
Apr 20, 2006 23:09

Today was beautiful outside an of course i was inside all day either asleep or at work. I did manage to sneek out a couple times at work but it was not enough. Right now i am bored out of my freakin' mind. Josh is asleep right now, we worked totally opposite shifts this week, maybe i am going crazy but i feel so distance from him in the past ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

irapeurmom April 21 2006, 12:39:08 UTC
aw, hannah mariah. shake that little booty on down to Arkansas! You were the first person to wish me a happy bday so that means you get all my lovin' ...sooooo we have long nights and long talks when you get here, k? Hang in there.


lessthan22 April 23 2006, 21:25:50 UTC
you + me + Ar-kansas = one hot ass time!!

i am counting the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


This icon is for Jen nikkirog April 21 2006, 13:34:12 UTC
you know i love ya and will see you saturday for some pooping good times.

also, when you wrote "then i sit there and think about every fucking person in the world" i thought you wrote "then i sit there and think about fucking every person in the world" and i got scared, then uncomfortable, then VERY comfortable... Then maggie laughed.

I love you. you should talk to me about these things. we have been friends for like 95 years and i feel like we never have serious talks. SO GET WITH THE BEING SERIOUS. okay i'm nuts. i love you so much though and i couldn't imagine my life without you!


Re: This icon is for Jen lessthan22 April 23 2006, 21:27:29 UTC
i love you , and i think the two of us should just run away with each other and start are own island some where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you in!!!!


imanosepicker April 21 2006, 15:16:31 UTC
That must have been why I woke up in the middle of the night last night crying and freaking out, it's our ESP. I feel the same way, Miss can't even decribe how I feel about my family and Nikki right now. It's all I am thinking about. I really miss You, Mom, Josh, Dad, Jacob, Biz...everyone! I can't wait to see you....Sat? AND Monday!

I just wrote you a novel! I love you, and I am gonna go call you!
<3 Your little sista


lessthan22 April 23 2006, 21:24:44 UTC
you are the best little sister any girl could ever ask for!!!!!!!!!!


palexseptember April 22 2006, 12:34:40 UTC
Hannah, I am very tempted to not leave a comment because i dont have a michael jackson clip in my picture thing. ( thats kinda creeping me out!) BECK!!!!! But listen i work crazy hours again but i have mon. and wed. off. (monday is my booty call day, but i can explain that one later lol) but listen i would love to hang out wich yo fine arse. i would even cancell my booty call for you...well only if i could rape you instead.. but you should give me a call because i love you and miss you. im gonna leave my cell-o ( ... )


lessthan22 April 23 2006, 21:23:59 UTC

you crazy girl you, i love you and i'll give you a call sometime soon. you rock my ass ten ways to sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the beck song. hahah .


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