Hiatus Fest 2011!!

Feb 27, 2011 10:15

So we've got three weeks without any new Leslie/Ben scenes and it's up to us to make our own.  This is purely a participatory challenge, so please everyone is encouraged to join the fun, even if you've never written before, whether it be a hundred word drabble or over a thousand words of adorkableness, the point is just to play.  Even if you don't want to participate by writing, you can more than do so just by providing feedback.

Note:  I'd love to do a graphics challenge to go with this, but I am so incredibly not a graphics person.  So I don't know how those challenges go, if anyone would like to help out in providing that aspect that would be great.


1)  There will be three rounds of challenges, so if you don't like any of the challenges in the first one, hang on more are coming.

2)  Please post your response to the challenge in the comments below (whether with the story or with a link to the story if too long for the comments).  In your subject line make sure to note the challenge you're responding to.  At the end of the Fest  we'll do a masterpost with all the responses.  If you want to respond to all of the challenges?  Great!  Go for it!

3)  Have Fun!

The Challenges - Group One

1)  The Observer/Third Wheel  -- Leslie and Ben through the eyes of another member of the wild and wacky Pawnee community

2)  Past/Future -- exactly what it says

3)  A Tour of Pawnee -- The more new obscure Pawnee landmarks Ben winds up in, the better.


*UPDATE* -- Proof I am way too new at this.  The first round will close Sunday March 6, 2011 and the next round of challenges will be posted then.

fanwork: fic, community: hiatus fest, fandom: contest

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