The Hobbit: Now three movies so we had to add some stuff that we made up

Dec 15, 2012 21:07

Saw The Hobbit. Mostly it was fun, but you can really sense the padding in some scenes...there was one in Rivendell which not only served no purpose but was basically there to reassure us that, yes, the Elves are upper class wankers and the Dwarfs prefer meat and potatoes to salad. As if we hadn't worked that out from when the King of the Wanker Woodland Elves rides off on his stag to leave the Dwarfs to die horribly at the hands of Smaug. And I'm pretty sure I saw sushi on one elvish table in Rivendell. I know I shouldn't have< found Radagast's rabbit drawn sleigh as entertaining as I did, but somehow I was just gripped by the idea of A RABBIT DRAWN SLEIGH/s> It's a little portentous and overlong and suffers badly from wanting to be Lord of the Rings, but overall it's pretty entertaining.

On a completely different note, that Catholics come home to mother church ad that they're currently showing on the TV here would benefit from not cutting from an image of St. Peter to Pope Benedict waving with his most satanic smirk.

hobbit, movie

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