Today was beautiful outside an of course i was inside all day either asleep or at work. I did manage to sneek out a couple times at work but it was not enough. Right now i am bored out of my freakin' mind. Josh is asleep right now, we worked totally opposite shifts this week, maybe i am going crazy but i feel so distance from him in the past
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Comments 8
i am counting the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
also, when you wrote "then i sit there and think about every fucking person in the world" i thought you wrote "then i sit there and think about fucking every person in the world" and i got scared, then uncomfortable, then VERY comfortable... Then maggie laughed.
I love you. you should talk to me about these things. we have been friends for like 95 years and i feel like we never have serious talks. SO GET WITH THE BEING SERIOUS. okay i'm nuts. i love you so much though and i couldn't imagine my life without you!
I just wrote you a novel! I love you, and I am gonna go call you!
<3 Your little sista
you crazy girl you, i love you and i'll give you a call sometime soon. you rock my ass ten ways to sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the beck song. hahah .
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