Well, I had sorta stopped blogging (as you, perceptive listener could already attest) - this was mainly due to nothing much happening. Cept WoW. Naturally
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@ $419 for an 8gig model, its not cheap - boy does it look hawt though!
If it supported widgets, and allowed for text entry - those would be good points. Should be a second generation out before Xmas - or atleast bugs fixed by then.
I saw this morning (on SlashDot) that Silverlight has been released. If your not familiar with it, its Microsoft's "cross-platform, cross-browser plug-in for rich internet applications". Basically Flash for .Net
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I saw the most recent (and hopefully final) Jason Bourne movie last night. I say hopefully final because its the last in the series, and it wraps itself up nicely. In hindsight it follows some of then rules of the trilogy as lain out in Scream 3
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