I'm probably just in moron mode, but what's this flatting plug-in spozed to do, exactly? The page isn't very clear, and messing around with it in Photoshop doesn't seem to produce any results, for me...
The idea is that you take your linework layer and duplicate it, then run the "multifill" filter. That looks for white spaces and fills them in with a randomly selected color. Then you run the "flatting" filter, and it removes the black lines and expands all the color fields, taking care of the trapping at the same time.
After that, you can just set your new color layer to multiply or (this is what I do) copy your colors and paste them into the color channels on your linework layer.
Then you can just go in with your bucket tool or what have you and super-quickly assign the correct colors to the areas. No more selecting areas one-by-one and filling them!
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After that, you can just set your new color layer to multiply or (this is what I do) copy your colors and paste them into the color channels on your linework layer.
Then you can just go in with your bucket tool or what have you and super-quickly assign the correct colors to the areas. No more selecting areas one-by-one and filling them!
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