thank you so much again,bryan. really,it honestly means a lot to me. you've probably said more to me about my art in the past 2 posts then my sister has in her life. also,i guess i understand about the corn one...i think corn on the cobb is really disgusting to eat and thought b/c i didn't like the cobbs that i didn't like any corn.some corn is okay,but not on the cobb,or popped,or creamed. and yes,it is a self-portrait. thank you again.
caitlin duran 887 capp street san francisco,ca 94110 usa
i didn't even have to look it up,i remembered it from when i was there.i,at least,was impressed.
also,i haven;t forgot about sending you a package.but i have a question-is it too hot to send chocolate to the bay area now?i sent my friend melissa who lives in sf some homemade fudge and a peppermint rittersport(when they were vegan...UGH)and the rittersport completely melted.and that was june 10th last year.or is it still pretty mild/cold there?
Comments 6
really,it honestly means a lot to me.
you've probably said more to me about my art in the past 2 posts then my sister has in her life.
also,i guess i understand about the corn one...i think corn on the cobb is really disgusting to eat and thought b/c i didn't like the cobbs that i didn't like any corn.some corn is okay,but not on the cobb,or popped,or creamed.
and yes,it is a self-portrait.
thank you again.
caitlin duran
887 capp street
san francisco,ca 94110
i didn't even have to look it up,i remembered it from when i was there.i,at
least,was impressed.
also,i haven;t forgot about sending you a package.but i have a question-is it too hot to send chocolate to the bay area now?i sent my friend melissa who lives in sf some homemade fudge and a peppermint rittersport(when they were vegan...UGH)and the rittersport completely melted.and that was june 10th last year.or is it still pretty mild/cold there?
i think chocolate will be fine. its gotten a little hotter but its still like an old refrigerator. i'm excited
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