Title: Technicolor Love (5/5)
Pairing: GRi
Raiting: Um...? NC-17? Yeah whatever you feel is appropriate
Summary: Ji Yong is an atrist lacking a muse. Seunghyun is a fast talking kid who is too cute for his own damn good.
He hadn’t seen Seunghyun in a couple days. It was for the best. Ever since they had become official, it took everything in him to not jump the kid. He had fallen hard. No doubt. This kid had put him under his spell. Forget how willing he was.
It had been a total of 6 months since they had known each other. It took them 1 month after the mistletoe kiss to admit that they were more than two people who became friends in the park. 2 months of actually being a couple and it was killing him. Literally. None of his exes, girlfriends or boyfriends, waited this long. No he wasn’t whorish. He just…never had o wait. It always came soon after the second date. Not to mention most of his exes were older than him and they knew what they wanted. He told the younger boy that he was going to be busy. That he always locked himself away from the world when he was painting. Considering that he hadn’t created anything from his own head in a while, he knew that what he needed was time to do his work. Time to get away and just work for his own sanity.
What he didn’t expect was for every piece to reflect the boy in some sort of way. His normal pieces only based off the emotions that he was feeling towards people. Not the people themselves. He noticed it on the first canvas. He began with a lower lip caught between two front teeth. The cupids bow more pointed than most. He shaded it all in red. For passion. For lust. For carnal need. And he realized just whose lips they were. And he realized how his pants were getting unbearably tight in the front from the thought of those lips. And he realized that he shouldn’t be doing this. So he started over. Another canvas. And then they were eyes. With an adorable panda like quality to them. These panda eyes that he again incorporated the color red into. The pupils to be exact. Red for burning. Red for desire. Red for…fuck.
Four canvases later, he had each one covered in a different body part. Eyes. Lips. Collar bones. Lower back. Jaw line. Abs.
All six paintings were set up, leaning against the largest wall in the room, staring at him. Each body part teasing and taunting. Playing tricks with his already foggy mind. And all he could do was stare at them right back.
“I’m screwed.” He sighed out loud as he looked at all six paintings full of his sexual desires. Screwed.
“I think they look amazing.”
He turned around to see a slightly blushing Seunghyun standing in his doorway.
“A-are those…me?” Seunghyun walked forward to the canvas with the eyes. He trailed along the lids with his fingers, outlining the shadows under the bottom. “Hyung…this is good. Anyone would buy these.”
Seunghyun walked over to the abs piece, then the lips piece, trailing his fingers along each line.
“That one’s my favorite.” Ji Yong admitted more so to himself than to Seunghyun.
"So does this mean that you stare at me when I’m changing out of my sweaty clothes after dance?”
“I don’t stare…”
“Don’t deny it! I see it when you stare” He gave a taunting smile along with a failed eyebrow wiggle.
“Yah!!! I don’t stare!” Ji Yong began to gather his paints, mumbling about how he doesn’t stare at him. He only takes really long glances…there is a difference.
Seunghyun picked up a brush that was discarded to the side with remaining paint on it, and like the child he was, he began to paint in his hand. He swirled the bristles in his palm, making sure to get in the lines of his hand, and coat each finger with the dark red that was still on the brush. His brows furrowed together as he watched how the thinner coated sections of his hand began to dry considerably faster than the ones he had gone over more than twice with the paint. Interesting.
“What are you doing?” Seunghyun jumped and dropped the brush.
“Dammit hyung, don’t scare me like that!” he grabbed his chest with the painted hand, forgetting all about the white shirt he was wearing. “Crap…”
Ji Yong bent over, body violently shaking with laughter. Why he found it funny, he had no clue. But he did.
“This is not funny!”
He still laughed
“Hyuuung! I mean it! Now this shirt is ruined!”
He still laughed.
“Stop laughing! You wouldn’t find it so funny if it was you!”
“You’re right. I wouldn’t. But I wouldn’t have painted my hand red either.” He spoke between chuckles.
Seunghyun frowned. “How about we match hmm?” He began slowly approaching Ji Yong. Picking up a tube of acrylic paint without the top that was conveniently sitting on the easel beside him. Glint of evil in his eyes.
“Seunghyun, no!”
“Aww come on! You were laughing when it was me! I wanna laugh too!”
Ji Yong backed away, hands out, signaling for the younger to halt. He didn’t of course. Seunghyun’s bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he approached, red hand stretched outward and paint tube pointed towards him. He was planning on sweet revenge.
“I mean it…don’t..”
He lunged forward, hand grazing Ji Yong’s wrist as he lost his footing and nearly fell. Ji Yong gasped, all too dramatically to be real, and feigned anger.
“Oh you’re in for it!”
“Hyung it was just payback! I didn’t even touch you much! Please no!”
Ji Yong picked up two tubes of paint from the floor, purple and blue, and chased Seunghyun to the kitchen, and around the counter. Slipping and sliding on the floor in their socks, smearing drips of paint with their feet along the way. They would have to clean that up later.
Seunghyun ran back into the living room with all the sheets on the floor and stopped to look at his hyung who was coming around the corner. “Ok I give up please! No! Hyung I’m sorry!”
“Nope. Not even going to happen.” Ji Yong crept forward, backing Seunghyun into the wall with the only window in the room. The cat was closing in on his prey. Only he wasn’t going to devour it whole. Maybe.
Seunghyun stood in the corner, eyes shut tight as he waited, anticipated the oncoming downpour of acrylic stickiness that would soon be all over him. He waited. And waited. And waited. He cracked open one eye to see a purple dot being placed on a lone finger, and a smile placed on Ji Yong’s face. He held up his finger to a cringing Seunghyun, and wiped along his cheek.
“There.” He smiled so hard his eyes nearly disappeared.
“Really? You chased me around for that?!”
Seunghyun poked out his lip and is eyebrows knitted together in a deep set pout. Ji Yong laughed and grabbed his adorable boyfriend in for a hug.
“Hyuuung stop it! Do you know how nerve wracking that was?! You had me running around this room and I honestly thought I was dead. I don’t even see how you could get mad at me when it was just payback for laughing at me in the first place for something that wasn’t even that funny. I mean I could understand that if I had fallen on my ass or something but no. This was purely your fault anyway! Nobody told you to scare me like that and-“
He mumbled when he found a pair of lips on his own. Quickly pecking every few seconds.
“Hyun- I- wa-talk- he- an- sto- YAH!”
“I’m going to keep doing it until you shut up.” He smiled at the boy whom was now currently steaming in his own annoyance. He was trying to talk here! Ji Yong on the other hand kept showering him with kisses.
Eventually he stopped talking and just enjoyed all the affection; prolonging each kiss as much as he could. And Ji Yong noticed, pulling away slower each time.
The last time they moved apart, they stared at each other. Their breathing a little more rapid than usual. Ji Yong placed his hand on the other’s face. His thumb rubbing his cheek right under the purple stain. Seunghyun leaned into the touch and closed his eyes for a second before slowly opening them again. His lashes created a darker shadow under his eyes. Gorgeous.
Ji Yong leaned in and placed their foreheads together. He was still looking at Seunghyun, eyes crossing as he tried to keep his clear view of the boy in front of him. He breathed in every exhale, taking in the scent of the other’s breath. He relished in just how soft his cheek was under his finger tip, only to capture those lips once more.
He nibbled on Seunghyuns bottom lip, causing a hitch in his throat followed by a mewl of pleasure. His tongue traced the inside of Seunghyun’s mouth, creating its own masterpiece of magnificent colors that appeared behind his eyelids. He swallowed every moan that he caused; pulling them both from the wall and into the center of the floor.
Hands moving down, he wrapped his arms around Seunghyun’s waist. His arms fully encircling and pulling their bodies flush against one another. He could stay like that forever. Seunghyun’s body pushed forward a little more, obviously lost in what was happening; they fell to the floor, Ji Yong sandwiched between Seunghyun and the not so comfortable ground.
Seunghyun giggled, “Oops” never moving off Ji Yong.
Ji Yong assessed the new position with a laugh of his own before deciding that he liked the change much better. He flicked his tongue out, licking Seunghyun’s bottom lip, more than once; tugging and pulling it with his teeth. Their lips molded into each other, becoming one entity, operating in sync and in rhythm. Ji Yong removed his shirt out of irritation from the riding and unwanted movement of the fabric. Seunghyun took that as a cue to take off his as well, sitting up right to do so without fumbling with the hem. He looked down at the chest below him, pale in comparison but that much more flawless in his eyes. Tattoo running across the bend of an elbow, he ran his ran his finger across the permanent ink. He watched as the slightly dried red on his finger left smudges over the raised area where the ink was branded into his arm. Hands moving slowly up his chest and down his torso, trails of blurred finger prints marking their way down to the band of the boxers that peaked above low riding sweat pants. Seunghyun couldn’t help but think that Ji Yong looked the most like himself this way. Covered in paint smears and dark roots grown out through platinum blonde hair that was in a disarray. This is the Ji Yong he loved. He was imperfectly perfect, just like this. Ji Yong couldn’t help but think that this was the best thing he had ever experienced in his life and the agony of waiting wasn’t as bad as he thought.
They made love on the floor, on top of paint covered sheets. They created their own art work, a masterpiece that couldn’t be duplicated, only enhanced by the artists themselves. Colors that could only be seen, felt, experienced between the two, colors that could only be created between them. Shades of wonton moans, tints of passion and sweat, pigments of love that reflected in scrunched features. Hues ran through their veins and created sensations that caused arched backs and fingernails digging into flushed skin. This was their work of art. Their colorful love that belonged to the two of them only.
A/N: So looks like you made it to the end of my ridiculousness. Please dont hate me or kill me or stone me or anything it wasnt my fault and now I must tell you that it isnt over. Nope! Because....as you can see Ji was trying so hard to avoid Ri because of an incident in which Ri and Ji were visiting Mrs. Lee aka mama Ri and embarrassment occurs during situation and he isn't ready to decipher if his boyfriend is ready. What situation you ask? Well look right