse). You're an adult. Act and talk like one.
+ Spontaneity. I don't like it. I don't do well with things I can't see coming. They make me flip out (not in a "hitting you" kind of way, but in an "OMG WHAT WERE YOU THINKING NOW THE REST OF MY AFTERNOON IS RUINED DDDDD:" kind of way.)
Do you smoke? Do smokers bother you?
No, and while smokers don't bother me, I need a partner who doesn't smoke. I don't smoke because I quit, and I'd rather not start again.
Do you drink? Do drinkers bother you?
I rarely drink--"drinking" to me is "a beer after work once in a while" or "a glass of wine at dinner every now and then", not "whoooo let's see who pukes first!!!"--and I'd prefer a similar pattern in a partner. I've been drunk exactly once in my life and I feel no desire to repeat the experience.
Do you drug? Do druggers bother you?
No, and I need someone who doesn't drug, either. I'm not pro- or anti-drug, but it's a legal can of worms I don't feel like opening.
What types of music do you like?
I'll listen to most things once, but for the most part I like old punk from the '70s and '80s, and I like classical. My taste in music is legendarily bad, and these may be the only bright spots therein.
Which authors do you read, if any?
All of them. Seriously. I read everything. If you're asking about my favorite authors, those would be Cao Xueqin (obviously), Homer, Isabel Allende, Jane Austen (yes, guilty), Rudyard Kipling (even if he is an imperialist), Dorothy Dunnett, J.R.R. Tolkien (I never said I wasn't a geek), Honoré de Balzac, Émile Zola, and probably some others I'm forgetting. I tend to think more in terms of favorite books than in terms of authors, though.
Which television shows are a must-watch for you, if any?
I don't watch TV; I have no attention span to speak of. If I remember something fondly from the days when I did watch TV, or if something sounds interesting and like I should pick it up, I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and Netflix it.
What are some of your favorite movies?
The Seven Samurai. Yojimbo and Sanjuro. (Yes, I would be exclusively heterosexual for Toshiro Mifune. He's dead, so I'm not in any danger, thank God.) The original Star Wars trilogy (the prequels are dead to me. DEAD). Elizabeth. Much Ado About Nothing. Animal House. Stand By Me. Chicago. Vanity Fair. I like movies where everyone has a costume and an accent; I also like movies where everyone is a samurai, or everyone is training with the Shaolin monks.
If you could live anywhere in this world, where would it be and why?
I'd go back home to Bloomington, probably, because it's my home and I miss it so much and it was a lot more congenial to the kind of person I am; we have The Stupids there, too, but it was a lot easier for me to ignore it because it was less profoundly ingrained in the culture. If that's too unbelievably lame for words, I could also head back East to an earlier home (the Baltimore/DC metro area), because it was just gorgeous in terms of the environment (this is looking through the prism of 15 years and lost innocence, though, so!) and not far off from a major city when I wanted some culture.
What do you like on your pizza?
I don't usually eat red meat, but I find that pizza isn't very good without pepperoni and/or sausage. Also, I once had a green pepper pizza and that was pretty good stuff. :D
Describe your perfect weekend.
It depends. Sometimes it's a trip to the library, more books than I can comfortably carry, and no obligations for the rest of the weekend. Sometimes it's a brief road trip to somewhere interesting (double points if it's somewhere I've never been before). Alone or in the right company are both fine.
Tell us your favorite scent? (You know, the one that makes you weak in the knees!)
Scents change according to body chemistry, so it depends on the girl. :D
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
lol chek out mah shitteh jurnl!!!! But seriously, while no one will be forced to read my LJ if she doesn't want to, it does say a lot about me (specifically that I like to say four-letter words and make fun of things I'm not supposed to make fun of, so I suppose ultimately it says nothing good about me).
Now, just leave us your contact information (aim, e-mail, msn, myspace, etc.) and post a picture behind an lj-cut.
AIM: Lady Rokujou or yukichiyarou. I'm on often, and the screen names are linked, so if one is on, the other will be too.
E-mail: theninthbeauty@gmail.com. Checked daily! Occasionally gets answered daily!
I'm on other sites, but these and LJ are really the best way to get ahold of me, if you're so inclined.
Behold! I am master of the Fat Girl Angle Shot! And yes, this is my favorite largely because it really looks like me.