Character Info

May 10, 2011 23:36

Name: Lavi
Age: 18 (approx.)

Status: Werewolf
Strain: Infectious

Reacts to:
--- Iron (mild)
--- Silver (mild)
--- Mistletoe (mild)
--- Full Moon (inconsistent; can cause a "wild" reaction)

Misc. Notes:
--- Has a good memory, but not as good as canon. Very curious.
--- Blind in his right eye. Can make out light and dark, and sometimes blurry shapes. He wears an eyepatch because it's sensitive to light.
--- Wears a short iron chain around his neck that could strangle him if he transformed. It wasn't much of a choice. More info on that here.



Lavi lost his entire memory when he was around 7-9 years old. He found himself at an orphanage, although he'd only been there a day or two; apparently, he'd been found wandering near the police station in a daze while wearing bloody clothes.

He lived at the orphanage for a few years (where he was given his name).

Finders came to town after the Order caught wind of recent werewolf activity. During their investigation, they found out that Lavi had possibly survived a werewolf attack years ago. The Finders, thinking he may have been exposed to lycanthropy, found him and took him to the Order.

As soon as Lavi arrived at the Order, there was an accident; he was attacked by a werewolf in a "wild" state. He lost his eye and contracted lycanthropy, sealing his fate.


Lavi acts somewhat friendlier and dumber than he naturally is, but it's not a complete act. Although he's naturally more reserved than he's learned how to act (and he slips up sometimes), he does genuinely care for a number of people at the Order.
He does have a colder, more observing part of him that has been encouraged by Bookman, another werewolf captured by the Order. Lavi looks up to him as a mentor.


Lavi has been known to sneak around to try to get a look at the Order's records.
He's gotten some practice at lock-picking and breaking simple codes because of this.

(Recently, Lavi has started coming across hints that there may be another group outside the Order in play, but he can't seem to find any specifics so far. Many of the records seem to have been destroyed.)


Lavi has been teaching himself basic kinds of self-defense and trying to teach himself how to fight with a staff, although the staff was more of a whim.

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