Hello there. I thought it was about time that I used this.
Well, perhaps it would also be useful if I let everyone know where I'm living. I was staying in the Enveria Apartments for a few days, when I first got here, but I've moved since then. Now I'm staying in Cottage 4 with Sanzo, Goku, and Hakuryuu, who are all from the same place I originally came from. Perhaps, when the hallucinations clear, someone will find this information useful.
Miss Alice, it was nice meeting you. This is an awfully strange place, isn't it? Ah ha ha ha.
Miss Elizabeth, it was a pleasure speaking with you as well. I do hope we can get together for a nice chat again sometime. Perhaps over tea?
[Hakkai looks away from the camera for a moment, a worried expression on his face.]
If you would, perhaps... give me a call, when this is all over-- just to let me know that everything's turned out alright-- then, ah... I'd appreciate it.