My trip was somuchfun! ::nodnodnod:: I had packed with enough time because Sandy decided to tell me that I didn't want to go to Great America naked. Considering how cold it actually was... yeah! I agree! ::grins:: I had everything I needed to go... and put my directions on top of my Phantom cd, so I would not forget them! So, naturally, I did. I grabbed the phantom cd and left the directions there. I'm such a goob. But, it made for an *interesting* trip!
I at least remembered in enough time to call Dan! He reread my directions to me twice... and I restated them about three or four times until I knew I had it right. ::nod:: Richmond bridge to I-80. So.... the entire fact that I-80 is right passed the bridge was lost to me. I was, seriously, like "Oh hey! look! I-80! .... oops." As I passed it. Completely and totally missed the exit. Saw it, though! Did see it! Then was like "Well...... 880 goes down, I think. Maybe." So kept on going. Headed towards the bridge. ::nod:: The Bay Bridge. Saw the sign that said "San Francisco" I blinked... then saw "San Jose" Was like "Oo! there we go!" It worked! I was going south again! And not to San Fran! (And no toll. So very uber) Then thought that I was s'poseta go on 87. Well, yes. I was. Except I was supposed to via I-80. I wasn't on I-80, though... whee! I totally and completely went passed. San Jose. Went into Morgan Hill. Got gas, got food, checked map. Was like "... 85. Right. So knew that." So went back to find 85! ... and I did find 85! Then I saw "Almaden Expressway" Which is what I needed. Course. Saw 87 before then. And was like "Oo! 87! Onward!" ... so I shoulda gone to Almaden, yes yes, I should have. ::giggles:: But I got off at Capitol as I realized that my car was kinda going *away* from Almaden. So I went towards it... or where I thought I could... then blinked as I had no clue where I was. But I knew I was on Pearl street... and was like "this is good!" So kept going. Ran into Branham street. I recognized that name and turned right! Then part of the way through was like "Oh crap. Was I supposed to make a right or a left?" Had to think whether I wrote L R L or R L R. Branham was the middle. ::nod:: Took me a moment... then decided I was good! And then I ran into Almaden again! And sat there at the stoplight going "Why do I know that name..." I had *six* hours of sleep before driving, so gimme a break! Realized why I knew it, then was like "Oo! Good! Getting close!" Jarvis... the only street I remembered... I saw, I turned. I kept going. I found Scossia.. and for some reason remembered the number. Numbers are my friend, yes yes, they are.
Cassiebum and I went for a walk for an hour! And then got caffeine and white cheddar popcorn! 1am! Good stuff at 1am! Talked with the clone. Was uber fun! Cassie and I are strange, though, I think we scared him. He'll deny it, naturally ::smirks:: But you know you paused a few times! You know you did! And I already know my voice goes up an entire octave when I am with Cassie. It's a talent. ::nod:: She and I stopped talking at 6am. Prolly fell asleep at 6:30 ::beams happily:: I was up for 22 hours! Or so! Then, then, we got up at 10:30ish!
Four hours sleep, went to Great America! Stayed for at least five hours, I do believe ::noddle:: With one break to go eat at Togos. Top Gun is STILL the best ride there. Front row of Top Gun. Back row of Demon. Too cold to go on water rides... which was fine! ::think:: Yah! Was ubermuchly fun! Went on Drop Zone For Seniors ::grins:: Which is the Star Tower. Slow spinning tower thing to see the entire park. I still think they shoulda had that in the *middle* of the park so half the time you're not seeing a wonderful parking lot and some buildings. Heh. We talked a lot! Yerp. Talked about random things. Good and bad. Bonding time! Was good stuffs.
We got to her place at around 7. Called the soul sistah! Thatwasfun! Took headshots and stuff for Cassie ::nodnod:: And then called the clone. He and Cassie were trying to corrupt me. ::eyes clone and Cassie:: Yes *trying* to corrupt. Course. Was told I had to get good night's sleep... and was falling asleep anyhow... so ended up calling Dan, hearing a bit of his day... then crashing at around 10:30. Time change. Yeah. Whoever thought the time change should come on April Fools' Day ought to be shot. Sandy told me... but Sandy had said that Brendan reminded her. So, I paused. Then Brendan told me, and I was like "Erg. This isn't like some april fools joke, right, 'cause that would be wrong..." Dan confirmed it too! So ya know... switched the clocks! Got 8 hours of sleep, even with the loss of an hour!
Left Cassie at 9:45ish, and drove home. Got lost. WHEE! I'm so good at that. But! I knew that 85 *eventually* hit 280. Course. I knew that 17 *eventually* hit 280, also. But... this time, I just stayed on 85. I'm a goob, I know. Finally found 280! Yes, yes, I did! And that meant I knew how to get home! So I went home. And just as I pulled up, and put the emergency break on, and got out of the car... Mom was coming out of the house. ::big smile:: It was *so* amusing to see my mom's reaction. I hadn't told her I was coming. She was heading out to drive to see my brother's bowling tournament. I delayed her. ::is good at that:: We talked for about an hour. I also got to talk to my sister, and grandma, 'cause they called. And wished my brother luck on his bowling tourney, 'cause mom had to call him to make sure he didn't worry. Last thing he needed to do was worry while trying his best at a tourney ::nodnod:: We talked about the Vegas thing. She said I should try to get my resumes out to the zoos... see what comes back. More on that later.
Went to Jessica's house after I left mom. Jessica and Marisa and I went out to eat together! Was fun! Rockin' Robs.. Best place evah! ::giggle:: Talked with them about Vegas too. WHEE! No one can see me living there. Why doesn't that surprise me, eh? Talked about kitties too. And before I left, I had them listen to Windrider unchained. BOTH versions. Course. I had them listen to the horrid version first. The cringed look they gave me made me beam. I'm not alone!! Let them hear the good version. Then made 'em listen to the bad version at a different part. ::nodnod:: The new version... so... utterly... horrid...
Headed back to Arcata, then. Sandy laughed at me, though! She was on the phone with me as I was driving passed the zoo and towards the golden gate and stuff... I take a route that gets me *right* at the entrance of the bridge on SF side. My lane doesn't merge with another lane. The guy in front of me, and to the side of me didn't realize that. So I was encouragingly telling them they could drive... they weren't going to hit each other... "Good cars... there you go... just keep on driving... you can do it..." ::smirks:: I suppose it is kinda amusing. People are stupid! Whee!! Home now! Get to do four hours of chemistry studying tomorrow for the exam... that... I'm not taking. ::shrug:: Oh well.
Had ubermuchly fun.