
Oct 22, 2008 11:31

Haha. Vetäsinpä kierroksen virtuaali-Tarotia. Nyt vähän huvittaa!

Full reading

What Covers You

Three of Wands

Briefly: The seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.

Full Meaning: This card depicts a man with his back to us though revealing part of his face as he looks out over the hillside. He holds a wand in his hand which has three leaves sprouting from it signifying growth and abundance. In front of him is another wand and behind him the third wand. He is contemplating his future and possibly the journey ahead of him. In the distance are mountains with high peaks. It appears to be an almost barren environment, warm and dry. However he has with him the symbols of growth and can plant wherever he sees fit. He wants to settle down, but must first wander and roam until he finds his true home. This card too is the seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.

What Crosses You

Four of Wands

Briefly: Perhaps the family is becoming more important to you or one long distant family member is coming to stay or you are planning to visit their home.

Full Meaning: This is a beautiful card to behold. To me it appears that there is a castle in the distance, on a hill-top and the two wands on either side seem to represent the entrance or gateway to this lovely home. The garland of flowers draped over the wands give an impression of comfort, warmth and beauty. For some this card can mean that you are about to move house. The new one will be a significant improvement on the current abode. If you have already just moved, then the emphasis will be on relaxation and a sanctuary way from the hustle and the bustle of city life. A home in the country would be a suitable location to be living in. Serenity and peace will be the mode of daily living. Perhaps the family is becoming more important to you or one long distant family member is coming to stay or you are planning to visit their home, which is probably at a distance from where you are at the moment.

What Crowns You

The Hierophant

Briefly: A man of wisdom and vast experience of life. A guiding light in the dark, a kind and inspiring man you can call on for guidance and advice.

Full Meaning:
This major arcana card is one of a little mystery. The man pictured looks like he knows all the answers. He is clothed in regal attire suggestive of a link with royalty. He looks too like a religious man, perhaps a priest, and the sceptre in his hand is a symbol of mastery and possibly also magic.

He appears to be an elderly man, a man of wisdom and vast experience of life. He seems like a guiding light in the dark. If this card represents you, then you are quite likely at the stage in your life where everything is under control. You have walked the rocky road of life and have mastered the techniques to reach a time of achievement and satisfaction. You may have reached all your previous goals and can now sit back and perhaps rest on your laurels if that is what you choose to do. It is a time of equilibrium, balance and serenity. The troubles of the world are behind you, and now you can take the time out to rest without too many challenges ahead.

If this card represents someone in your life, you obviously look up to this person with great respect. He may have been, and still is, you best friend, your mentor, your confidante. He is a kind and inspiring man and you may have called on him for guidance and advice, which he gave with compassion and willingness. He may even be a spiritual guru who showed you the way when it was dark or in your hour of greatest need. He would have aided you in finding your path in life or gave hints of the mysteries that can often be hidden even from those who search for the meaning of life so compellingly. He is the keeper of the knowledge of life and will share it with those who seek it. He is the eternal philosopher and seeker of truth.

The keys can often be symbolic of new keys coming into your life, such as new house keys or car keys. It can also show you to be aware of where you leave your keys as you may find that you accidently misplace them, which can prove to be very inconvenient. As keys can represent a new direction you are about to take in life, this may suggest that the time is ripe to make significant life changes right now or in the very near future. This card can also represent marriage.

What Is Beneath You

Queen of Cups

Briefly: You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart or perhaps child birth or a wedding.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman, dressed in a gown that could be a wedding dress.  This is holding a cup between her hands as if she has just been given this by someone in front of her.  She has lovely blonde hair that is braided and she wears pearl earrings and some pearls around her hair.  She wears an elaborate head dressing and there is a large fan in the background.  She is stood beside the ocean. If this is you, then you may be about to get married or even have your first child.  You are sensitive and caring and very family orientated.  You are immaculately well groomed and have great pride in your appearance. You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart.  If this is not you, then someone you know already, or whom you are about to meet, who is described by this card is about to enter your life and make a huge impact on your lifestyle.

What Is Behind You

The Devil

Briefly: This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading.

Full Meaning: This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. This is considered a Trump card, and therefore contains many powers to be utilised as the needs or desires arise. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading. Often they have a love/hate relationship with someone and it could be getting out of control. Someone is madly in love with or wants to control the actions of another and this should not be allowed to continue as it represents one persons victory at the cost of another's defeat, and to great distress for the one defeated. If you are trying to succeed in business it is likely that you will with this card as there is no stopping the determination and the will to succeed. Someone may be power hungry around you and their ambitions are stirred to such an extent that failure is inconceivable to them. Do not anger or irritate those who show the slightest signs of violence or hostilities, for to unleash the devil has no boundaries or limitations to the trail of devastation it can leave in its wake.

What Is Before You

Ace of Wands

Briefly: Perhaps a move interstate or overseas. Life is about to flourish and grow in more ways than you can imagine.

Full Meaning: This a beautiful card to just look at. On it is a hand reaching out from the sky holding a branch that is sprouting green leaves. This is very symbolic of a new life. You may be about to uproot yourself and move to a totally different location. You could even move interstate or overseas. Life is about to flourish and grow in more ways than you can imagine. There could very well be mountains nearby in the place you are planning on moving to. The sky is blue and the world is your oyster.
Now is the most favourable time to consider what possibilities lay ahead. A business venture may be undertaken now that builds a solid and secure future for you and your family. Take the initiative and move into new territory, for the old has little to offer, whereas the new is fresh and inspiring to you.
If there is a proposition is put to you in the near future it would be potentially prosperous and the likelihood of producing all the things your life needs.

Your Self

The Fool

Briefly: Journey of unique and unknown destination. Innocent of life and will have to learn by his own mistakes. He is a wanderer, with great enthusiasm for life and for love.

Full Meaning: This card shows a picture of a young man walking towards a cliff edge, with a long rod leaning over his shoulder.  On the end of the rod there appears to be a handkerchief holding all of his worldly possessions.  Following beside him is a small white dog.  He is almost oblivious to what pitfalls may lay before him.  He is on a, a journey of discovery. He is almost like a tourist, as he looks right, left, above and below to anything that catches his eye.  He is curious and adventurous.  He wants to know everything and is keen to look, learn and discover whatever life is going to teach him.  He is innocent of life and will probably make many mistakes along the way.  He is a student of life and will have to learn by his own mistakes.  He is a wanderer, with great enthusiasm for life and for love. He is young and open-minded, with a desire to have many new and varied experiences so that he can get a taste for life and decide what it is that he really wants.  He does not yet know what the world will bring, nor what his unique destiny is, but he will soon find out.

Around You

King of Pentacles

Briefly: A man whose aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal.

Full Meaning: On this card we see a man seated on a throne.  He looks regal and sophisticated.  He holds a sceptre in his left hand and a Pentacle in his right hand.  This man is very serious about financial security and has made the accumulation of funds his main preoccupation in life.  He is very proud of his achievements and willing to show others his prized possessions. At this time in his life he is probably aged around late thirties to early forties. His work may involve him in the field of banking or the stock-market.  The main aim of his life is to be financially secure and then he can relax in his later years in luxury and comfort.  Appearances are important to him and to this end he dresses very conservatively and smartly.  Comfort is also a factor in his well made and expensive attire.  The aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal.  Usually he rides the wave of success in mid life and is therefore able to display an air of authority and confidence in his position. Others respect him for his determination and passion to succeed. He has mastered his life successfully and is usually married with a few children.  His wife is conscious of his material desires and needs and accepts her role as the caretaker of all he owns.

Hopes and Fears


Briefly: The slate will be wiped clean for a fresh start. There will be none of the old left, so a whole new approach needs to be established before true renewal can take place. Sometimes when we draw this card, major events seems to unfold around us that challenge our thinking and our direction in life.

Full Meaning: This shows a grim reaper and a white rose at the same time. The Sun is setting in the background of the card, indicating the end of daylight hours. This is the card of endings, renewal and transformation of the highest order. The slate will be wiped clean for a fresh start. There will be none of the old left, so a whole new approach needs to be established before true renewal can take place. Sometimes when we draw this card, major events seems to unfold around us that challenge our thinking and our direction in life. Sometimes an unpleasant event shows us the way to a new path. This may seem traumatic at the time, but it is also saying that the old ways are no longer valid, or of value in your new life. It is time to cast aside whatever is hindering your progress in life and make a whole new start. Turn the leaf, sow new seeds, wear new clothes, change your appearance, move house, leave that boring job and get out there and dance. Life can end at any moment for any of us, so it is how wisely we spend our time here that really matters. You can still be serious about some aspects of your life, but leave plenty of room open for fun and for spontaneity. When we are on our death-bed, we will wish we had kicked up our heels more often, been more carefree, eaten more ice-cream, danced longer, sang out loud and showed others how much we love them. Don't wait till then, do it now, while you are alive and still kicking.



Briefly: It can be a new life created out of the wisdom of the lessons you have learned from your past and even from the mistakes you have made. If there is someone in your life whom you would like to reunite with, now is the time to approach them and rekindle lost friendship, or long lost love.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man, woman and child in a boat going over the ocean. The man is holding a bugle and he appears confident and strong. If you are a single man and you draw this card, it is symbolic of your forthcoming marriage and the birth of your child. If you are single woman, it can symbolise the new man who is going to come into your life and he is fertile and will become the father of your child, possibly your very first child. This card can also symbolise a time of deep reflection on your life, the mistakes you have made and how you are at the point of trying to understand what all this means and rectify whatever you can. It can be a new life created out of the wisdom of the lessons you have learned from your past and even from the mistakes you have made. If there is someone in your life whom you would like to reunite with, now is the time to approach them and rekindle lost friendship, or long lost love. Travel can be undertaken at this time and it will radically change your whole life.

elo, huuhaa

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