idiotxxxxxxpilot: my name is James Bond but i'm not allowed to tell you that. :-X
idiotxxxxxxpilot: my cover name is Snappy McFoe.
Be My EscAp3 x3: oh....ok.
Be My EscAp3 x3: hola snappy.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: but you didn't know that
Be My EscAp3 x3: *wink*
Be My EscAp3 x3: mhmm.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: I SAID MY NAME WASN'T JAMES
idiotxxxxxxpilot: oh
idiotxxxxxxpilot: you said snappy
Be My EscAp3 x3: hahahah.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: yes. i am snappy.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: NOT James.
Be My EscAp3 x3: yes. this i know.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: haha
idiotxxxxxxpilot: how stupid. to think my name was James. where do you come up with such things?
Be My EscAp3 x3: yes.
Be My EscAp3 x3: i dont know, snappy.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: I MEANNNNN
idiotxxxxxxpilot: where's my briefcase?
Be My EscAp3 x3: i dont know
Be My EscAp3 x3: hahahaha
idiotxxxxxxpilot: now now, children, it's not nice to steal big briefcases that happen to have explosives concealed inside from snappy!
Be My EscAp3 x3: HAHAH!
Be My EscAp3 x3: i love you. hahaha.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: James told Snappy to say he loves you too.
Be My EscAp3 x3: ok.
Be My EscAp3 x3: :-)
idiotxxxxxxpilot: James wears extra-tight boxers so his enemies can't grasp his undies to give him a wedgie. =-O
Be My EscAp3 x3: :-D
Be My EscAp3 x3: FireWaterBurn101: ill protect u from anything but old men
Be My EscAp3 x3: hahah.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: oh dear, now James is beating me with his secret ninja num-chucks for revealing such a secret.
Be My EscAp3 x3: hahaha.
Be My EscAp3 x3: fuck. scary noises.
Be My EscAp3 x3: ahhhhhh.
Be My EscAp3 x3: where is richie?
idiotxxxxxxpilot: Snappy is about to die. from the PSHSYCAL ABUSE. before i leave this cruel, cruel word, please, let me tell you that JAMES IS A SECRET AGGGGG-ARGHHHHHHHHH *death* James: I AM A SECRET AGING CHEESE!!!!! not agent. pffffft. no agents here. just me and my nifty pinky ring with a large spike that is NOT for poking enemies to force them to tell the truth. nope. no agents.
Be My EscAp3 x3: snappy get james...i think theyres someone outside my house.
Be My EscAp3 x3: i mean. SNAPPY.
Be My EscAp3 x3 is away at 9:04:08 PM.
Be My EscAp3 x3 returned at 9:04:50 PM.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: *snappy reawakens in a cold, dark area surrounded by bars. there is a suspicious smell coming from outside the damned cell.......... it reminds him, in a sickening way......... OF AGING CHEESE. Snappy shakes the bars, but they only close in farther, leaving him very claustrophobic. Snappy sits in the corner and sucks his thumb. there is a loud manical laugh echoing in the room. it is Jam-I MEAN SNAPPY. Snappy's worst enemy, doctor CHEESEGRATER. only James can save Snappy from a most terrible fate*
Be My EscAp3 x3: AHHHHH. haha. runnnnnnn
Be My EscAp3 x3: woah i just realized...running makes no sense.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: James then unleashes a HUGE SAW THAT CUTS THROUGH DOCTOR CHEESEGRATER AS THOUGH HE WERE BUTTAH. doctor cheesegrater is dying, and he knows it. while James threateningly holds a bucket of water over doctor cheesegrater's head, ready to tip it over to leave him in a rusty heap, doctor cheesegrater requests James to lean closer. reluctantly, James does so. doctor cheesegrater's voice is barely above a whisper. he is weak from the lack of aging cheese to grate. there's a pile of moldy aging cheese about two yards away. yet he has not the strength to crawl to it. doctor cheesegrater hisses, "before I die, I just wanted to let you know..... James............ I AM YOUR FATHER." *doctor cheesegrater lets out a hacking cough* James: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo BUT IT CAN'T BE!!! MY FATHER NEVER LIKED CHEESE!!!!!!" doctor cheesegrater grabs the front of James' black, spiffy suit. ".........please, son......... get me.......*cough*............ just one final...........*hack*......... piece of delicious, aging cheese........." James stares at him, terrified, wondering whether he should let his OWN FATHER croak or help him live and do all the things he never got to do with his dad. like play dress-up.
Be My EscAp3 x3: wow. you make beautiful stories.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: James stares at his father. James stares at the cheese. James stares in the mirror and smooths back his hair. James stares at his father. in the process of running in slow motion to get aging cheese, James drops the bucket of water, and doctor cheesegrater rusts and dies. James weeps. Snappy weeps. the aging cheese weeps. The End.
Be My EscAp3 x3: im saving that
Be My EscAp3 x3: forever
idiotxxxxxxpilot: i love that
idiotxxxxxxpilot: oh man
idiotxxxxxxpilot: that was so great
idiotxxxxxxpilot: haha
Be My EscAp3 x3: i know.
idiotxxxxxxpilot: that's the best story i've ever written