Shadows of the Past log 6 (4/14/2012)

Jun 30, 2012 22:20

This is the last log! Apologies for all the spam and hope at least one person enjoys reading them.

Reed says, "Or, well. Is long poses. So: Reed's villager found some angry goats. Two's group is looking for cattle. Ashan and Samun are summoning elementals to help rebuild, while Teyv creates a plan."

Reed says, "I think Mahir is also helping villagers. I can't find what Bennu is doing."

Brian says, "Could you C&P them to me in AIM? I'm trying to remember where I was."

16:54:26 Brian says, "It's close enough to four, so let's pause here. For the record, when we get back, Two, I'm going to want a survival roll from you to hunt cattle. Sammun has a Charisma + Occult + 3 degree + 3 stunt pool of 15; Ashan, you'll be rolling fully cooperative with him 3 times-- bennuplayer will probably run for next time. Reed, I'm going to rule that you automatically succeeed in helping them back."

<> Bennu says "What am I doing now?"

<> Ashan says "Okay. My pool is 11 -- since he's cooperating with me, do my Excellencies get to affect us as a group?"

<> Bennu says "I'm helping with spirit summoning?"

<> Brian says "Sammun's roll for summoning. Does anyone remember WHICH type of elementals you guys were going to get? And, sorry, no. Not at the moment."

<> Ashan says "Ah, well."

<> Ashan says "Need fires, the little burny ball things, and jokun."

<> Brian says "YOu could pose to add Priestly to the ritual if you'd like."

<> Two says "BAH, should've raised Survival"

<> Ashan says "llama-yu."

<> Reed says "Samun is helping Ashan summon elementals. Need fires, llama-yu, and some rock dudes."

<> Bennu says "I could also be out hunting. I have SOME survival. :p"

<> Bennu says "But Samun, yeah, helping with summoning. So you want me to pose for him?"

<> Bennu says "Or did we alreayd?"

<> Two has Survival 3

<> Brian says "I posed for him for last time. He got a 3 dot stunt."

<> Ashan says "We did poses. >.>"

<> Bennu says "Okay. :p"

<> Brian says "Just decide whether or not you want to add your own."

<> Bennu says "It might be better for Bennu to actually be out looking for cattle."

Brian [to Two]: Give me a survival stunt for the cattle.

Brian [to Bennu]: Ok. Roll Sammun, then, and stunt your own cattle-gathering.

<> Bennu says "I suspect Samun should spend WP here as well."

<> Bennu rolls 15 dice: <1 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 9 9> for 3 successes.

<> Ashan says "I'm taking my 11 successes x3 and going home."

<> Bennu says "...."

<> Bennu says "Glad you did. :p"

<> Two is, btw, loving the hell out of the voice acting for Xenoblade.

<> Ashan says "See, this is EXACTLY why I bought Fateful Occult."

Brian [to Ashan]: ... Wait, x3?

<> Ashan says "Three rolls."

<> Ashan says "Full fateful on all three."

<> Reed says "Three rituals, three rolls."

<> Brian says "... Go ahead. Let's say in order, Need Fires, Llama-yu, and Jokun?"

<> Bennu rolls 15 dice: <1 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 9 9 10 10 10> for 8 successes.

<> Ashan says "Yah."

<> Bennu rolls 15 dice: <1 1 1 1 3 3 4 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10> for 9 successes.

<> Ashan says "So: 14, 19, 20"

<> Bennu says "WP was spent on all the rolls."

<> Ashan says "15, 20, 21"

<> Mahir says "Nothing says "Siddie" like "I'm not going to roll that, it's all succs."

Brian will be opening up the Roll and checking things about them.

<> Ashan says "Exactly. :)"

After the goats are secured by the children, Two takes the old hunters out looking for the feral cattle, relying on a number of factors: the guidance from the hunters, on where the cattle were located, her history as a Bride of Ahlat and the experience and knowledge that brings, and most importantly, the Holy Mission that she is on to restore Order to this area. A mission that is blessed by local gods and Sol Invictus, thus guaranteeing success. "We cannot fail," she tells the others, "because this is the Proper course."

<> Mahir says "I think I was going to help with the cattle hunting, since I'm useless on the rituals."

<> Reed says "There are four directions! Pick one."

<> Two says "Up"

<> Mahir says "Exactly!"

<> Mahir says "There are *five* directions."

Bennu is a general, and a general must feed her troops. To that end, she has always bent her survival studies. Now, it is not her troops that face starvation, but people dependent even on them. Her compassion drives, and her conviction permits her nothing less than success. Her memories of hunger during her own sometimes brutal Survival training brings back all the little tricks of tracking prey; finding water to find where they drink; following their daily patterns for shade and sun and grazing - because without food, there is no hope for the village... and Bennu is a Solar; there is always hope.

<> Reed says "Technically, six. But food here isn't likely to be up or down."

<> Ashan says "Depends how deep you go, and what you can consider food."

<> Reed does not eat /worms/.

<> Bennu says "And I'm gonna channel ...Conviction if I may, Compassion if not."

<> Ashan says "I was thinking darkbrood and forsaken gods more than worms. Though if you squint..."

Brian [to Two]: 2-dot stunt, Perception + survival.

Brian [to Bennu]: 2-dot, but you may also use War, if you wish.

<> Two rolls 8 dice: <2 2 2 3 5 6 10 10> for 4 successes.

<> Two says "BAH"

<> Brian says "Dead even."

<> Reed says "Fish is better."

<> Ashan says "Yeah, darkbrood taste bad."

<> Bennu rolls 12 dice: <1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 9 9 9 10> for 6 successes.

<> Bennu says "Average and Legendary."

<> Reed says "So do goats and cattle. But at least they're not poisonous."

<> Ashan says "Truuue."

Mahir tries to follow along with the rituals being conducted, but he loses the thread quite quickly. Shaking his head to clear out all the incantations, he returns to where the rest of the villagers are congregating, in time to catch the end of the discussion of the need for food. Mahir's first task, when he was old enough to be given real tasks, was watching over the herds, since the alertness and perception that are the hallmarks of a gifted archer are useful for more than just archery. He takes the air, making note of the directions being covered by his fellows, and skims low over the earth, searching for the telltales that will lead him to the remnants of the village's herds.

<> Brian says "I thought Mahir was out with the goat grabbers?"

<> Mahir says "Er. Yeah, I guess I was. Derp."

<> Reed says "There's four of us, four directions the food could have scattered."

<> Reed says "Might as well split up, unless they were raising Demon Goats."

<> Mahir says "Retcon, then I wasn't at the ritual, but the goat people came back already, so I'm going out again for cattle."

<> Brian says "This is going to take a long time for me to pose, I should note. But, ok. Per + Surv + 2, then, Mahir."

<> Mahir says "You can probably just summarize the cattle part, the ritual is the more important as far as details. And I'm taking ess for the stunt, because I'm still *way* down."

<> Mahir rolls 9 dice: <1 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 10> for 7 successes.

Once Reed has his crew's ropes looped around the necks of the matriarch and the most recalcitrant members of her brood and the other ends safely in the hands of the sturdiest villagers, they start back home, tugging the goats behind them. Reed himself follows in the air, circling slowly above the procession and occasionally diving down to harass a straying goat back into line.

<> Reed says "That's all I'm going to say for a while, since the rebuilding is more important."

Brian says, "The rituals go ... well. Very, very well. Perhaps somewhat too well. The braziers seem to pour forth an almost unlimited number of Need Fire sparks. He channels them skyward, where they hover, dancing and sparkling in the air, but doing so slows his ability to tie off the ritual, the braziers not exhausting themselves until two hundred ecstatic Need Fires are dancing in the air. Samun manages to keep them up and dancing in a pretty display, rather than lighting house fires or baking the earth to scorched glass, but there are immense numbers of them. He swears quietly and looks at Ashan. "Enlightened one, that was the -least- successful ritual. The llama-yu and the jokun are still coming. I have no idea what we're going to be getting here."

The river goddess throws up some cool sprays of water onto the thatch of various houses to dampen them somewhat, and shakes her head. "Exalts," she says with a wry smile.

The hunting goes well. Bennu and Two have already collected not only the remnants of whatever herds are still alive, but manage to corral between them a wild herd. It's not feral stock, but almost all of the wild cattle have some domesticated genes in them, and in fact, with two, and then three Solars guiding them, the cattle seem to almost change-- horns growing smaller and eyes less wild-- as their little gods adapt to the presence of Solars and their blessings."

<> Reed says "Reed will keep going out until the villagers think they have all their goats and pigs back, and then help keep them from running away while they fix the corrals."

<> Teyv says "Let me know when it's time to pose beginning the construction."

<> Two says "Hahaha"

<> Two says "Sol Invictus approves of beef."

Ashan shrugs wryly. "The help we need to accomplish things quickly," he says, and joins Samun in corralling the need fires, weaving soothing patterns for them to follow with words and incense.

<> Brian says "You won't see any more from the elemental summoning for 1-2 hours."

<> Brian says "So plans for the moment need to be made."

Ashan glances at Teyv, his hands still flowing through ritual gestures. "The rest of the help will be a few hours yet," he says. "We'd best begin with what we can, if you're ready."

<> Reed says "He's stepped away for a second. I relayed the message."

<> Reed says "I guess IC you can say it takes him a few minutes to register that you're talking to him. He's still muttering to himself and drawing plans in the dirt. But he says he's got a pose ready, just needs to fix a few things."

<> Ashan says "Either way works. XD"

Brian says, "The villagers mostly hide behind the River Goddess, Bennu, or the Tiger Warriors, whenever possible. This is freaking them out a bit."

<> Reed says "I suspect the animals might be a bit uneasy also."

Two helps the villagers with their animals: construcing corrals, making sure the animals don't go crazy.

Bennu leads the cattle back; agriculture is the heart of any people and cattle provide milk, meat, and fertilizer. Seeing how disturbed the villagers are, she sets them to building corrals for the animals, securing them to preserve their future.

Brian says, "Mahir, Reed, what are you guys doing?"

Reed is keeping the returned animals from running away again, mainly by dive-bombing them and scaring them back to the rest of the herd if they get too far.

<> Mahir says "Flying around looking for more cattle. 7 succ on the surv roll, I don't think I saw a result."

Brian [to Mahir]: You were the two, then three above. You guys found mad cattle together. Well, mad _amounts_ of cattle.

Brian [to Mahir]: THey're pretty docile and un-diseased, actually.

Teyv, still in his charmed acceleration, directs those who can provide heat to focus it on the pure sand. Steam escapes at first as the sand heats up, eventually drying, then glowing, and finally melting together into flowing glass. Teyv whispers thoughts to the small spirits who inhabit each grain of sand, encouraging them towards their new form. As more and more liquid glass forms, he allows it to form into a larger and larger pool. White hot liquid glass swirls as the fires dive into it. The pool is bound only by the solid rock, which does not melt as easily as the sand.

<> Brian says "Speaking of, anyone with Occult 3 or more, the Priest merit, or any other remotely spiritual connections (tell me what they are), make an Essence + Occult or Essence + Performance."

Teyv says, "Dear workers, exalts, and spirits. We must prepare a channel to guide the liquid glass into position in the cave. From the pool, dig towards the cave. Others, you must bring sand to feed the pool."

<> Bennu says "I Have Priest, and also Essence Sight."

<> Bennu says "Is my Performance specialty relevant? "To Spirits?""

Teyv [to Brian]: ok essence + occult

<> Ashan says "TN to 4."

<> Ashan rolls 8 dice: <1 1 1 3 6 9 9 10> for 4 successes.

<> Teyv rolls 8 dice: <2 3 4 6 6 7 7 7> for 3 successes.

<> Ashan says "...oh, dice orphan."

Brian [to Bennu]: Yup!

<> Ashan says "(connections are occult 3, priest, essence sight.)"

<> Ashan says "(er, 5)"

<> Bennu says "Essence+PReformance then."

<> Bennu rolls 10 dice: <1 1 2 4 4 6 6 6 7 8> for 2 successes.

<> Bennu says "..."

Mahir returns to the air, splitting his attention between the herds being corralled, the evolving ritual, and the horizons.

<> Brian says "Essence Sight won't help."

<> Bennu says "Seriously, diceorphan?"

<> Mahir says "I have no relevant Occult-ness."

<> Reed says "I have Occult specialty for gods and spirits of the northern seas. Count?"

<> Brian says "'Fraid not."

<> Reed rolls 6 dice: <3 7 7 7 9 9> for 5 successes.

Bennu approaches the problem of corrals from the perspective of a general, not a herdsman; the layouts she devises will no doubt keep the animals within, but they would also serve as decent stockades in the case of an attack. Given the many losses the villagers have had, there is an excess of building supplies, sadly enough. And as she waits for the Occultists to do their work, she focuses on directing the construction instead; the further they get the village along, the better their chances.

<> Reed says "I'm just In Tune."

Ashan looks at the cattle thoughtfully, then squints up at the sky and goes to collar Bennu.

Ashan waves an apology to Samun as he goes, murmuring that he'll be back shortly.

Brian pages: You vaguely recall the Hecatomb of Ahlat, and you note that you have more than 300 head of cattle. Perhaps a Hecatomb-and-a-spare, but for whom? Something about cattle and their large hearts tickles the back of your brain.

Samun shrugs, and tries to keep up with entertaining the Need Fires.

Samun simply bows his head to Ashan; not for a mere Dragon-blooded to impede the Celestial Exalted.

Bennu is obvious - she has to be, to help direct the mortals. She doesn't seem to mind the mud on the boots of her armor, and frequently she lends her empowered strength to moving especially large pieces of lumber.

During a lull in his harassing of escapees, Reed counts up the cattle with one beady eye, and circles for a moment before winging off to find Two.

Brian [to Reed]: 327.

Ashan waits until she's done shifting one of the large pieces before gliding up to her side. "Something just occurred to me," he murmurs. "With this many cattle, it might be wise to offer some of the choicer animals up to honor Ahlat and your patron. That sort of thing is expected with large enough herds."

Reed lands on top of the Dawn's head, and leans over slightly. "Your former master," he says, cocking his head to peer down at the woman. "Did he not appreciate the sacrifice of cattle? Perhaps it may benefit these people to offer some up to him."

<> Two says "dealing with trouble"

<> Two says "trouble = baby"

<> Reed says "Figured."

<> Brian says "Let's pause it then."

<> Brian says "I'd forgotten that Ahlat was Two's ex, in fact. *laughs* He should definitely be here for this."

<> Reed says "Back to the Ritual!"

<> Reed says "Can't slaughter cattle with all these elementals running around, anyway."

<> Brian says "Wellllll..."

Bennu contemplates, eyeing the cattle. "This is more than enough cattle for the villagers that remain," she says, after a moment. "And as they rebuild, so will the herds." She inclines her head to Ashan. "Besides, these people need all the blessings they can get - and the attention of the Celestial Bureaucracy here so that Fae incursions are noted -before- we ride up."

<> Brian says "The hecatomb and sacrifices to the Unconquered Sun technically both tend to involve, well, fire."

<> Reed says "Yes, but the fires are all busy right now."

Two considers this, then nods. "Yes, that would be the proper thing to do for Ahlat. He would approve of sacrifices -- even more if those sacrifices were captured by a war party. I don't think we'll be able to do that portion, however."

Brian [to Reed]: Samun would love having something to occupy them. :)

<> Brian chuckles, and Ponders. >_>

"There are enemies about," Reed replies, his talons clicking against the Dawn's helmet as he grips harder to ride out the nod. "It may be possible to arrange a stealing."

Ashan opens his mouth, pauses, then murmurs something under his breath, looking off into the distance as if reciting something from memory. "...from him the malady its birth received, on him the dreadful lot did fall...head with sacrificial garlands crowned...interceding Gaia spared his life, commands them in his stead a heifer slay, for the sun's rage was now removed away..." He nods thoughtfully. "If we can find garlands, we should open a heifer's throat as well in the ritual manner -- that old rite is a prayer to the Sun to cleanse the impure and diseased."

<> Brian says "None of you guys other than Reed are martial artists, right?"

<> Reed says "Bennu?"

<> Two says "I have a token rank in it"

<> Brian says "Meant primarily. Oh well. I'll just chuckle."

<> Bennu says "I have MA 3."

<> Bennu says "But I'm a meleeist."

<> Reed is at 5.

Bennu nods. "We'll want Teyv to participate in that," she says. "We can find or make garlands. Perhaps put some of the children to it."

Brian says, "The river goddess stares at Ashan, looking fearful. "You can't have mastered that," she says, the giantess edging towards her people. "Or do you just mean to attempt the ritual it recalls?""

<> Two says "Dammit Ashan, stop scaring the locals"

Ashan shakes his head vigorously. "Just the ritual," he says. "I'm not even enlightened enough to master the first Charm! But it _does_ recall a rite that might help us."

Two says, "If these enemies have cattle, they would make fine sacrifices. That said, I believe Ahlat would approve of any sacrifice taken by a war party."

Brian says, "The river goddess nods. "There's some desert bloom nearby," she says respectfully. "But no other tribes within a day's ride or more. I can send some of my children to get garlands.""

Reed taps his talons speculatively. "And if these cattle were stolen? Would their retrieval please Ahlat?

<> Bennu says "We really do have plenty of cattle."

Ashan nods back to her. "That sounds like a good plan," he replies. "Bennu and Teyv can conduct the rite, if they're willing."

Bennu eyes Reed. "We currently have more cattle than they can probably take proper care of anyhow. THere is no need to starve others to feed the gods." She inclines her head to Ashan. "It is no more than my duty," she says.

Brian says, "The river goddess, still somewhat shaken by the reminder of how many chosen are around-- and how illegal her worship here has been-- walks off with some of the more fit of her villagers to get garlands."

<> Brian says "How many garlands do you want-- enough for one cow, and sacrifice the rest for their hearts, or sacrifice the full hundred to the Unconquered Sun the same way?"

<> Ashan says "I think we probably want to do the rite as written and sacrifice the single heifer."

"I do not intend that others /starve/," the Lunar replies, feathers ruffled. "Merely that as much of the gods' favor as possible be gained for these here. If the sacrifice of cattle gained-- or regained-- in battle will please Ahlat more than that of cattle merely found, then do we not have a duty to attempt to do so?"

<> Brian says "Actually, having just looked it up, Ahlat doesn't care whether or not they're sacrificed out of your own or someone else's, at least not officially."

<> Brian says "He likes war, but the ritual just says "100"."

<> Brian says "I suspect that most people believe war is good because, well, he likes it."

<> Brian says "But I'm not going to create any penalties for not having it there."

Bennu shrugs. "No. We will either be forced to a fight which will risk the lives of both those we attack and our own troops - whose lives I do not treat as disposable, or we will simply be bullies taking cattle from frightened mortals, which would hardly impress anyone. I believe the oversight of warlike Solars should be more than enough violence."

<> Two says "Ahlat's business is war and he knows his business."

Two says, "Given the state of the village, I think generating ill-feelings from local tribes would be a bad idea."

<> Reed says "I wasn't trying to suggest stealing cows from someone else. A ritual raid might serve just as well; either friendly locals or some of us who "steal" a few cattle and then have them "stolen" back."

Ashan nods. "No need to borrow trouble -- or waste time, for that matter. Ahlat's a war god, but for this sort of sacrifice he doesn't really care whether the cattle are stolen or offered from our own herds."

Reed shrugs. "If that is the way things are done in this part of the land, then it must serve."

Bennu nods, and moves on. "I should be able to prepare the altar," she volunteers. "Though I admit I haven't personally performed this ritual before. Either of them. Still."

<> Two says "How hard can it be..."

<> Bennu says "Not really. You kill a lot of cows and pray."

Reed launches himself off Two's helm, and returns to his patrols around the edges of the herd.

<> Brian says "Two, if you assist, I'll give you a +3 dice bonus to the rest of them; you're an ex, but Ahlat wants to keep open diplomatic ties."

<> Two says "We had a good break up."

Two says, "I will help, if you like. Ahlat and I have history."

<> Brian says "A dramatic wailing guitar solo goes on in the background that only the audience can hear..."

"Your help would be most welcome," Bennu answers Two. "I suspect you know the traditions around the ritual far, far better than I." She starts dividing up her work force; sending a few of the children off - with several of her Tiger Warriors, just in case - to make garlands, and grabbing several of the fitter adult villagers to help with preparing the altar area. It takes some logistical work to sacrifice a hundred cattle without a mess, after all.

<> Brian says "Also-- Teyv is working on the creation of concrete with the Need Fires, right? Bennu, Reed, Ashan, and Two are discussing ceremonies; the River goddess is off getting a garland. Mahir is being Nighty. Am I missing anything?"

Ashan heads back to spell Samun wrangling need fires.

<> Brian says "Also, Teyv, for the heck of it, stunt an Int + Craft or Lore roll for the making of your concrete. Actually, if you want, you can use Occult and make alchemical concrete."

<> Teyv says "glass, actually."

<> Mahir is in sight of the rest, and could easily be waved down if help was needed. Mahir!player has the dumb, today.

<> Brian says "... glass. You may also use occult to create enchanted glass if you wish."

Brian [to Mahir]: One of the benefits of being a Night is if you just want to be a spectator for the day...

<> Teyv says "Int, craft, occult, and lore are all 5..."

<> Reed says "Reed's done with ceremonies. He just put the idea out there, but he doesn't know much about the rituals of either Ahlat or the Unconquered Sun, nor does he really care to learn. They're just not his people."

<> Brian says "Occult will get you magical glass, then, probably best."

<> Brian nods.

<> Reed will help Teyv if needed, or continue harassing the animals when necessary.

<> Teyv says "this is the same thing I posted before, it is the stunt for making glass, so I'll do int+occult."

Teyv, still in his charmed acceleration, directs those who can provide heat to focus it on the pure sand. Steam escapes at first as the sand heats up, eventually drying, then glowing, and finally melting together into flowing glass. Teyv whispers thoughts to the small spirits who inhabit each grain of sand, encouraging them towards their new form. As more and more liquid glass forms, he allows it to form into a larger and larger pool. White hot liquid glass swirls as the fires dive into it. The pool is bound only by the solid rock, which does not melt as easily as the sand.

Brian [to Teyv]: ... SOrry. I seem to have missed that entirely. >_< My apologies. I like the thematics; 3-dot.

<> Teyv rolls 13 dice: <1 2 2 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 10> for 8 successes.

Teyv says, "Dear workers, exalts, and spirits. We must prepare a channel to guide the liquid glass into position in the cave. From the pool, dig towards the cave. Others, you must bring sand to feed the pool."

Brian says, "... The rest of you, tell me when you have your ceremonies ready. Especially, I'd like to know the order of the 1 heifer, 100 to Ignis Divine, and 100 to Ahlat sacrifices. The river goddess and villagers come back with a plethora of flowers. :)"

<> Ashan says "I think the heifer first, since it's a directed prayer, then Ignis Divine and Ahlat in that order? That's the order of precedence, so..."

<> Bennu says "I was going to reverse the order with the 'building up to the best' idea but I could go either way."

Reed will let the earth spirits do the digging, but is happy to help by continuing to provide sand for the furnace. Shifting into his bear's shape, he shovels sand into the pool with paws bigger than human hands, and then when the nearby sands are exhausted, allows the villagers to attach baskets to his harness that they can fill for him to carry back.

<> Ashan says "So could I, really. Actually, reverse order might be best, since Ignis Divine is less likely to be offended."

<> Ashan says "Ahlat can get kind of cranky, but the Unconquered Sun doesn't mind."

<> Bennu says "Somewhere in the back of my head, PM is saying, "Tell me about it. Sigh.""

<> Bennu says "I see it as 100 for Ahlat (you know, he's the cover band), 100 for Sol Invictus and then, "Now that we have your attention, healing plz?""

<> Brian Frowns.

<> Brian says "Sec, checking a rule."

Teyvworks his simple prayers to the sand grain spirits into more complex and occult tinged prayers directed at the forming large spirit of the glass. The heat burns out impurities, as he attempts to guide it towards the magical properties that will be required if it is to support an underground river. There is some time until the worker elementals arrive, but he still works to make sure all is ready by then.

<> Brian says "What does the speed rating of your Charm do again, Teyv?"

<> Brian says "Pause a sec, because I've got a result, given how many successes, that you may like."

<> Brian says "But I need to check rules."

<> Teyv says "I'll have to look it up real quick, I can do a days work in 3 hours, or something like t hat."

<> Mahir says "I has a ramen"

<> Brian says "Ah, damn. Looks like you'd need Craftsman Needs No Tools, not not Crack-Mending. :/"

<> Brian says "Your Essence is 3, right?"

<> Teyv says "4 now."

<> Brian says "Oh well."

<> Teyv says "My tools here, consist of rocks and elementals."

Brian [to Teyv]: You don't have the llama yu for the superheat you'll really need, nor the Jokun for the digging and heat-resistant shaping yet. But with the aid of the Need Fires-- who are now totally <3ing you, awed by your magic and scientific prowess, and thus amusing themselves doing absolutely everything you need, you get a set of pits and pools bubbling and converting. You think that the glass you create here will be ten or twenty times tougher than steel, and, with a little extra thaumaturgical work, you could set up super-insulative crucibles beneath the sand, making Peerless Glass-Bubbling Fountains (Enchantment 5s) that will spawn the material even without your presence, though they'll explode if exposed to Emerald Circle Countermagic. However, since you've asked for Jokun, a further possibility exists.

<> Teyv says "A metal pole would be nice..."

<> Two says "Do we have metal spears?"

Brian [to Teyv]: Given you asked for "crafter" and "laborer" Jokun, you might be able to get an artificer. You could lay down plans for which, over the course of two seasons, the Jokun could transform it into an artifact 2 that made more-or-less a perpetual Peerless Glass-Bubbling Fountain. They don't have to be as good as you to do the work-- they just have to be good enough, and you could lay the foundations to do so while waiting for the more spiritual types to finish up the cow-slaughtering.

Brian [to Teyv]: Also, I'm going to assume that there are metal poles available, for conspicuously unnamed uses.

Brian [to Teyv]: Since you're a Solar, and when the pattern spiders think no one's looking, they occasionally re-arrange things to make Creation more convenient for Exalts. The little cheaters.

Brian says, "Ok, let me know when the rest of you have your rituals ready."

<> Bennu says "So we're ready on the mass cow murder?"

<> Two says "Cows with guns."

<> Bennu says "I assume two altars set up with plenty of blood drainage capability and plenty and plenty of dry word for burning stuff, though if we borrow a Need Fire instead..."

<> Ashan says "Ashan will be in the background for this one, since Venus isn't exactly the cow-murder type."

Two, not having a lot of direct ritual knowledge, assists in whatever capacity she can.

Brian [to Teyv]: The work is more difficult with the artifact, I should note, but I'll let you use any of Craft, Occult, or Lore, whichever you have an Excellency in, to make the planning.

<> Bennu says "Background priestly prayers from the Sidereal, Two and I will do the slaughter; we both have pointies."

<> Brian says "There are plenty of spare need fires."

<> Bennu says "I vote for a need fire to do the burning as opposed to trying to get enough firewood. :p"

<> Bennu says "And if Samun's not too busy with the need fires, he's got a little craft and could contribute a die for collaborative."

<> Ashan says "We are swimming in need fires. Fortunately not literally, but Ashan could probably even call out a holy one specifically."

<> Brian says "Sure, if Teyv wants it, Samun would make a useful +1 die situational bonus."

<> Ashan says "If there's a dead body left, Bennu can use her anima power and a holy need fire can be summoned from that."

Brian [to Ashan]: ... Oh, Lord. You have THOSE Charms, don't you? :P And, no, the dead bodies are gone.

<> Ashan says "...sadly not. Yet."

<> Ashan says "I could pick up Faultless Ceremony with a session or two of XP though. >.>"

<> Brian :P No. Not at this time.

<> Ashan laughs

<> Brian says "ANYWAY."

Bennu has both altars set up with a spot for a Need Fire to stand. With Two's advice for the traditional details of the Harborhead ceremony, she arranges the altars with five points, the southern one aligned to the pole of fire. For the final prayer, set between the altars she has a a large, uneven black stone, with a smooth glossy surface. And the rituals are prepared; she has the herdsmen hold the sacrificial beasts in two pens near the altars. Around the altars is room for her, Two, and Ashan to stand.

<> Brian says "Alrighty. I now want all three of Bennu, Two, and Ashan to give me poses telling me exactly what you will be doing during each of the three phases in the ceremony-- Ahlat's hundred burnt cattle, the Unconquered Sun's hundred burnt cattle hearts-- presume that for compassion, the Unconquered Sun doesn't mind the rest of the cattle being given to the villagers to eat/salt/smoke-- and then the one heifer neck-cut event."

Brian [to Teyv]: Simultaneously, I'd like you to pose what you plan to do-- to just make the pits good enough to do do the current job (dif 3), rank 5 enchantment that will last, but be vulnerable (diff 6), or enchantment + lay the groundworks for an artifact resource-producer (diff 10)

<> Teyv says "How does difficulty work? Is that the number of successes I need?"

<> Brian says "Number of successes, si."

<> Two hmm

<> Two says ""Make crap up" probably doesn't count..."

<> Brian says "You can bet on having roughly half of the dice pool as successes. Your base is a 10, I'm pretty sure. I'm giving you +2 for tools, +2 for the Need Fires' enthusiastic help, +1 for Samun. If you have a Craft, Lore, or Occult Excellency, you cna buy up to your base Int + (whatever) in additional dice."

<> Bennu says "Bennu would appreciate help in the massive amounts of Slaughter from Two. Since that's a lot of cutting up cows to do."

<> Ashan says "I figure Ashan will be doing a lot of the work you'd expect subsidiary priests to do -- being the background chorus in the rites, clearing the altars after each sacrifice so dead cows don't just pile up, that kind of thing."

<> Teyv says "How long do I have to rest to gain back some motes?"

Brian [to Teyv]: Presume that you'll have 3 hours, roughly, before the elementals show up.

Two follows Bennu's lead at the altars, as she does not know as much about the ceremonies as she does about spearing and slaughtering. As Bennu begins, she follows suit, using her background as a Bride and her tribal history. For the first Hundred (need a cooler word for this), she carefully and humanely butchers the beast, saying a thankful prayer to the creature's spirit before she slices, and then a quick word to her ex-husband as the beast's blood begins to spill. "Dearest Ahlat, know that your former bride thinks of you and asks that you look upon this sacrifice with approval. These villagers give much for your blessing."

<> Bennu says "Will we have Teyv's help as the medicine dude for the heifer or is he too busy?"

<> Ashan says "Ashan will step up to take a more active hand with that one, since he remembers the sutra."

<> Brian says "It'll be the climax. You should probably have more than enough time to bring him in."

Bennu stands at the front of the platform, accepting the cattle as they are led up one by one; she has five herders drafted to actually bring them one, each one leading one beast at a time, permitting a constant stream of sacrificial animals. As each sacrifice arrives, she takes it from the villager, briefly prays over it, and then either passes it to Two or takes her own sword to its throat, letting the blood flow over the need fire, and then the carcass consumed as well. One hundred cows at Ahlat's altar, with a final prayer for protection and blessing for this village and its herds; and then she moves to the other prepared altar.

The sacrifices are harder, for Sol Invictus; instead of just slaying the cattle and feeding them to the Need Fire, the chest must be opened to surrender the heart, and then the carcass must be removed; for the sacrifices to Sol Invictus, Bennu is glad for her ever-sharp swords, and the additional assistance of a team of villagers who are accept the dead cattle from Ashan and carry them away to be preserved as best they can. Again, she shares the slaughter with Two's assitance, bright orichalcum blades carving deep, offering up prayers in the smoke of the need fire with each beast.

<> Bennu says "I'll pose for the last then with more input from Ashan."

<> Bennu says "And Teyv."

Ashan lets the two Solars take the lead in the first two rites, as is proper, acting almost as a background chorus. His voice weaves through theirs, harmonizing the ritual words, and as each sacrifice is completed, he performs the rote work of removing the body and cleaning the worst of the mess from the altar. He makes of his actions prayers to the Maiden of Serenity, asking Venus's favor on the long and arduous proceedings.

For the third sacrifice, he takes a more active role, leading the heifer to the altar and weaving the garlands around her neck and ears. He chants the sutra in soft, resonant tones, recalling to the world that ancient event, so potent as to be woven into the fabric of the loom. As the knife flashes, he holds the heifer's head to ensure that no drop of blood is wasted, and whispers a final prayer to his Maiden for the rite's smooth success.

Teyv uses a convenient metal pole to probe the melting glass. His smashfist combat gloves, now becoming insulators from the heat which travels up the metal. He pulls out balls of congealing glass, and lets it turn on the end of his pole, and then dips it back in, stirring into the pool. "Fires, dive into the rock below the pool, and melt even that, so I can craft the necessary cauldron."

Teyv pushes his pole to the bottom of the pool, and feeling thing softening rock beneath. "Excellent, this is coming along nicely. I'm going to meditate until the elementals arrive. Keep up the heat, and when the elementals show, we try to turn this into a fountain of perfect glass that the craftsmen of the first age would have been proud of." Teyv feels himself getting caught up in the act of creation, as his body rests, his mind races. Planning exactly what needs to be done, and harboring some hope, that if his grand plans fail, hopefully they'll only fail somewhat, and leave him with enough glass to build an underground river.

For Sol Invictus' portion of the ritual, she is sterner and much more careful. Her artifact blades are designed for cutting through the hardest battle armor and she puts them to great use on the cattle. Again, she says a thankful prayer for each beast that must be slaughtered and follows through with praise of the qualities of Sol Invictus and how the villagers and local gods admire and follow him. As the last beast is killed, she bows her head and asks Sol Invictus to grant his blessing to these humble people.

Brian [to Teyv]: Ok, nice. Int + (whatever) + 3 dot stunt + 5 situational. Any charms?

Brian [to Teyv]: Also-- can I assume that you participate in the final sacrifice with Bennu and the rest? You'll be long done with your work by then.

Teyv [to Brian]: I'll use my first craftsman, plus some motes, when I get back enough.

Bennu takes the background place for the third ritual, chanting constant prayers of cleansing and purification to the Unconquered Sun; she holds the halter for the heifer, and leads it to Ashan for the sacrifice.

Brian [to Teyv]: You'll have 24 back by the time it's relevant.

Teyv [to Brian]: ok, I'll plan to use 7 then, to bring me up to 25 dice, if I'm counting right.

<> Two is not really sure what to do for phase 3...

Brian [to Teyv]: Sounds good. And y/n on participating in the final sacrifice for healing?

Teyv [to Brian]: that's to create the fountain, then I'll need to do the tunnel.

Brian [to Two]: Dancing and chanting in the background would be appropriate; it fits the sutra.

Brian [to Teyv]: The tunnel pose from you I'll want after the elementals show up, which shouldn't be long after the ceremonies finish.

Teyv, having gone over the plans in his head once, moves to help the others with the ritual, as the merging of tiny sand spirits continues in the background. "Do you need any help with this, or should I just flatter the appropriate god?"

Ashan nods gratefully, cleaning his hands with a scrap of cloth. "A healer's help can't go amiss. I'll walk you through the ritual parts; pray to Gaia and the Unconquered Sun for purity and cleansing."

In a complete turn of events, Two's focus shifts for the heifer sacrifice. Instead of taking the role of warrior and sacrificer, she becomes a supplicant, chanting in the background and performing an appropiate dance: ene that uses slow movements to progress from anarchy to order. Her swords are cast aside for this dance. Instead, she carries burning branches and uses them at appropriate points to indicate burning the corruption away.

<> Bennu says "Think we're ready?"

<> Two says "Or we'll die trying."

<> Ashan says "I think we're pretty much ready."

<> Reed will rescue Teyv if necessary.

<> Bennu says "Please, we're Solars. We don't die trying. We die in noble heroics, calling down fire from heaven on our heads..."

<> Brian says "Ashan, Two, Bennu, tell me what your Charisma + Performance totals are. Spirit-based specialties count."

Ashan makes use of Teyv's assistance in the final sacrifice as a co-participant; together, they ritually recount the sutra and recall the ancient story, asking the Sun's aid to burn away corruption and impurity, and Gaia's mercy on those who suffer.

<> Ashan says "Ten dice."

<> Ashan says "Including +2 specialty in prayer."

<> Bennu says "10, with 1 dot of specialty 'to spirits'."

<> Bennu says "So I'm 11 post specialty."

<> Ashan says "Looks like Bennu's leading?"

<> Brian says "Okay. I'll need 3 rolls from Bennu, then. Three rolls-- Ahlat, US hecatomb, US disease-cleaning. Two provides a bonus of +5 net for the first, and +2 for the second and third; Ashan provides +3 for all of them as an assistant; Teyv produces +4 for the last. +2 situational for all of them due to massive appropriateness bonuses."

<> Bennu says "Great. ;p My dice luck's been so-so today."

<> Brian says "+3 stunt bonus."

<> Bennu says "Okay, so... 11+5+3+2+3 for one, 3 less for the second, net of 1 more for the third. (-3,+4)"

<> Mahir says "That's +13, +10, +14"

<> Bennu says "So 24, 21, and 25."

<> Brian says "Yup."

<> Mahir says "Si"

<> Bennu says "Okay, I am buying and using First Performance, then, 10 on each because -why the heck not-."

<> Brian says "Fwoosh goes the anima. *laughs* Any channels?"

<> Bennu says "Mmm. I'll channel Conviction on each of them if I can."

<> Brian says "... Heh. Sure."

<> Bennu says "OKAY then."

<> Bennu says "Net totals 39, 36, and 40."

<> Bennu rolls 39 dice: <1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10> for 18 successes.

<> Mahir says "Because nothing says *SOLAR* like rolling 40 dice."

<> Bennu rolls 34 dice: <1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10> for 10 successes.

<> Bennu says "oops, wrong dice."

<> Bennu rolls 36 dice: <1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10> for 20 successes.

<> Bennu rolls 40 dice: <1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10> for 15 successes.

<> Bennu says "The 34 doesn't do anything. :p"

<> Brian giggles quietly. Excuse me a bit.

<> Ashan says "We are Helping!"

<> Brian says "Does anyone have within, say, 10-20 experience of Essence 5 who'd like to buy it?"

<> Two lol

<> Two hmms. If it's 28 xp, is 19 away :)

<> Mahir says "I have the full 32."

<> Mahir says "But I'm not participating in the ritual. >.<"

<> Brian says "32."

<> Ashan says "You may be in the blast radius, though."

<> Brian says "And yes, yes he will be."

<> Brian says "This is going to require a loooooooong pose."

<> Reed says "I need more than 32, I think."

Brian says, "So, um. Give me a sec."

Brian [to Reed]: 'Fraid so. How much do you have?

Reed [to Brian]: 3.

<> Brian says "Hrm."

<> Brian says "You know what, I'm lazy."

<> Brian says "Who has Essence 4?"

<> Teyv says "I do."

<> Ashan says "Sadly not."

<> Reed says "Only 3, here."

<> Brian says "Actually, to be even lazier. Everyone here may purchase 1 dot of Essence, even if this puts them into debt, as far as you want to go. The Unconquered Sun is using a Training Charm on you all."

<> Two has essence 4

<> Mahir says "Bought."

<> Ashan says "Sweet."

<> Two eyes Brian.

Brian [to Teyv]: Would lightning striking the glass pits be helpful?

<> Two says "Sure. Might as well. More essence means more butt kicking."

Teyv [to Brian]: I can work that into the pose, it would be awesome.

<> Bennu says "I'mma take the Essence."

<> Ashan says "Definitely getting in on that action."

<> Two hahs. Is at -27

<> Ashan -25.

<> Mahir says "I still have +6. ^__^"

<> Reed says "I should still have a bunch left."

<> Reed says "And you know, I'm surprised that the Sun would give me any more Essence, given that I'm not exactly reverent and don't have a very high opinion of most Solars. But I won't argue with him, because I'm not stupid."

<> Mahir says "And that gives me 10 more motes in combat before I run dry. Wheeee, more arrows."

<> Ashan says "You were a participant in Awesome."

<> Mahir says "Because the Zenith just rolled 35 succ worth of prayers to US while you were in a five mile radius. :-P"

<> Reed says "I suspect it has more to do with the fact that I won't be able to keep Teyv out of trouble if he's attracting things that I can't stand up to."

<> Two wonders if we just gave the Wild Hunt an amazing reason to visit this place;

<> Bennu says "*coughs* Well, we've already been iconic a couple times..."

<> Reed says "We're going to need to go soon, by the way."

<> Reed doesn't have a terribly noticable anima. So he'll just stand off to the side for the Hunt to chase everyone else.

<> Two says "My garden area is 19"

<> Two says "My garden area is 19' x 16'"

<> Brian says "Gah."

<> Brian says "I cannot find the description for Nysela."

<> Brian says "Ashan, do you know where she is actually described, not just referenced?"

<> Ashan says "Ink Monkeys Daystar probably, hang on a sec while I grab it"

<> Ashan says "...apparently not"

<> Ashan says "Maybe CoCD Yu Shan?"

<> Two |,_vol._42:_The_Daystar_Finale

<> Two ?

<> Bennu says "He says he found it in Glories."

<> Ashan says "Oh, that makes sense."

<> Bennu says "He's typing a mile a minute and I for one want him to finish so. :p"

<> Reed says "There's one in Glories of the Most High."

<> Ashan says "Yes, I think that would be good."

From the moment the first hecatomb begins, there is a sense of of immense energy charging in the air. Heat lightning begins to crackle in the distance. As Ahlat's hecatomb continues, the lightning begins to increase in frequency, size, and closeness. A shattering wall of it rings around the village. Stray bolts leap out to bless need fires, transforming them into golden, holy sparks. Further bolts leap towards the glass pits, stirring them as they strike. By the time the hecatomb is completed, there are no shadows to be found anywhere in the village. No immediate result is visible normally, but to those who have essence sight, you are virtually blinded, and your armors may request to switch to normal vision to avoid damage; the poor mortals are -suffused- with the energy being created.

As the second hecatomb begins, thunder quite aside from the heat lightning, like thousands and thousands of hooved feet peals from the heavens. Clouds roll low in the sky, translucent but present. Nothing can block out the sunlight as Bennu's anima is multiplied, again and again and again. The animas of every Solar joins hers, flaring to full Iconic as the essence-resonance pulses inside you open up your chakras. The potency of it blasts out of each Solar, miniature Ignis Divines, adding two additional phantom arms for the duration of the ritual. As the final cow of the hundred to Sol Invictus falls, the lights from each Solar become explosive, blasting into everyone else present, mortal, god, Lunar, Sidereal, and Terrestrial. Enlightenment courses through everyone. Truths of the universe become clear. Power becomes the inheritance of all who walk within the Light....

And the sun begins draw down from the heavens. The Chariot of the Most High moves in the Heavens for the first time since the Balorian Crusade-- and that was halting and slow. Before the sun run ten thousand giant golden bulls, charging down and down, with harnesses of fire pulling at the sun. Their hoofs kick up the clouds, but each cloud is made of light. At the head of them, riding the only lone bull unharnessed, is the massive figure of Ahlat, his tasseled banner streaming out behind him. As the last heart turns to ash, Ahlat and the bull shrink down to a mere twenty feet tall each, and they stand silently over the altar, hovering in the air.

The ritual continues on autopilot. It becomes impossible to do anything but follow the plans you had set. No moment to wonder at your new appendages, and how permanent they may or may not be is hard to say. No matter. The blood is spilt and reaches the earth just as the Daystar begins to blot out the Southern sky in its immense golden light, where it stops moving forward. A huge orichalcum-skinned woman with violet hair, wearing an armored dress and kimono, with huge keys at her throat, and bearing a massive white jade dire lance and carrying a bronze shield leaps down from the heavens. Tears of joy stream down her face as she waves the dire lance over the assembled villagers, healthy and Wyld-tainted, and the taint blots out of them. Their dark skins take on a golden and coppery hue, as of dull orichalcum similar to as Nysela, Charioteer of the Dawnstar raises her dire lance once more to the sky. "BEHOLD! BEHOLD THE DAYSTAR AS IT TRIUMPHS!" And so it is that you see the immense Daystar concentrate, to grow less in size but greater in power. From the form of a great wheel of fire to a titan, four-armed, of flame and gold, the Unconquered Sun's personal Warstrider stands forth. His Compassion arms waves a great sheaf of burning grain over the land; his Valor spears the Wyld itself high above Creation, opening a torrent of liquid gold to pour out upon this small village.

The shower removes all hope of vision. When it is gone, the sun has returned to the sky; Ahlat and the great bulls are gone-- save for four fifty-foot tall golden bull statues, each one about a mile from the riverheart at the center of the village. All of the buildings have been replaced with huge golden shrines, and your armors, sheepishly returning essence sight, inform you that a locus of magical energy has formed in the riverheart, waiting for Teyv and his crew to release the... rivers... it now contains, for huge channels have been struck in the earth, as though by the blade of that all-conquering Spear, clearly designating where new rivers will spring forth. And for each and every villager, they now have a twin. That twin is precisely like them in every way, save that their irises are completely gold. All elders have been returned to their twenties, though all children remain the same. All are in perfect health.

<> Brian says "Every mortal in the area is now an Inheritance 1 golden child."

<> Brian says "The Tiger Warriors are all Inheritance _2_ golden children, and have Enlightened Essence to boot."

<> Two says "holy crap"

<> Two says "These rituals were go big or go home"

<> Brian says "Everyone gains an Essence except the mortals, though as I said, that's XP debt. XP debt is special, though; you only have to dedicate HALF of what you get to paying it off. So you can effectively go further into the negatives for a while."

<> Bennu says "Oh dear. Well, we got them healed. :p"

<> Bennu says "I'd ask if Samun gets to buy Essence too but he had enough xp to just buy it anyhow."

<> Reed says "So we don't have to spend banked experience for the Essence gain? I'm confused."

<> Brian says "Those golden bulls are now constructs designed to protect the area around the village. They won't go elsewhere, but they will fight like self-animated royal warstriders to defend the area, along with twenty lumina made from the souls of the most virtuous dead from the recent attacks, though those will only appear if the area, which has the name 'Shrine of the Glorious Foutain of the Divine Golden Furnace' or its inhabitants are threatened."

<> Brian says "If any of the Solars want to buy having extra arms, you may do so for 16 experience points for 1 extra pair. It will be obvious, but permanently reduce by 1 any multi-action penalties you get, to a minimum of -1."

Brian says, "Have 10 xp because that session was too awesome not to. Next session, I'll have the 300 llama-yu and 400 jokun show up."

Lying in the shadow of a rock by the villagers' chosen sand mine while waiting for the glass-furnace to devour its current load, Reed watches the proceedings and snorts into the sand. "Typical," he chuffs softly.

Brian says, "SO in addition to the above, there are now huge fields of golden wheat with incredible fertility around the place, spaced perfectly to benefit from the new rivers. Even if they aren't worked, it'll retain the fertility and fecundity, growing just by themselves, for generations until enough people can show up."

Brian says, "Each of the cattle have now gained golden skin, and will always give forth many calves and easily. Their milk is now an alchemical potion; one glass of it has enough nutrition as a full meal. It will add a situational bonus of 1 die to anything involving healing-- whether a doctor's, or your own resistance rolls. And it'll add 10% to the healing rate for the time period-- ie, 3 will get you 10% for a day-- that it counts as meals for you."

Brian also reminds himself to e-mail everyone visions. Because you got some of those too, but, well, lack of time.

<> Ashan says ", writing the report on this is going to be interesting."

<> Brian says ""Dear Convention on the South: Please remit 5000 My Little Resplendent Bureaucracy Kits for full report. Love and kisses, Ashan.""

<> Ashan SNERK

<> Bennu says "Just write, "Arranged sustenance and protection for afflicted village; Solars involved - they went over the top.""

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role-playing, exalted, shadows of the past

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