Here're my
For those of you who want to read them for the test tomorrow....
communication > outcomes
-there’s no such thing as doesn’t count
-proposal example: “you mean the fucking world to me”
4.) IPC is dynamic
-no 2 moments in an interaction, interactions, points in a relationship, or relationship will be the same
5.) IPC is intertwined with ethics
Defining Self:
> Labels - jock, prepp, stoner, emo, etc.
> Understanding the Self is the first step toward improving IPC and relationship outcomes
> Self is an evolving combination of self-awareness, self-concept, and self-esteem
-Self-Awareness & Crictical Self Reflection
- Self-Awareness: the ability to perceive yourself as distinct from the surrounding environment and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
**Critical Self-Reflection:
1.) what am I thinking and feeling?
2.) why am I thinking and feeling the way I am?
3.) how am I communicating?
4.) How are my thoughts/feelings influencing my COM 5.) How can I improve my thoughts, feelings, and COM
- Self-Concept: Your overall perception of who you are, based on the beliefs, attitudes and values you have about yourself
- Self-Esteem: Your overall evaluation of self-worth
- people with high self-esteem:
1.) report greater life satisfaction
2.) report greater relationship satisfaction
3.) exhibit greater leadership ability, athleticisim, and academic performance
Self-Discrepency Theory: Argues that our esteem is determined by comparing ourselves against two standards:
1.) ideal self: the characteristics you wish to possess; mental physical, material and even spiritual - impossible to attain
2.) Ought self: the person others wish and expect you to be; including family, friends, colleagues, and romantic partners. “Living up to their expectations...”
3.) When perception of self matches both ideal and ought self or when attainment of these selves is perceived as possible, people report high esteem and life satisfaction. (having a high sense of efficacy doesn’t effect your esteem negatively
---------------------------------------MISSING A DAY OF NOTES-------------------------------------
Facts about Self-Disclosure - revealing private information about your self to others
-In all cultures, people vary widely in the degree to which they self-disclose
-People disclose more quickly online than in face to face settings
-Euro-Americans disclose more and view it as more important than any other cultural group
-Disclosure enhances health: suppressing troubling information increases stress, lowers immune functioning, increases blood pressure, and can trigger ulcers.
Improving Your Self-Disclosure
-Before disclosing, make sure it’s information you want to share, and consider the consequences
-Don’t force others to self-disclose
-Don’t presume gender and cultural differences (women slightly more than men)
-Go slowly!
-woman writes for Cenanda (jesus), group of aliens from distant planet. Clariononians will destroy earth and save the faithful.
-If something happens to destroy your belief, what happens afterwards? Are people’s beliefs destroyed? Or is it emboldened and they ignore the evidence
-Perception - the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from our senses
-How we perceive people strongly shapes how we communicate towards them
-Our perception of others is a product of our own mental creation - hence, it is never objective and is frequently flawed.
-Interpersonal Impressions - mental pictures of who people are and how we feel about them
-Gestalt Impression - A general and global impression that’s either + or -
-Are based on a few observed traits from which we generalize
-form rapidly with little effort
-are useful for casual encounters (quick and mindless)
-significantly bias subsequent perception
• Halo effect: The tendency to perceive all behavior of a person as positive, because we have a positive gestalt for them
• Horn effect: the tendency to perceive all behavior of a person as negative, because we have a negative Gestalt for them.
-Polyanna Effects
-people perceive positive events as more likely to occur than negative ones
-most people deem their lives as “happy”
-most people describe themselves as “optimists”
-most people view themselves as “above average” (7 on 1-10 scale) in both intellect and attractiveness
-two outcomes of polyanna:
-positivity bias: gestalts are more likely to be positive than negative
-negativity effect: negative information is WEIGHTED more heavily than positive, because it is perceived as more “uniquely informative” about a person’s true character. two worst perceptions are arrogance and duplicity.
Attributions - casual explanations for others’ and our own behavior
-two types of attributions:
- Internal (dispositional): behavior stems from internal causes, namely personality (disposition).
- External (situational): Behavior stems from external causes (other people, environmental factors)
-Attributional Errors
-THE FUNDAMENTAL ATTRIBUTION ERROR - The tendency to attribute others’ behavior to internal rather than external errors.
-most common perceptual error
-stems from salience of people in our perceptual field.
-especially common online
-The Actor-Observer Effect: the tendency to make external attributions regarding our own behavior
-as a result, we expect our own behavior to be more situationally variable than the behavior of others.
-an exception to the A-O- E is the self-serving bias
-self-serving bias: tendency to make internal attributions regarding our large successes, and external attributions regarding large failures.
-to combat attributional errors, remember: All human behavior is the result of complex combinations of internal and external factors.
Uncertainy Reduction Theory
- basic assumption: when people meet and communicate, their primary concern is reducing uncertainty; that is, increasing predictability and explainability of their own and their partner’s behavior.
-two kinds of uncertainty, proactive and retroactive
-proactive - predicting behavior
-retroactive - trying to explain something after
-Axioms of Uncertainty Reduction Theory
- Axiom 1 - as communication between people increases, uncertainty will go down.
- Axiom 2 - Similarities between people decrease uncertaintyl dissimilarities increase uncertainty (ingroupers vs. outgroupers)
- Axiom 3 - increases in uncertainty cause information in information-seeking
- Axiom 4 - increases in uncertainty cause decreases in liking.
- Uncertainty and Relationship Survival
- parks and adelman (romeo and juliet effect), 4 variables
1.) - communication with partner’s network
2.) - support from partner’s network
3.) - Communication with partner
4.) - Perceived similarity to partner
- the more variable activity, the more uncertainty decreases
-paper pencil survey with comitted couples, ask variable questions at time one, ask uncertainty questions at time two (3 months later)
-30% had broken up
- all 4 variables influenced uncertainty and survival
- 2 strongest predictors of survival
- communication with partner
- support from network
-when calculating survival, could predict accurately 87.7%