everyone in my life is absolutely amazing. so happy to have finally reached a point where i do not involve myself with people who make me feel like shit. [and when i do come in contact with the random acquaintance who falls under the nasty category i don't let it get to me for longer than 5 minutes
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i've been rocking out to rent in my mom's mini van lately. yep - i drive a mini van when i'm home. (opposed to no car when i'm in e.l. so i can't really complain
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and i'm still pretending i know what to say.i am so mad i couldn't go to that hard lessons show thursday night. (sold out) BUT i did get to go see "fast food nation" with katie and jen so that was fun. movie was better than i expected, not entertaining per se, but really interesting. (i read the book too
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so i just spent the last 20 minutes crying on Colin's shoulder and acting hysterical in the owen lobby. there were lots of people around and i'm sure they were staring
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so i've been working a ton lately, and mostly what i mean by work is homework ... slowly writing a research paper, preparing for exams, kind of, and doing endless reading and silly online assignments
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