The month thing...though I gotta say I cheated a little, because sometimes my first sentences are like, "I haven't posted in a while" or boring things like that, and sometimes the first sentence can't really stand alone...and I also added in extra quotes for parts of the year that I really want to remember.
January: You know, when I watched the ball drop in Times Square tonight, I thought of the day in 6th grade (sometime in late May or early June) when we got our class shirts. They said "Class of 2005" across the front. That was the first time that I even thought about graduating from high school and the first time that the year 2005 had some real significance to me. But it seemed like a long way off anyway.
February: So I had this dream (nightmare?) last night. It was the first school day of second semester and I was leaving choir and skipping Lit because I hadn't even touched my allusion paper.
March: Um, one more snow day, please? ...Its silly, really. I'll miss so many things about school when its over. I should really enjoy grade school since that part of my life is almost over.
April: Well, wasn't today a depressing day! And I all I could think about was Freud's defense mechanisms as they relate to the state of many unhappy seniors right now.
May: Quick question for all of you currently in choir or who like to sing or whatever (lol) - I need 4 back-up singers (all female, sorry guys) for the song I'm doing for spring show (chain of fools)...its not very difficult - basically singing in thirds with the melody.
June: Wow, today was the least productive schoolday EVER.
June 12 - after Spring Show: Choir people - I love you a lot...Just call my name, I'll be there.
August: We were supposed to find out our roommates last week but its gotten delayed so it'll probably be the end of this week.
September: My mom and I were talking about one of our strange relatives (and if her daughter reads this, I'm dead, but she probably doesn't know I have an LJ, nor does she know my screenname, so whatever)...she named her daughter Charisma, but she actually wanted to name her daughter Charismatic. *snort*
Me: She should have had more kids! Name one Pragmatic!
Mommy: Enigmatic!
Me: Dogmatic!
(both of us laugh)
Me: Oooo! Or you could have the last name be Matic. So the kids would be named Charis, Enig, Prag...*starts laughing hysterically*
Mommy: What? What are you laughing so much about?
AHAHAHAHA. Dog Matic! That's so great! Or maybe she could just have three kids and then get a dog and name the dog Dog, and then if it was a part of the family it would be Dog Matic right?! HAHAHAHA.
September 9: I don't know what I was expecting. A tearful goodbye or something before the fact? I concede that its nice to not be crying right now, but that's just going to make it harder later when I have no where private to cry. Maybe this is what growing up is all about - hiding it, holding it back, getting a headache and then taking a pain killer. *sigh*
September 13: know what?!?!?! (What?) I'm dancing in Chicagooooooo! (Chicago!)
October: For those of you not yet in college - I just want to say, it seems like the day that you'll actually leave home and go to college is never going to *really* come, but trust me, its upon you before you can realize what's going on, in a sorta surreal way. There's no clean transition - its just one second you're in your room at home, next second you're in your new home saying bye to your just hits you like that.
November: I *have* to write this entry right now at this second to capture the elation I'm feeling right now because I'm just a big dork like that. Girls, you're gonna be so proud of me.
December: I can't wait... be done with finals (i.e. Thursday 5 pm) be back in the warmth of Virginia - woohoo, 40-degree-sweatshirt weather!
What a year! Golden bday, clubbing, getting lost twice and winding up at Reagan National both times (all roads lead to Reagan National apparently), being co-chair, the super long emails, choir sleepovers and chamber singers lunches, West Side Story, Spring Show, Chain of Fools, my abysmal second semester grades that don't matter at all, Orlando-ice-crotch-ghetto-polos-bra-bandits-lovely-senior-ladies, I-nite, graduating, first completely free summer in forever, the beach, spending lots of time with family, leaving home, worrying about family, CATalyst, frat parties, formals, visits to the rocks, dancing dancing and more dancing, making new friends, seeing old friends...
I will miss you, 2005.