Well, since
a) I'm quite bored
b) I just finished re-reading the Brick and forgot just how adorable they were,
I present to you just a few pictures from my collection of Marius and Cosette sweetness!
Sandra Turley and Peter Lockyer in The Robbery
I haven't a clue who these two are, but it's cute nonetheless. ^__^
This is adorable. I love when Marius jumps in front of her during the robbery.
Leslie Henstock and Adam Jacobs. I had the opportunity to see these two as Cosette and Marius, and I was most impressed. They were absolutely adorable, and they had amazing chemistry.
I'm afraid I don't know who these two are, either, but they are darling. I love this picture.
Jerome Pradon and Marie Zamora.
And...one of my favorite Marius/Cosette pictures ever. It perfectly captures their love at first sight. Rebecca Vere and Tom Lucas.
Michael Ball and Rebecca Caine, in A Hert Full of Love, original London production. Thankfully, Cosette's hairstyle was changed by the time they brought it to Broadway. XD Very, very cute.
Stephanie Waters and a Marius whose name I can't recall.
Leslie Henstock and Adam Jacobs, whose AHFOL was a highlight of the show.
Sandra Turley and Peter Lockyer in Everyday.
Unknown Marius and Cosette.
Sandra Turley and Peter Lockyer in the wedding scene. One of my favourites ^__^
Adam Jacobs and Leslie Henstock.
Sandra Turley and a Marius I forget the name of. But...such an adorable picture!
Sandra Turley and yet another Marius I don't know.
And, just because I love them:
Adam Jacobs collecting for BCEFA. Don't you just want to squish him? XD
A cute picture of Leslie.