Title: In His Eyes
writermerrinRating: G
Word count: ~2,000
Warnings: None
Summary: A series of events from 1976-1979; mistakes and consequences, and perhaps a chance at something different.
Disclaimer: The recognizable characters belong to JKR and not to me. I’m just playing with them.
Author's Notes:
In His Eyes )
Comments 5
"Better late than never." He lifted one ungloved, cold hand and rested it against her cheek. He brushed his thumb along her lower lip before letting his hand fall away. "You were right," he said quietly. "I'm sorrier than you'll ever know."
These lines really caught my attention because "Better late than never" is such a fitting motto for him. Very well done.
Flushing slightly, she broke the kiss. Tilting her chin, she regarded him. "Am I still the only thing in your eyes, Severus?"
"Always," he assured her before he released her from his embrace, wrapping an arm around her waist so they could walk along.
Awwww....! *dribble*
What a great look into theme and imagery tied into glimpses of canon! I love it!
I also really liked this line:
There was a fair bit of acid in her voice because anger was easier to deal with than pain.
And the entire last half dozen paragraphs were really good and made me smile and sorta tear up a bit. :(( Poor them! DOOMED!
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