Some day when you have your own family to provide for, your own bills to pay, your own job, your own shit to take care of... and you have to work your ass off to make ends meet or become ultimately fucked over in a capitalist society, you might understand the conservatives a bit more than you do right now.
Once you really get involved with the systems and see how fucked over you really are you'll start to agree with them (conservatives) on some things. But also being a compassionate person you'll agree with liberals too. And you understand why we have both and that they're supposed to work together to find what's best for everybody. And that they don't. :[
I believe that right now our country needs a liberal president but that doesn't mean we always need one or that they're the best. We've had some great conservative presidents as well.
Just saying you should learn a little more about the system and see what your place in it is before you pass judgement on it.
Comments 12
JAY KAY!!!!!
But who knows.
I believe that right now our country needs a liberal president but that doesn't mean we always need one or that they're the best. We've had some great conservative presidents as well.
Just saying you should learn a little more about the system and see what your place in it is before you pass judgement on it.
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