Player's Name: Raini
Player LJ: sailorsanrio
AIM or Email: aim//sozdaniye; email//
Timezone: Pacific
Other Characters Played: [Original] Lucrecia Crescent
Character: Rika
Series/Fandom: Phantasy Star 4
Original or Template version: Original
Age: 1. Seriously, she had only been around for one year when the party finds her in-game. Physically she looks to be about 15 or 16, and mentally probably not much older or younger.
Gender: Female
Species: Numan
Sexuality: That's still a new concept to her, though she does seem to have a small crush on Chaz... (straight)
Appearance: Rika has naturally darker skin, like a medium tan. She also has long elf-like ears (that are said to look like horns to those on Dezolis) with black tips. Her hair is a dark pink, almost a magenta colour, and it's down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are blue, and are always sparkling with innocence and curiosity.
Her clothing consists of sleeveless black, high-cut armour (or what looks to be high-cut armour) with a white and black breastplate covering her top half, a semi-transparent white mantle, and black thigh-high boots. On her sides where she can get to them easily in a fight are cat-like clawed weapons (think Wolverine claws, only without them retracting into her skin). On her hands are fingerless long black gloves, that end right before her elbow. Around her neck is a simple black choker.
Also, since she's not exactly human, her canine teeth are a little longer, giving off the appearance of fangs (they're nothing like vampire fangs where they stick out of her mouth or anything like that.)
Personality: Rika is a very outgoing individual, and very naive. Considering she had only been made a year prior to the game's events, she still doesn't understand much about the world, but she has a big heart and a desire to help those she calls 'friend'. She likes making friends and learning more about things, especially about her world (or any world, really.) She also has a very strange sense of humor, finding the worst jokes really very hilarious.
Though however naive she is, she knows that she has responsibilities, and she definitely knows right from wrong. Rika is one that is very hard to annoy or otherwise anger, but she does get angry after a lot of pushing. Rika is also prone to crying uncontrollably when she's sad, and things like death and knowing all things die in general make her very upset. She is a lover of life, and seeing things or people die upset her greatly. She loves the outdoors, loving to run freely if she's able through the grass. Nature is something she's very fond of.
Abilities/Strengths: Rika is strong physically, and can hold her own in a fight. She's also very fast and light on her feet, and she's able to use magic and techniques to her advantage. Her magic consists of defensive spells, such as healing and defense against other magic and physical attacks. Her skills are both offensive and defensive. She's also a good friend, and will always offer a shoulder to cry on, or protect someone as much as she can.
Weaknesses: Strong attacks and strong magic damage her, and long range attacks are horrible for her, since she's best at close range attacks. Also, seeing things die or get hurt make her upset and prone to attack if she is distracted by such things. People (or other species) who are just as fast or faster than her also cause problems for her, and of course, magic that dispels her defensive magic.
History: Rika first awakened within the confines of where Seed was housed on Motavia, in what was Birth Valley. During the course of a year, Rika was taught by the computer, Seed, and Wren from the Zelan satellite in space. Before she met any of her future friends, however, there was an unfortunate accident outside of the doors to the bioplant that Seed was in; it was Zio, turning the researchers from Piata into stone, including Hahn's teacher. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that she had contact with the first human she would ever meet, and that was Professor Holt. Rika saved him from the monsters that had taken up residence in the bioplant, and subsequently met Alys and the people with her. Seed informed Alys's group that Zio had taken Demi, the android in charge of Nurvus, which was what was sending the planet into decay, and that in order to get Nurvus back under control, they woul dhave to save her. Agreeing, Rika was told to go with Alys and her small group.
After Alys took Rika from the bioplant and out into the real world, Seed made sure that Rika could not return, wanting her to live on her own and learn more than what itself and Wren could teach her. From Zema (and Birth Valley) they traveled to Kadary, where the Church of Zio was, and learned of where Zio stayed at all times. So, the group traveled to Zio's Fort, and found that access to the basement was restricted, and instead went upward, to the top of the tower. There they found Demi, and Alys and Rika freed her with their weapons. But before anything could be done involving Nurvus and stopping it, Zio appeared, and the group fought him, only to have Alys be infected by the Black Wave. Chaz, worried for Alys, Rika, and Demi, he teleported them out and back to Krup, where they brought Alys to hopefully heal from her infection. However, nothing could be done, and Alys told Chaz to find Rune.
The now-smaller group travelled to Ladea Tower, where they had heard Rune was. Upon finding him and gaining the Psycho Wand, the only way to neutralize Zio and his power. However, when they gained the Psycho Wand, both Rune and Rika sensed something was wrong, and they rushed back to Krup, where they found Alys on her deathbed. For Rika, it was the first time she had ever witnessed death anywhere, and it left a huge impact on her. Hearing Alys's last words to Chaz about carving his own future by himself, and then she had to witness the death of a friend. That night, Alys was buried in a very quiet, solemn funeral, surrounded by those she called friend.
That night, Rika visited Chaz, to tell him that she was glad to have been able to leave the bioplant, and to be able to experience all that she had in the short time she had been with them. The ocean, the mountains, and people had been such an impact on her at that time. Of course, the next morning, they set out to Zio's Fort, which they learned was built over Nurvus, so that no one could get to it. Rune destroyed the barrier leading to the basement where Nurvus was actually located. After a walk to the end where the computer that made up all of Nurvus, the group ran into Zio once more. This time, armed with the Psycho Wand, Zio was destroyed. Afterward, Demi left the small party to talk with Nurvus and shut it down. Demi tells the party that Nurvus isn't the one sending all of the strange commands to Motavia, and that they'd need to travel to Zelan. Rika voiced her worries for Wren, as the transmissions from him had stopped under suspicious circumstances, and she was worried. Demi informed the party that she had a small spacecraft they could use to travel to Zelan, located elsewhere in Nurvus.
So, boarding the spacecraft, the party traveled to Zelan, where they met up with Wren, the android that had helped Rika and her studies. He informed everyone that the overrides weren't coming from Zelan, but from the Kuran Satellite. He suggested the party go there, as to find out the problem. However, on their way there, an assassin tried to kill the group of four to stop them from reaching Kuran. After his defeat, the damage to the craft was too great, and the spacecraft landed on Dezolis, the third planet in the Algo System. The craft landed on a church, where the head of the church, Raja, informed Chaz and his group that he was going to go with them as payback for their destroying his church, and also because a snowstorm had plagued the planet for more than three months now. Raja desired to find the cause and put an end to it, though he had a suspicion on what that cause was. Unfortunately for the rest of the group, that meant having to put up with horrible jokes, however Rika enjoyed Raja and his jokes. Though as much as they disliked the priest, he knew of someone in a nearby town that had heard of another spacecraft hidden on the planet.
From that town the group traveled to Tyler, speaking to one of the Parmanians there. He told them that there was a grave marking where the founder of the town was buried, and underneath was the spacecraft they sought. Going to the grave on the outskirts of town, Chaz found a switch and underground was a spaceport where the spaceship Landale was kept. Wren fixed it up, and they were off to Kuran, hopefully to find the problem of why the systems on the two planets of Motavia and Dezolis were now in decay. Once there, they did find the source of the problem: Dark Force. Dark Force had found its way on to the satellite after escaping the now-exploded planet of Parma, and jumping from escape craft to escape craft. Rika and the others put an end to Dark Force's presence on the satellite, and found that the snowstorm was still continuing. Confused, the group was told by Raja that the problem on Kuran wasn't the problem on Dezolis, and that it was the cause of the evils inside of the Garuberk Tower. Wren told the group that the satellite held an snowmobile, and that he would take it with them for use on Dezolis. It was the only way to get past the ice that had formed from the snowstorm.
The only problem was that the Garuberk Tower was a myth on Dezolis, and they had to travel elsewhere to obtain the information. In one of the Parmanian towns, Rika and her friends found that the townspeople had turned to zombies, and were eating the survivors in the town. So, the group fled to the next closest town, Meese, finding the townspeople there were being inflicted with a horrible, incurable disease. That disease ended up being the same that had killed Alys. The townspeople were being helped by the followers of Lutz, the Espers. These people were well-versed in magic, and are helping the people of Meese. During their walk through Meese, Raja became sick withe the Black Wave sickness, and making matters worse, the group hears that an Esper, Kyra, has gone to the Garuberk Tower alone. The only problem with this, is that there is a carniverous forest in front of the tower!
Rushing there, the party encountered the Esper, and brought her back to the Esper Mansion at her request. Kyra insisted that their only hope now was to talk to Lutz to get his help to stop Dark Force. The only problem... was that no one was allowed into the inner sanctuary where his room was located. Kyra's pleas to the guards were unheard, until Rune stepped forward. The guards moved in a hurry, and he spoke to the elderly Esper standing near the staircase that descended into Lutz's room. Upon arrival there, they found no man there, only a small floating orb. Kyra began to freak out, saying that they were worshipping a non-existant man, until Rune stepped in, informing her that no man could ever live for over 2000 years, as they claimed Lutz did, but he did pass down his memories to people that he could sync with. The Esper Elder told Kyra that Rune was the fifth generation Lutz, and that Chaz and his group was the group that Lutz had picked to defeat Dark Force. Now, the only way to get past the man-eating forest to get to the Garuberk Tower was to use the Eclipse Torch, the object of worship of the native Dezolians.
Traveling to Gumbious Temple where the Torch was held elsewhere on Dezolis, Chaz spoke with the priest there only to be denied...
...until the torch was stolen by three of Dark Force's agents! They told Rune that they would be waiting for them in the Air Castle, something that he should remember as his past as Lutz. Getting into the Landale, Wren told the others that there was a castle in the astroid belt that used to be the planet Parma. It turned out to be the Air Castle, where the Xe-A-Thouls brought the Eclipse Torch. Battling the Xe-A-Thouls, they were told of Lashiec, the king from nearly 2000 years ago that was used as an agent for Dark Force. Battling the ghost of the King Lashiec, the group reclaimed the Eclipse Torch.
Returning to Dezolis, Rika and her group returned the Eclipse Torch to the priest in the Gumbious Temple, and then left (torch in hand with the blessing of the priest) to the carniverous forest, which was promptly burned to a crisp, allowing for the group to travel into the Garuberk Tower. There, they fought another part of Dark Force, returning Dezolis to its rightful self, and saving many lives. With Dezolis saved, Rika and the group returned to Motavia, where the priest in the Gumbious Temple told them they would need to find the Aero-Prism, an item needed to go to Rykros. While at Rykros, the knowledge of how to defeat the Profound Darkness, in which Dark Force is a part of, would be imparted to them. However, he was unsure of where it was hidden on Motavia, but he was sure they would find it.
Looking around and gathering information, they all learned of a temple on an island near Krup. Going there let them meet Seth, an archeologist, who offered his help to find the Aero-Prism. Accepting, Rika and the group traveled up the long stairs to the outside of the temple where the Aero-Prism was confirmed to be held, and once they entered, Seth began to scream; it was a pained, bloody murder sort of scream. Wondering what was happening, the group asked him if he was ok, but no reply was to be heard. Instead, he backed up and away from them, and revealed himself to be a third part of Dark Force!
After fighting Dark Force and gaining the Aero-Prism, the group traveled to Rykros. There they found a temple right after they landed. Inside a voice spoke to them; he informed them that his name was Le Roof, and that in order to get what they needed, they needed to go through the other two towers on Rykros before returning to his own. So, they set off to defeat the Strength and Courage temple. Once they were defeated, they returned to Le Roof, who told them of the history of the Profound Darkness, and even the Algo Star System. They learned that once every 1000 years, Dark Force would try to invade and destroy everything that was living, and that the Algo System was the seal to keep it at bay. The first group to do so was Alis and her group of adventurers that defeated him the first time around, and that Chaz and his friends were born to fight off the Profound Darkness as well. Unhappy with that revelation, Chaz voiced his opinion of wanting to fight for himself and his friends (in which Rika agreed in her own way), and Rune suggested going back to the Esper Mansion.
Once there, they found the sacred sword Elsydeon, a sword that had been passed down from the first generation of adventurers. It was originally Alis's sword, the woman who fought and defeated Dark Force the first time. Now, with it in Chaz's hands, the group traveled to the final place to go: The Edge. It was where the Profound Darkness was hiding in Motavia, unleashing hell on the planet. Once there, and once they had traveled through the maze of The Edge, they came across the Profound Darkness. It was a long battle, but in the end, it was destroyed. All of those that helped in the battle went on to live their lives, and Rika ended up staying with Chaz. However, one night as she fell asleep, she simply didn't wake up in Motavia...
Sample Journal Entry: ...Chaz? Where's Chaz? I was near him when I fell asleep, wasn't I? I know I was in Aiedo, in his house, and in my bed, but... now, I'm not there. There wasn't a place that looked like this there...
I'm not sure I like this too much. It's a little scary. I don't know any of the people here, and... and...
I want to go home. Where I should be. This isn't home, this isn't Motavia...! [Is totally about to cry now, very very unhappy with her current situation.]
I... I guess I should figure out where I am...
Sample Roleplay: Everything had been finished. The Profound Darkness was gone, and there was no more darkness on Motavia. Rika was free to roam as she pleased, becoming part of the Hunter's Guild with Chaz, and even living in Aiedo. Everything was perfect. There were always going to be problems within the world, she knew that for certain. It was something that would always be there, no matter how much they fought it. The world was always going to have its problems, but if she could help contribute to stopping them, then not all was lost.
But it had been a very long day, and Rika was ready for some sleep. With a yawn, the young numan stretched and went into her bedroom, the one she shared with Chaz. They had their own beds of course, but the two had become close after their mission. There was no need for them to be sleeping in the same bed however, not that Rika would understand completely why they would need to. But that was for later. Right now, it was time for some much needed rest and relaxation. Chaz was already in his bed, reading up on their next mission from the Guild, when Rika entered. With a word of hello, the pink-haired girl crawled into her bed, and stared at Chaz for a moment. He had grown up since their adventure, mentally and emotionally, as she had. It was a bit weird to see, but it had happened, whether she wanted it to or not. No matter.
"Good night Chaz," she said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, ready to go on our next mission!" Chaz turned to face her with his own smile, nodding his agreement. Tomorrow would be a good day, as today had been, she was certain of it.
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