<>Reed says "I believe Teyv was going to start off with a thunder howl, if it hasn't been done already."
<>Brian says "He did."
<>Teyv says "Yes, they are under the effect of it, but I don't recall exactly what that is."
Brian says, "Tick 0: WB 5, 8, 9;
Tick 1: WB 6,
Tick 2: Two, Bennu, WB 3, WB 10;
Tick 3: WB2, WB 4;
Tick 4: Reed, Mahir, Teyv, WB 1, WB 7,
Tick 5: Ashan"
<>Teyv says "Also, I never rolled damage, so it either was all soaked or something."
<>Ashan says "Damage + die penalty."
<>Brian says "It was a part of the initial roll, since it was an applied aoe."
<>Brian says "They've all been lightly damaged."
<>Teyv says "It says 3 bashing, but I guess I'm not sure how that works."
Brian says, "The wugga buggas are ... not precisely arrayed for battle. If, in fact, you can be disarrayed for battle, that's them. The roly poly mouth monsters jostle, slam, and bounce off each other, claws flailing as they hop and run towards you. Despite this, they have an air of menace, of sinister blasphemy. "Wugga, bugga, ugga, boo, food for me and food for you!" they crow at each other, not being quite bright enough to recognize exalts. The fifth and eighth wugga buggas leap at Two, arms wide, one from either side, as they try and seize her and hold her down for the devouring. The ninth rolls itself at full speed towards her legs, spinning its two insectoid arms around to slash its claws at her legs."
<>Brian says "Two clinch attacks and two claw attacks on you, two. Defenses?"
<>Teyv says "BTW, my sword guardian protector is out"
<>Brian says "So noted."
<>Two says "That's really not that blasphemous."
Reed is happy to let the Solars draw the ire of the Wyld-born-- for the most part. Muscles rippling under his pale skin as his body grows in height and breadth, he takes up a position of waiting nearby, and slightly ahead of, his occasionally-hapless charge.
<>Brian says "Not their statements, their entire existence."
<>Two says "If I activate my combo now... then I lose the offense bonus when it's my turn, right?"
<>Two says "The offense charms."
<>Brian says "Hmm. Yes. Your charms reset at that point. You'd have to reactivate the combo."
<>Brian says "On the other hand, if you use a defensive Charm now, you won't be locked out of offensive on your tick."
<>Two says "Heavenly Guardian Defense worth it or just soak it all and save some motes?"
<>Brian says "That's up to you."
<>Two says "Just gonna soak that sucker."
<>Two says "I need more defense charms."
<>Brian says "Stunt your defense."
<>Two says "Wait... Solar Counterattack :)"
<>Two says "Best defense is a good offense."
> Bennu says "GM, do these count as CoDs perchance?"
<>Brian says "They do."
Two lets out a war howl as the abominations charge her. She moves to a defensive position, one designed to easily shift to offense and keep her options open. Her initial movements are aimed to parry blows and keep her arms free as she follows up with her own retaliation strikes.
<>Brian says "How many Solar Counterattacks?"
<>Mahir says "I might have to actually figure out what my anima banner is.... I've burned out most of my personal pool on armor activations, and my attack charms are all Obvious, and thus expensive to suppress."
<>Two says "One on each if I can."
<>Brian says "3, then, gotcha."
<>Brian says "Your DV is what?"
<>Two says "Essence is made to be spent."
[Dice(#24){Wizard}> Brian rolls 11 dice: 8 8 9 10> for 5 successes.
[Dice(#24){Wizard}> Brian rolls 11 dice: 7 7 9> for 3 successes.
[Dice(#24){Wizard}> Brian rolls 9 dice: 9 9> for 2 successes.
[Dice(#24){Wizard}> Brian rolls 8 dice: 8 10> for 3 successes.
<>Brian says "er. four, right."
<>Reed says "I don't think you have to worry about suppressing them that much, since you're still not as noticeable as the other two CBAbots."
<> Two says "lessee. Dodge DV 6. Defense 15 -- which I assume is parry."
<> Brian says "Yup. Okay, well!"
<> Two says "Too many numbers on this sheet :("
Brian [to Two]: You deflect all four of the attacks with ease. Two-dot stunt on your four follow-up strikes.
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10> for 8 successes.
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 10 10 10> for 8 successes.
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9> for 7 successes.
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 10> for 9 successes.
<> Brian says "I should have attacked you guys with more of these dudes. -_-;;"
<> Two says "Hey, you were the one who decked me out with cool loot."
Brian [to Two]: Hit by 2, hit by 2, hit by 1, hit by 3. What's your raw damage?
<> Two says "19L"
<> Reed says "No, it's ok. You know I hate getting my fur dirty."
Brian [to Two]: 9, 9, 8, 10 damage.
<> Two rolls 9 damage dice: <1 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 9> for 4 successes.
<> Two rolls 9 damage dice: <1 1 2 3 7 8 9 9 10> for 5 successes.
<> Two rolls 8 damage dice: <1 1 2 3 4 9 9 9> for 3 successes.
<> Two rolls 10 damage dice: <2 4 4 5 7 7 8 8 9 10> for 6 successes.
Brian [to Two]: You cut deeply into the two clinching wuggabuggas, battering them back. Green blood splatters the sand and scrub, and then gushes out as you cleave the slashing one at your feet completely in twain with two sure strikes.
<> Bennu says "I don't appear to have marked anything about the stunning widget on my sheet; does that take effect on all hits or do I have to activate it/spend for it, and how many creatures will be in range of me on tick 2 when I move?"
<> Brian says "Let me check."
<> Brian ... can't find his notes on that. Er. Second.
<> Reed says "I have it."
<> Two mmmm. Cloven.
<> Reed says "Brian says, "The orichalcum-banded sphere provides 6 motes per hour, and will give the wielder the ability to stun on hit. This stun must be delivered by Martial Arts or Melee, but each stun causes a +1 penalty to Speed per hit, to a max of +3, on the target's next action. Alternatively, it may cumulatively reduce the targets MDV by one with but a touch (to a maximum of -3) for three actions as lightning jolts through his body. This power is a Crippling effect.""
<> Brian grumbles. Oh well, he'll look for it later.
Brian says, "WB 5 & 8 will go again on T6; WB 9 will be going again a century or two later when/if it reforms in the Wyld. If it remembers."
Brian says, "Tick one! The slightly slower and probably slightly -dumber- sixth wugga bugga catastrophically fails to learn-- well, anything, it's surprising it even knows how to walk-- but specifically not to attack a dawn. Perhaps it is banking on overextension from the counterattacks? Or perhaps it is simply too stupid to comprehend casuality. In either case it also charges at Two's legs. It slips and slides back and forth on the blood and guts of its deceased predecessor, and trips, falling over. Improbably, the fall causes it to bounce up in the air, body-maw stretching wide to try and chomp down on Two's head."
<> Brian says "Defenses, Two?"
<> Brian says "And on how many creatures will be in range-- WB3 and 4 are specifically trying to attack you, Bennu. WBs 10, and 2 will be in melee range as well by Tick 2."
<> Two says "Umm. I guess another counterattack."
<> Two says "Best defense, etc."
<> Two says "This is starting to look a lot like last tick."
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <3 3 4 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9> for 6 successes.
Brian says, "Once again, it fails to manage to chow down on delicious, delicious Solar essence, being batted aside easily by one of Two's swift blades. Pose your counterattack, please."
Two not-quite-rolls-her-eyes at the newcomer to her little dance. Newbies should know better than to cut in when a lady is showing her moves. She takes a brief second to knock the creature aside with the flat of one blade and chastise it for its rudeness with her other blade, poking holes and making slashes along its twisted body.
Brian says, "Very nice. Two dot."
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10> for 7 successes.
<> Two :(
<> Two says "19L"
Brian [to Two]: Sadly, this time, it manages to bring its claws together and grab on to the guard of your main guard. It is swung about by your motions, and uses the momentum to leap aside when your sawing Singer comes for it; it is unharmed.
<> Mahir says "lag check...."
<> Two says "For now..."
<> Mahir says "Okay, nvm"
Brian says, "Tick 2! Bennu, Two, WB 3 (attacking Bennu), WB 10 (attacking Reed)"
Bennu's swords are in hand and her will and body are already warded by Essence. The fibers that serve as muscular aids in her armor hum as she steps forward, eager as she is for the fight. As she swings the bent sword in her right hand down, it gleams as if she had hooked the sun on its curved blade, drawing it down to burn and purge the unclean monsters before them. The sands beneath her feet shift in the waves of heat emenating off her fully activated armor, heatwaves rippling around her and making her hard to gaze directly at. "Behold," she howls as she slices out. "For the Sun has touched the Earth and raised champions against disorder."
With no patience for the Wyld beasts, after the devastation of the village, Bennu lets the light that dwells within her roar out, blazing down her swords, bleaching the sands beneath her feet, casting stark shadows that stretch away from her and into the distance. A bonfire of solar power reaches up towards the Sun overhead, revealing her nature even more certainly than the golden armor could have - and the caste mark burning bright on her forehead holds her mandate against the dark at the edges of the world.
<> Bennu says "Two attacks, one on rolypoly nightmare 3 and one on rolypoly nightmare 4, spending 5 peripheral on the first and 6 peripheral on the second, with Melee First. 11 motes, and anima is up and bonfirific, anima power in full effect."
<> Two says "Holy damn"
<> Reed says "So, ok. Charm use resets on my turn? So if I use a defensive now and one of the t3 critters attacks Teyv, I'm SOL."
<> Brian says "They'd have to run around you to get to him on Tick 3, and in which case, theyw ouldn't get an attack."
<> Reed says "That's assuming they're not smart enough to have already circled."
Brian says, "The third wugga bugga is single-mindedly dogged in its rush to overwhelm Bennu. It speeds forward, little legs scurrying about into nearly spherical rotation. Its jaws open wide ... and it is suddenly faced with a burning expanse of SOLAR JUSTICE. Given the circumstances, it reverses course midair and attempts to clamp its terrible jaws down on her wrists, trying to wound and tug her off attack for it. The fourth has barely reached Bennu. It leaps out, limbs spreading wide as the arc of her scythe reaches for it, and runs on the air like its cousins, trying to scoot out of the way before reality can fall."
Brian [to Bennu]: 3-dot. Very, very nice. Roll 'em; also, what's your DV, assuming the three dot? It will still get a chance to nom.
<> Reed says "I have my tentacles split 2/2/1 between soak/DV/attack, also."
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <2 3 3 5 5 6 7 9 9 9 9 10> for 7 successes.
<> Brian says "Gotcha."
<> Bennu says "Parry DV will be 13 with three dot."
<> Brian says "It has a rather big Miss there, then."
<> Bennu rolls 26 dice: <1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10> for 7 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 26 dice: <1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10> for 10 successes.
<> Bennu says "and the dice still don't like Bennu very much. =p"
Brian [to Bennu]: The third wugga bugga manages to avoid being gutted, its nauseating midair maneuverability not enough to hit you, but enough to evade fate-- for now. The fourth's eyes bug out just before your scythe hits. 11 damage.
<> Bennu rolls 11 damage dice: <2 2 4 4 4 6 6 8 9 10 10> for 4 successes.
Brian says, "Bennu's slash carves deeply into the wuggabugga, causing it to circle around in its own blood in agony."
Brian [to Two]: Arr-- any time.
Two growls softly as the abomination deflects /her/ attack. She takes a single breath to compose herself and focuses her presence on the creatures who are injured and who will be going on from this world in a very short time. She chooses one of the creatures she had butchered -- but left alive and strikes. For this action, she chooses a moment of rest and does not bring her celestial bearing down on it. First age weaponry should be enough.
<> Brian says "Yay!"
<> Two was waitin
<> Two says "Just gonna nail the first one that attacked me. No charms, just pain."
<> Brian says "Feel free to go at the same time, I can handle it. Okay. One attack on WB 5, then?"
<> Two says "Yep"
<> Brian says "2-dot stunt. Roll it!"
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10> for 5 successes.
<> Two says "..."
<> Brian says "... dice hate."
<> Two says "I guess first age weaponry is not enough."
Brian [to Two]: Scittering, scattering, laughing malevolently the... thing... rolls out of your way.
<> Two shakes a fist.
Brian says, "... And I forgot to have WB 10 attack Reed. Whoops."
<> Reed doesn't mind.
Brian says, "The tenth Wuggabugga, SOMEHOW previously unnoticed, inhales deeply. Clenching its claws into fists, it bounces back and forth on its legs. Its eyes flare red and its body covers in purple spots before an echoing BELCH escapes it, accompanied by a purple bolt of electricity shooting towards Reed's belly!"
<> Brian says "Two, Bennu, what were your speeds. Reed, pose me a defense."
<> Reed says ". . . this is not a parry able attack like I was expecting."
<> Bennu says "Speed 4."
<> Two says "Speed 5"
<> Brian says "If you give me a good enough stunt, I could believe that your aegis talisman could intercept and ground it out."
Reed holds his ground until the last minute and then whirls to the side, snapping his arms towards the crackling purple streak. Guided by thought and instinct, the tentacles snaking from his collar to his wrists snap out and intercept the lightning, one to twist its sinuous silver self around the bolt, the other to stab into the ground and redirect the energy harmlessly into the ground.
Brian [to Reed]: That will do it very nicely. 2-dot stunt. What's your DV+2?
<> Brian rolls 13 dice: <3 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 10> for 5 successes.
<> Reed says "12 dodge, 2 parry."
<> Reed says "Err, 4 parry."
<> Brian says "Were you applying dodge or parry there? I suppose have I should have asked first, but your stunt could be either."
<> Reed says "I thought it had to be dodge."
<> Brian says "Probably the best choice. Dodge it is!"
Brian says, "Reed agily dodges out of the way, the bolt going wide into the air before turning into a very, very surprised rabbit. Briefly. The fall isn't good for its spine."
Brian says, "Tick 3! WB2 attacking Reed, WB4 attacking Bennu."
Brian says, "The second wuggabugga hops its way over towards Reed. While he's dashing out of the way of the bolt of... something... it ambitiously grabs on to the grounding tendril of the talisman and swings around it, slamming its feet at Reed's thigh."
Brian says, "The fourth wuggabugga makes its own steam-head dance, holding its breath in. Green spots appear all over its body, and its eyes cross, glowing white. Its fists wave back and forth over its head, and it belches forth a huge chunk of razor-sharp, jagged green rock at Bennu's head."
<> Brian says "Defenses?"
Bennu sneers, disdainfully smacking her left-hand sword, the hooked one, through the air towards the inbound ...debris. Her feet shift only slightly on the sand as she leans into her rejection, following through and leaving strings of light trailing from her blade as it moves through her burning anima.
Reed plants a foot on the creature's head and curls his toes, digging the talons into the thing's flesh. With the other foot he pushes off the ground, using his attacker's body as a springboard to avoid the attack.
Brian [to Bennu]: Two-dot stunt. DV 12?
Brian [to Reed]: Also 2-dot stunt!
<> Bennu says "Yar."
Briangoes Bennu, then Reed.
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <1 1 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 10> for 7 successes.
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 10 10> for 8 successes.
<> Reed says "Still 12, then."
Brian says, "With grace, arrogance, and disgust, the proud warrior Exalts remove the foul beasts' attack from beneath their notice easily."
<> Brian rolls 14 dice: <1 1 1 2 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 10> for 4 successes.
Brian [to Mahir]: What's the difficulty to see you?
<> Mahir says "Sec"
<> Mahir says "Stationary, so it's base 5 Diff on Perc+Aware. I don't currently have any rolled Stealth on top of it."
Brian says, "Tick 4! Reed, Mahir, Teyv, WB1 (Reed), WB7 (Reed again)"
<> Mahir says "I'm also about 20' off the floor, so no melee."
From seemingly empty air, a burst of essence appears, bright violet shot through with grey as the Nightbringer announces his presence. From this obscuring firestorm, shards of deadly sharp essence rain down upon the hapless Wyld beasts. Mahir's war shout accompanies the arrow barrage, "Enemies of Creation take warning, for Sol Invictus' Chosen have returned to take up our guard again, and your days are numbered!" Three times his arrows rain down upon his foes, and thirty times three glittering shards make up each volley, seeking to blot out the Wyld beasts very existence.
Brian says, "The first and seventh wugga buggas cry out, "Jugga mugga, jibba jab, eat it, beat it, cut a slab!" as they stretch their claws out and begin to circle around Reed. The things wheel and turn in sickening, illogical movements that make them hard to follow, and each leaps upon Reed's legs, trying to bring the barbarian steampunk otter to the ground."
<> Mahir says "Sky-Burning, three times, I'd like to pick out three targets that are mostly healthy and/or targetting members of the circle with weaker personal defense."
<> Brian says "Three shots, full Charm lists, target choices are-- ok. Nobody's attacking Teyv or Ashan yet, so just go for the healthiest?"
<> Brian says "1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 all are at -0/-0/-0. Pick 3."
Teyv watches his allies and begins a mental assesment of what repairs he'll have to do after the battle (think through each step of the surgery before cutting), and comes to a final tally of, zero. Ah well, for a moment he drifts to the idea of using his artifact bag to regrow bug limbs, but only as an inside joke. He starts a sorcery casting action.
<> Mahir says "1, 3, 7. Two of Reed's targets and one of Bennu's."
Reed recalls the grounding tentacle with a thought, and leaps up and out of the circling creatures's reach. He's in the air for only a second or two, but that's more than enough time for him to target one of the creatures and snarl one of his many Northern imprecations at it before landing on what passes for the thing's back with talons, tentacles and Lunar ferocity at full extension.
<> Reed says "I'm going to activate RLF with Golden Tiger and Wasp Sting, and rip the head off of number 7."
<> Reed says "Or, no. The arms. Heads are for smashing, not ripping."
Brian [to Mahir]: Ok, 3-dot.
Brian [to Reed]: 2-dot.
Brian says, "Roll 'em!"
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <1 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10> for 7 successes.
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <2 2 2 3 4 7 7 7 8 8 9 9> for 7 successes.
<> Brian says "They failzors to hit Reed pretty badly."
<> Reed rolls 26 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10> for 17 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 27 dice: <1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10> for 13 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 27 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10> for 19 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 27 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10> for 15 successes.
Brian [to Mahir]: ... Those are doubled, aren't they?
Brian [to Reed]: ... What's your base damage?
<> Mahir says "And yes. Doubled before DV or Soak, Dodge inappicable."
<> Mahir says "16LP"
Reed [to Brian]: 13P.
Brian [to Reed]: 12 damage dice.
Reed [to Brian]: I meant to say otterhug, too. Didn't realize that until after the fact.
<> Mahir says "Nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only way to be sure."
Brian [to Reed]: 24 damage dice.
Brian [to Mahir]: 26 and 18 damage dice, respectively.
Brian says, "16, 26, 18."
<> Reed says "KNew it was somethinng like that."
<> Reed rolls 24 damage dice: <1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10> for 8 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 16 damage dice: <1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 9 9> for 3 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 26 damage dice: <2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10> for 17 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 18 damage dice: <1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 10> for 6 successes.
<> Two says "Oh"
<> Mahir says "3 on 16? Really?"
<> Reed says "And #7 had us both on it, so it should be pretty smeared."
<> Mahir says "I would've likely targetted a different one, had I seen that, if nothing else for fear of catching you in the barrage. But I should've noticed earlier."
<> Reed says "I didn't register it either, and should have gone for #2. They're not exactly endangering me."
Brian says, "In a flash, death finds its way to the Wyld creatures. The fluid grace of Reed allows him to move between the moments of Mahir's Sky Burning Strike; where there are not arrows, there is an angry otter warbeast. Reed tears the arms off the unfortunate seventh wuggabugga, hurling it skyward into the fiery rain of Mahir's shots, which devastate it and the third wuggabugga. The first escapes, scattering and howling, with only five or six arrows making a weird headdress of fletchings around its central, bulbous body's crown.]"
<> Brian says "Speeds? And-- TCS, Teyv, or CCS?"
<> Mahir says "Speed 3"
<> Teyv says "I think I only have terrestrial."
<> Reed says "Speed 6."
Brian says, "Ok. mahir on 7, Teyv gets to throw Sorcery out on Tick 9, and Reed goes on Tick 10."
Brian says, "Tick 5, Ashan."
Ashan is tense as the battle begins; he's not a warrior by nature or training, relatively speaking, and a small part of him still fears the Wyld. But as his companions devastate the hobgoblins effortlessly, that part of him recedes, leaving him serene. A blade falls naturally into his hand as targeting and range information flows across his vision, and he takes a breath, waiting for the perfect moment.
<> Ashan says "One tick of aim."
<> Brian says "Well, that's all you need, if I recall correctly."
<> Ashan says "Exactly. XD"
<> Ashan says "So I'm going with whoever else is on 6, if anyone."
Brian says, "Tick 6! Ashan, Bennu, WB 5, (Bennu), WB 6 (Bennu), WB 8 (Reed)"
<> Bennu says "Which 4 are least damaged in range of me? ^^"
<> Brian says "10, 6, and 2 are -0/-0/-0. 1 is -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1."
<> Brian says "the others are all 1 HL into -2."
<> Bennu says "Okay."
<> Reed says "Erp,I forgot my speed boost. Oh well."
Bennu is not satisfied, and this earth has not yet been cleansed. As she moves, spinning on one armored foot over the sand, sinking slightly down, she stretches up both arms towards the heavens, the blades pointing sunwards. She holds the pose for but a heartbeat, spinning as she lowers them down, drawing wings of light out of the sun and into her anima, which flares up, straining towards the Dome of the Sky. In the same instant, she steps forward, kicking a spray of sand which arches through the air in a frozen loop of gold, in a frozen moment as she strikes again and again and again, her blades weaving a pattern and ward against chaos out of the roiling Essence around her with each strike.
<> Brian says "So you go on T9, then."
<> Bennu says "Buying 4 on each with first, hitting 10, 6, 2, and then 1, I suppose! :) Peripheral all of it. Full iconic."
Brian says, "The wugga buggas run around in a blind combination of panic, fury, and hunger. Out of the bouncing, sprawling melee the fifth and sixth chant, "Igga wigga digga LUNCH! Now a sparkly's bones to crunch!" as they leap high in the air, their unnatural maws spreading with even more unnatural distention, trying to chow on her armored shoulderblades. The sixth moves a little slower than the fifth, trying to waggle around in the brilliant light, leaping off Bennu's phoenix flames to try and devour her without being struck."
Brian [to Bennu]: 3-dot.
<> Bennu says "As a reminder I forgot last two times, Heat. :p"
<> Bennu rolls 23 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10> for 14 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 22 dice: <1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10> for 13 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 21 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 10 10 10 10> for 10 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 20 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10> for 11 successes.
Brian [to Reed]: The eighth wugga bugga growls, and dances from side to side like it was going to belch forth. It bounces, dances, turns red and orange... but its eyes don't glow, and instead of belching, it whirls midair, slashing claws and talons at Reed, one with each hand and one with each foot. Four attack flurry.
Brian [to Bennu]: Any defensive charms?
<> Bennu says "mmm. No. XD"
Brian [to Bennu]: 16, 15, 12, 13
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <1 2 2 3 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 10> for 6 successes.
<> Brian rolls 12 dice: <2 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 9 9 9> for 4 successes.
<> Brian rolls 8 dice: <2 4 5 8 8 8 9 10> for 6 successes.
<> Brian rolls 7 dice: <1 4 4 5 7 10 10> for 5 successes.
<> Brian rolls 6 dice: <2 5 5 6 9 9> for 2 successes.
<> Brian rolls 5 dice: <1 1 4 5 8> for 1 success.
<> Bennu rolls 16 damage dice: <1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 10> for 8 successes.
Brian suspects Reed isn't going to be hit.
<> Bennu rolls 15 damage dice: <1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 8 8 10 10> for 4 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 12 damage dice: <1 1 1 2 3 3 3 5 5 7 7 10> for 3 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 13 damage dice: <2 2 3 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 10 10> for 7 successes.
<> Brian rolls 10 dice: <4 5 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 10> for 4 successes.
<> Brian rolls 10 dice: <2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 9> for 1 success.
<> Brian rolls 1 damage die: <6> for 0 successes.
<> Brian rolls 1 damage die: <2> for 0 successes.
Reed drops to the ground and rolls to his back as the creature lunges towards him. Waiting for just the right moment, he thrusts his feet between its limbs and into its underbelly, digs in his claws, and rolls tail-over-head with the momentum until he and his attacker have reversed places. That done, he shoves his feet violently away from him, letting the creature continue its motion through the air safely away from him and his charge.
Brian [to Reed]: ... 3-dot stunt for making the GM laugh out loud.
Ashan is still for a long moment, and then he is not, sweeping into action with a whisper of silken armor. In the shadows of Bennu's display, his is subtle, as it should be; the Inferior Sign of the Gull shimmers in blue light for an instant over his steel blade, and in the same motion, he turns and hurls the weapon at empty air -- seconds before Reed hurls his hobgoblin into the sky on an intersecting course.
Brian says, "Bennu's scythe reaps the life from the first wuggabugga, carving it and roasting it all at the same time. Nothing is left but purple goo and ashes, quickly dissolving back into the wyld. 10 is torn and scorched, missing an eye from the terrible wrath. Six and two are bleeding and smoking; the smell of burnt cabbage fills the air. Reed punts the eighth away from his circle with ease, and none of them can gain purchase against Bennu's burning defense."
Brian [to Ashan]: 2-dot stunt, hit it.
<> Ashan says "Taking Essence back, using Life Gets Worse Approach."
<> Ashan says "+3 raw damage, and if I do damage I can spend 2m for the rest of the scene to reroll anyone's failed ranged attacks against it."
<> Ashan says "Not that Mahir is LIKELY to miss. But."
<> Brian says "You guys want me to give Ashan a third stunt die for amusing most of the group and making Use Of Teamwork?"
<> Reed says "I'd vote for that."
<> Mahir says "I like it."
<> Brian chuckles 3-dot, against a DV of 5, then.
<> Ashan rolls 16 dice: <1 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8> for 4 successes.
<> Ashan says "...fuck that. Guardian Gem reroll."
<> Ashan rolls 16 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 7 9 9 9 10> for 6 successes.
<> Ashan says "....I'll take it."
<> Brian patpats. "The dice _hate_ you, dude. What's your raw damage?
<> Ashan says "11 with the Charm."
<> Brian says "Piercing/no piercing?"
<> Brian says "Also speed."
<> Ashan says "No piercing, it's a perfect steel blade. Speed 4."
<> Brian says "5 damage dice."
<> Ashan rolls 5 damage dice: <2 2 5 5 7> for 1 success.
<> Ashan says "....sigh."
Brian says, "Ok, the blade gouges along the side of the punted wuggabugga, leaving a long red streak."
Brian says, "Tick 7, two and mahir!"
<> Ashan says "For the record, it's sticking somehow and attracting small insects and other debris. >>"
<> Brian says "It got lodged in a ... call it a lump."
<> Two says "Is WP5 still standing?"
<> Brian says "Yup!"
<> Mahir says "Can I get a general target count?"
<> Mahir says "I'm losing track of how many are left alive."
<> Reed says "I'm completely lost."
Brian says, "WB 2: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1 10 ticks at -2
WB 4: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2
WB 5: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2 25 ticks at -2
WB 6: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2
WB 8: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2 5 ticks at -2
WB 10: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/-4 10 ticks at -2"
<> Reed says "Also I think that we should leave one for Teyv to kill."
Brian says, "Though those should be technically less ticks. It'll be 'on that tick' they don't have the penalty any more."
Reed [to Brian]: Well, no. They'll be dead.
Brian [to Reed]: #2 and #10 might survive long enough to have it off.
Brian says, "... briefly."
Two extends her weapons upwards for a second and for a second, seems to invoke the full majesty of a Solar. She rounds on her first opponent, who still vexes her and strikes the abomination with her full strength -- and as the blades go through the air, one seems to sing and the other growls and then roars like a tiger. "Die now. Your every moment is an affront."
<> Two says "Activating my c-c-c-c-combo."
<> Brian says "2 dot! Roll it; I'll pose its defensive stunt as a part of its reaction pose."
<> Two says "You mean its death pose, amirite"
<> Brian says "Quite probably, given it has a DV of 5 right now."
Mahir surveys the battlefield, noticing that his arrows, along with many of the attacks of his fellows are having difficulty penetrating the toughened hides of the beasts. He shifts slightly in the air, seeking the proper angle, his armor wings bearing him aloft easily. He gathers his essence for a moment, pulling back the infinite bowstring of Finality in Unity and sighting down at the remaining beasts. Three times he releases his arrow, each one momentarily blinding in it's brightness, and gleaming with violent essence.
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 8 9 9 9 10 10> for 8 successes.
Brian [to Mahir]: 2-dot; what charms/target?
<> Mahir says "EAA three times, breaking down half of their non-armor soak. Picking off 2, 4, 6"
<> Brian says "Just EAA? Gotcha. Roll it."
<> Mahir says "Personal, so I'm still not iconic, holding at 15 motes banner."
Brian [to Two]: Base damage is which again?
<> Mahir says "I don't have my Overdrive going, and I don't have a combo yet. So I'm stuck with one charm per."
<> Two says "19L, 5 min, +2 for stunt"
Brian [to Two]: Piercing, right? Stunt doesn't affect damage, though.
<> Two says "Yes, Piercing"
Brian [to Two]: Roll 19.
<> Two says "C, N, P; O, P, D"
<> Two rolls 19 damage dice: <1 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 10> for 6 successes.
Brian [to Mahir]: rolls?
<> Two shakes a fist.
<> Mahir says "Trying to remember the flurry rules. If I started with 26, and 3-flurrry, it's 23, 22, 21?"
<> Mahir rolls 23 dice: <1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10> for 8 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 22 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9 10 10> for 6 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 21 dice: <1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 9 10> for 8 successes.
<> Mahir says "I hope his DV is crap. :-P"
<> Ashan says "See, you should've aimed at 8. I could've rerolled for you. :P"
Brian [to Two]: The wiggling waggling flailing beast attempts to scurry under the swing of your attack. This... this doesn't work very well; it's not small enough or fast enough to escape. Instead, the chainklaive effect tears through it, sending its sides bursting out to either end.
Brian [to Mahir]: Well, they all hit. Raw damage is what again?
<> Mahir says "16L, +4 for EAA, and uber-piercing."
Brian [to Mahir]: 16, 15, 17.
<> Mahir rolls 16 damage dice: <1 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10> for 6 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 15 damage dice: <1 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 10 10 10> for 7 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 17 damage dice: <1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 9> for 5 successes.
Brian says, "The three wuggabuggas destined for ARROWage spin about in their crazy circles. The fourth even tries to shove the second into the way of the arrow sent for it; it succeeds, but only gets shot by the arrow intended for the second. The sixth yelps and growls and rolls forward desperately fast, but in your Solar skill, you adjusted for that, and the twang of your arrow strikes it hard. The fourth dies, impaled through what... might... be the brain. Something behind the mouth and sticking out the other side, anyway. Its eyes spin crazily and it crunches down on the arrow-- and then it dies, slumping forward and twitching slowly as its major functions lose control and perish independentely. The second has lost both eyes, the arrow having cut through _both_ as it was shoved sideways. The sixth is completely holed by the arrow, which buries itself completely in the sand. It's leaking goo and some strange, gloppy substance, but neither it nor the second are technically dead yet."
<> Brian says "Speed 3 for Mahir and 5 for Two, right?"
<> Mahir says "Yus"
<> Two says "yep"
<> Two says "Althugh I suspect that I won't be going again..."
Brian says, "Tick 9, then. Reed, Teyv, WB2 (Two), WB10 (Mahir)"
Now creature-free, Reed converts his backwards roll into a sideways twist and rolls onto his belly, gathering all four feet under him and springing upwards. The half-second of airtime is enough for him to take in the situation and reorient, and as soon as he hits the ground he's off again, bounding across the bloodied dust towards the creature nearest Teyv and ripping it to pieces in a blur of ivory fur and silver claw.
<> Reed says "He's got his pre-written; let me see if I can figure out where."
Brian [to Reed]: You're attacking 6, then, two dot stunt. I'll pose the stunt as a part of the results.
<> Teyv says "She's gone, now."
<> Teyv says "When you're ready for my stunt, etc. let me know."
<> Brian says "Hit it, Teyv."
Teyv trains a medical eye on the various wyld creatures, and attempts to gage which is the healthiest, and hence the most threatening. He looks at blood loss, counts the number of limbs, then counts the number on some other creatures and takes an average, as he realizes he's not sure how many limbs they're supposed to have.
<> Teyv says "I need to know which one to attack."
<> Brian says "#8."
Teyv focuses his mind to draw fire of the earth into the bones of the beast. Hmm, they appear to have exoskeletons. Well they might not have marrow to turn to molten magma, but they certainly have organs which manufacture that green slime they call blood. Perhaps the blood uses vanadium chromagen compounds; that would carry oxygen and make it green. Or maybe it's green just out of spite for all things natural and good. Shutting off the curious, scientific part of his mind, and trusting that the magma of the earth will know what to do, Teyv fashions his Mudra and unleashes the vulcano, still very curious as to exactly which part of the creature will ignite. He plans to perform an autopsy, if anything is left.
<> Teyv says "casting "Internal Flame""
Brian says, "The second wuggabugga, blinded and berserk, howls. It doesn't bother with a chant; it just rolls its huge, disgusting tongue out, tasting the air for the nearest Solar. Sensing Two, the wuggabugga lashes out with the tongue, whipping it back and forth and trying to batter Two to the ground with it. The tenth has finally noticed the source of the death arrows. Inhaling for its belch of death, its eyes pulse red and its body breaks out into purple spots. It shatters the air with an ozone-frying bolt of purple lightning zigzagging towards Mahir."
Brian [to Teyv]: _nice_ Three-dot.
<> Reed says "Also using Wasp & Spider to just finish the thing off."
<> Reed says "Octopus & spider, even"
Brian [to Reed]: Alrighty. Roll your attacks.
Brian [to Teyv]: Ditto.
Brian [to , Two]: Any specific defenses, or just holding stunts from before?
<> Teyv says "wits + occult + essence + stunt?"
<> Reed rolls 21 dice: <2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10> for 13 successes.
<> Reed rolls 21 dice: <1 2 3 3 3 4 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10> for 11 successes.
Brian [to Teyv]: Wits + Occult + stunt, then +Essence in automatic successes.
<> Reed rolls 22 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10> for 12 successes.
<> Reed rolls 22 dice: <1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10> for 12 successes.
<> Teyv rolls 13 dice: <1 2 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10> for 10 successes.
<> Reed rolls 24 dice: <1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 10> for 12 successes.
Brian [to Reed]: Claw/Claw/Foot/Foot/Tail?
Brian [to Reed]: Raw damage for each?
Reed [to Brian]: Bite, not tail.
Brian [to Reed]: Ahhh. Check.
Reed [to Brian]: 9 per foot, 6 per hand, 7 bite. All L.
Mahir's Celestial armor gives him every bit as much manueverability in the air as he would have on the ground, and his reflexes are finely honed. Even as the beast is inhaling, Mahir is already in motion, with wings and essence shield moving with him, interposing to deflect the bolt further off course.
<> Mahir says "I'm locked out of charms, so just DDV."
<> Brian rolls 8 dice: <2 3 5 6 9 9 9 10> for 5 successes.
<> Brian rolls 3 damage dice: <2 9 10> for 2 successes.
<> Mahir says "They also have -2 external to attack me invisible, if that matters."
<> Reed says "Also a -2 from the Thunder Wolf, if it's still going on."
Brian [to Teyv]: The horrible monster is the least damaged of its compatriots, but its hurried rush to try to hide behind Reed fails utterly. A terrible scream of agony escapes its giant mouth and it falls on its back, frothing and spitting up its gorge and bile. It is alive, but its bones are now molten iron. Not... cold iron... but. Painful. It will die soon.
Brian [to Reed]: Let's see..
Brian [to Reed]: what's your permanent Essence?
Reed does have little iron chains and beads and spiky thingies woven all over his gear.
Reed [to Brian]: Only 3.
Brian [to Reed]: 4, 3, 6, 6, 4.
<> Brian rolls 10 dice: <2 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 7 9> for 2 successes.
Brian [to Mahir]: It misses. It misses _hardcore_.
Brian [to Two]: Defenses against yours?
<> Reed rolls 4 damage dice: <3 3 4 6> for 0 successes.
<> Reed rolls 3 damage dice: <4 8 9> for 2 successes.
<> Reed rolls 6 damage dice: <1 4 5 6 10 10> for 2 successes.
<> Reed rolls 6 damage dice: <4 7 7 8 8 8> for 5 successes.
<> Reed rolls 4 damage dice: <1 1 2 10> for 1 success.
Brian [to Reed]: ... You tear the bugga right out of the wugga. I mean, completely. It's gone. There is no bug, half a ga, and even the wugga is kind of hollow and torn through. It is, in fact, an ex-hobgoblin.
<> Ashan says "Not pining for the Bordermarches, I see."
<> Brian says "It's nailed to the sand!"
<> Reed says "The only reason it's still here is because it's nailed to the sand . . . by my claws."
<> Brian says "Seriously."
<> Bennu says "Can I ask for another summary of health, BTW?"
<> Reed says "I think my dismembering of the lionfolk king was a little more spectacular."
Brian [to Reed]: If you really want me to write a summary of how you tear it into itty bitty gory wory pieces, I can! It's your call.
Brian [to Bennu]: It dependson whether or not Two counterattacks on the second. The eighth has two HLs left and is on fire. The tenth also only has two Hls left, but is not on fire.
<> Two is defense 15. Or is it 18. I think I get a +3 from some random thing. And yes, counterattack to hell
<> Brian rolls 8 dice: <1 2 4 6 7 8 8 10> for 5 successes.
Brian [to Two]: Pose your defense and counterattack; the defense is successful.
Two easily deflects the beast's attack with her small blade and takes a small step to the side, striking at it with a slash from her main weapon. "I am tired of this. You should never have existed."
Brian [to Two]: Two-dot! Roll 'em!
<> Two rolls 18 dice: <1 2 2 2 3 4 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10> for 13 successes.
Brian [to Two]: 23!
<> Two rolls 23 damage dice: <1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10> for 8 successes.
Brian [to Two]: With another beautiful song from your spines, you carve it from bulbous eyes to the very sand itself. You have bisection on the mind today-- or the little god of your chainklaive does. Either way, it's seriously dead.
Brian says, "Bennu, Ashan, Mahir, Tick 10."
Bennu has seen the broken villagers, their torn and ravaged corpses, their bloodstained mouths and fingernails. Bennu has seen the faceless wyld and felt the corruption of this piece of Creation. And though these terrors are petty threats before the might of a Zenith, armed and armored by blessed Orichalcum, warded against corruption with her will bolstered by the Sun itself, still, her wrath soars. Like the pitiless desert sun, her wrath is implacable, and falls as harshly on these weak abominations of twisted chaos as it would upon more obvious threats. Her face is set behind the golden faceplate of her armor, and overkill or not, she her wrath burns through the dry air, flaring solar light glowing from within her orichalcum blades, leaving sweeping walls of light that box in her target as she swings.
<> Bennu says "One attack, spending 10 peripheral because overkill is fun. On first of course, as natural"
<> Brian says "Ok, Bennu roll 3-dot on the tenth. Mahir, Ashan, you want to arrow/impale the eight, or...?"
Mahir sees the unleashing fury of Bennu's attack, and begins sliding slowly closer to the battlefield, and the ground. As he glides down, he casually looses a pair of arrows at the remaining dying beast, making it look more like an exhibition on a parade ground than an act of battle.
Brian is just going to say that you guys kill them if you get more than 4 successes on the attack.
Brian [to Bennu]: And, yes, that is still 3-dot.
<> Mahir rolls 24 dice: <1 1 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10> for 16 successes.
<> Mahir rolls 23 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 10> for 8 successes.
<> Bennu rolls 33 dice: <1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10> for 15 successes.
Ashan lets a second blade fall into his hand, acting without thought, obedient to the harmony of Creation in which these creatures have no place. No Essence adorns this blade, for none is needed, with the fury of the Solars around him; he takes no time to aim carefully, but simply casts his weapon towards Bennu's target. It seems to skim off the rising currents of heat from her anima and the wind of her blows, these chance factors guiding it to perfect and final union with its Wyld-twisted target.
Brian nods. "Roll 2-dot, I want to see just how badly you guys destroy them.
<> Ashan rolls 12 dice: <1 1 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10> for 6 successes.
<> Bennu says "We destroy them very well, thank you very much."
Brian says, "Scythe and arrow reap their bloody work. Soon, the last two corpses hit the sand, slowly sizzling away into Wyld energy as their bodies dissipate into the mutation and evaporating gossamer they were once made from. The battle is over; this attack on the poor, blighted village has been ended. The villagers are safe for now; you can get back to saving the mutated and cursed."
Teyv collects his thoughts after the few minutes of combat, and any curiosity about the creatures vanishes when the thoughts of the foul presence harming the villagers returns to him. He turns and moves back to the altar, to dismantle the noxious presence. After spending 25 peripheral essences, he is a bit sparkly.
Bennu stoops to scoop a handful of sunbleached sand from beneath her feet, and uses it to burnish her blades clean as the visor on her helm retracts. "And now back to digging," she says, wryly.
Ashan glides over to retrieve his blades, cleaning them carefully on the sand.
Brian says, "Yeah, you're all pretty much glowing at the 15+ level at this point, right?"
Mahir finishes his casual glide to the battlefield, disengaging his cloak, and stowing his powerbow back Elsewhere with a practiced twist of his wrist. "Foul beasts. I assume they came to feast on the village, or to protect its corruption."
<> Mahir says "I'm at 15 motes exactly."
<> Bennu says "I'm way bright and shiny, full iconic, though that will end now since I'm not still spending."
Two takes some time to clean her weapons and armor, making a face at the wyld blood. "Do you think there will be more?"
Ashan makes his knives vanish somewhere in his flowing blue-silk sleeves. "There'll be more of something," he responds. "Whatever emplaced the glamour over this village, those things almost certainly weren't it."
Bennu contemplates. "I doubt there are more here, but they may arrive, and we will undoubtedly face more untangling this. This is more than one village." She turns and starts back towards the shrine, turning to ask, "Sorrowful Ivory Reed, do you still wish to do the honors?"
Reed glances quickly at Teyv to make sure he's still standing, and then slinks over to the corpse of the lightning-turned-rabbit. "You did not deserve this, little brother," he murmurs, gently scooping the body up in a large goo-covered palm. "I will dig," he says, rising and turning to the Solars. "I expect the god to be angry, perhaps confused-- but if it would be unfortunate for the god to attack me, it would be more unfortunate for the god to die." That said, he drops back to all fours and lopes off to the shrine, hopping somewhat awkwardly on three legs with the fourth holding the rabbit clasped to his chest.
Two considers this. Is not good at keeping things from dying.
Bennu follows Reed to the Shrine, standing back to let the Lunar dig.
Ashan follows Reed, moving with an easy grace that nonetheless has him keeping up with the Lunar. "I'm concerned that the god is tangled in the glamour," he says, "but I might be able to give her some peace while we work."
Mahir walks towards the shrine with the rest of the circle, seeing that there is little to do there, he turns to his fellows, "I am not built for digging, not schooled enough for rituals. I shall return to the sky and maintain a watch."
<> Mahir says "No point in re-engaging my cloak, since the anima will be visible for miles either way. But I want to be able to see *them* coming for miles as well, if there is more "them"."
Reed nods at the Advisor's offer. "Trapped from assisting her people, perhaps, if not feeding off her essence as well." He pauses for a few steps, and then adds, "I have some familiarity with water gods. I will speak to her also as I dig, and perhaps if she has not been driven mad she will listen and let us work.
Bennu suggests, "Perhaps prayer? We could ask the villagers who retain their minds of her nature."
Teyv arrives back at the shrine, and waits for the others to collect and start digging, as that is what was happening just a moment ago, though in a way it feels like weeks.
Ashan nods. "It's unlikely to hurt. I'll speak with her directly, though." He flashes a grin. "This is, after all, what I do."
Upon reaching the shrine, Reed sets the rabbit's corpse down by the priest's hut, safely tucked out of the way between the woodpile and the wall. "A wise suggestion, Zenith," he says, returning to the disturbed ground and crouching down. "Perhaps you can gather them? I do not think," the otterman adds with a slight grin-twist of his snout, "That they will fear you as much as they did me."
Ashan heads up to the shrine itself, pausing outside it to read the name from the lintel, and waits for Bennu to gather the sane villagers into prayer.
Bennu nods. "Two, please stay with Reed, in case something attacks while his paws are full" she suggests, and turns to find Samun and the troops.
Two nods.
Brian [to Bennu]: Your troops have been keeping them safe. You don't even see any corpses on the ground, nor bloodstains. Looks like they've kept the feral away. Sammun salutes. "They're frightened and a bit hungry. We gave them some water," he says, certain that he won't be punished for compassion, "And some of the extra rations. We couldn't just..."
Brian [to Bennu]: The villagers look in utter awe of you. Many avert their eyes, others tremble in fear, and still yet others simply stare, jaws open.
Bennu nods, approvingly. "Good," she says. She turns to look over the rescued villagers. "The shrine," she says. "Can any of you tell me about the god that dwells there?" She is not physically approaching them at the moment since passing out or running screaming would be counterproductive.
Brian [to Bennu]: Roll Charisma + Presence + 2 stunt.
<> Bennu rolls 8 dice: <1 3 3 4 5 5 8 10> for 3 successes.
<> Bennu says "Sigh."
Brian [to Bennu]: They're in awe of you, but one of them coughs. "Penitent Sussuration, excellency?" she says, staring at your feet. "She is a good god. The sacrifices are not hard, and the goats and camels have water. Her festivals are cheery. They... they went straight for her shrine!" she wails. "They were... angles. Angles and hate and fear..." Several of the others start to moan and shudder. "And everything-- everything was twisted. We knew... we ran for iron, but not everyone..."
Bennu holds up a hand, calmingly. Her voice, directed to all of them, is soothing. "We can not raise the dead, good villagers, but we may yet heal the mad. And we will do what we can for your goddess as well. What sacrifices does the god prefer?"
<> Bennu says "If I roll again, since I'm aiming at 'speech', I'd love to get away with Performance instead. Just saying!"
<> Brian says "Hmm."
<> Brian says "Sure, 2-dot, performance this time."
<> Bennu rolls 12 dice: <1 2 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10> for 7 successes.
Brian [to Bennu]: You easily soothe their nerves. Panting, the brave woman just hugs herself, while an elderly man says, "Dates, figs, oils if we can get them which is ..." He gives a wry, exhausted look. "Rare. Rarer now, I suppose. What will become of the mutants?" he asks, steeling himself for the worst.
Brian [to Reed]: Are you digging while all of this is going on?
Reed settles to his haunches behind the shrine and begins to hum, a soft sound somewhere between a keen and a lullaby. Eventually he adds more sounds reminiscent of whalesong intermingled with whistles and words, all in a light clear treble. Few people at Kether Rock have ever heard the little Lunar speak more than a few words-- fewer still have heard him sing, his voice sweet and fluting like a child's and entirely at odds with his wiry musculature and harsh looks. "My blood is water and ice," he sings in the Skytongue. "It calls to the water in yours. We come to cleanse this taint, O cousin descended of the first and greatest of oceans. Let our waters mingle, so yours may come away pure." Still singing softly, he leans forward and begins to scrape away the dirt atop the corruption, carefully avoiding the looping coils of essence and gossamer as best he can.
Bennu makes a noncomittal face. "Our Twilight believes he may help them as well. But only those that still live. The dead are beyond our reach." She nods and turns to Samun. "Oil?" she asks him, holding out a hand.
Samun bows slightly and fishes a small vial out of the thaumaturgy supplies he carries. "Will that be enough?" he inquires
Bennu nods. "It should be," she says, and with another nod to the mortals, says, "Stay safe. We will do what we may to aid your neighbors as well." She turns to head back to the shrine, carrying the oil.
Brian says, "The elderly man shrugs. "I'm not a priest. They killed both of them," he says, exhausted. "If you can bring them back, it's something. I don't know what, but..." He isn't entirely hopeless, not with you there, but even with the mutants return, the village has been devastated."
Brian says, "Oh, 5 xp for everyone!"
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