If you need a pinch-hitter, at any time up to and including right before the deadline for submissions, I would be happy to oblige. I've written quite a lot, mostly SSHG but other ships as well, and I will write anything.
I've sent it again on broomclosetravenclaw@yahoo.com and didn't have any signal that it was undelivered. If you still didn't receive your assignment, you can either give me another e-mail address or send me some message on orpheus_on_samhain_night@yahoo.co.uk and I'll use 'reply' function.
Comments 5
If you need a pinch-hitter, at any time up to and including right before the deadline for submissions, I would be happy to oblige. I've written quite a lot, mostly SSHG but other ships as well, and I will write anything.
Hope it helps.
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