Lucky you. Have fun. And stuff. Meep. But you really should stop all that cutting shit. It's bad for the health..:cough: See what I caught? Damnit man what the hell. Meep :shifty eyes: Yeah. All it does is cause arguements and shit...
Dammit, cutting is so gay. I know, I used to do it, but you have to get over it. It doesn't help. It's all in your fuckin' mind. Everytime you cut you're being selfish. People don't want you to cut, but you do. You're doing what you want and that's just plain selfish. Get outta the habit. Now. Before I come over there and make you stop.
also, don't cut hun it's not worth it.. i know it's an addiction, i do it too. it's so hard to stop it feels like the world is going to end if you don't. i added you to my friends, it seems like we have alot in common, add me back ? <3
I know how you feel..I've been cutting for almost 5 years. It is like an addiction. I got over it for like..a month but then the scars and memories hurt so much. But I'm glad I'm still here. I know i need to stop. Just know that (even though i don't know you....) we do care and you have people who love you like crazy.
Comments 7
Get outta the habit.
Before I come over there and make you stop.
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