Original Design Materials 053 - "Gaignun Kookai"

Jul 17, 2007 06:56

Scan and translations yoinked from Labyrinthos' mirror site here.

Gaignun Kookai
He is a representative director of Kookai-Foundation

Individual Attributes

Gender, male. Born in the year T.C. 4741, 26 years old. Height, 188 cm.


Kookai Foundation representative director.

Enneagram Type

According to the Enneagram personality analysis, Gaignun is classified as a type 8 (gallant / confident in himself / coercive / confrontational).

Type 8s have self-control, are broad-minded and have great confidence in themselves; there are many cases of them making names for themselves in history as entrepreneurs. Also, when they are extremely healthy, there is a chance that they may even be called a hero and leave behind their name in history. As the representative director of the Kookai Foundation, Gaignun's ability to preserve the juridical foundation and cause rapid growth until he possesses the greatest share in the world of business for each of the sectors of the Foundation's amusement, environment, and industry depends greatly on his personality type (this sentence is confusing).

Also, his ability as a U.R.T.V. is the power to control other people. His personality type and this ability have many common features. Comparing a case in which a person with an introverted personality has the same ability and a case in which a type 8 like him has this power, a surprising difference in the effectiveness is generated when the power is used.

He is a leader by nature and excels in the ability to motivate others to do things; he suppresses his self-assertiveness and has the ability to control the actions of others while convincing them that they are acting freely of their own will. He controls his own emotions and, without controlling his opponent, conversely he makes them feel his strength. He uses his power to make his opponent submit and, rather than ruling by twisting people's arms, he governs leniently.

Even if he finds himself in a dilemma, he does not become disconcerted. His manner that makes you think he has complete control over himself has a very strong charisma. Not only does he walk down a path that he believes in and have plenty of necessary courage, he also displays it, leads people, he has the respect of people, and is regarded as a hero. Even if he is unable to realize the ideals that he is aiming for within the span of his own life, the people who inherit his will, will carry out his ideals and he will survive in history.

As an idea, this represents the possibility of surviving longer and suggests one possibility of the conquest of death. In order to protect his own health, he must not surrender to anyone. When type 8s feel that fear, they become self-reliant and protect themselves by overwhelming others.

Representative Director

Gaignun completely runs the business side of the Kookai Foundation; he leaves the practical side of things like the retrieval of the Zohar Emulators to Jr. and concentrates on providing logistical support. Being involved in the abyss of the world (?), as long as it is something that can have a big influence on society, it cannot be accomplished with just military might. With that meaning, military power and political power should be talked about as being of the same importance. In addition, political power needs military power and military power needs political power. Gaignun and Jr. are in this kind of relationship. With both of their powers combined it becomes possible for them to preserve the plan for the present condition of the Kookai Foundation. If one side was lacking, the preservation of the Foundation would be difficult.


Gaignun Kookai. This name is the alias he uses in order to not use his U.R.T.V. name and also to persuade the public in his role as the director of the Kookai Foundation.

In the first place, "Kookai" is the name of a fictional entrepreneur that was fabricated by the Miltian autonomous government in order to pool loans for special activities, and is not the name of a person that actually exists. As the inheritor of the assets of the fictional person, Gaignun took on the surname Kookai.

Treating Jr. like an adopted child was a desperate measure to get others to understand the difference in age that was caused by Jr.'s U.R.T.V. powers while still entering his name as a representative director. More importantly, if Jr. had not been able to get actual results in the task of retrieving the Zohar Emulators, they would not have been able to give the job of representative director to a child who only looks about 12 years old, regardless of the fact that he is an adopted child.

There has been much speculation about Jr. and Gaignun's relationship. Because of their economic activities involving the entertainment and tourism industry (unknown phrase), Gaignun has attracted a lot of attention as an entrepreneur and, as to be expected, there has been some scandalous gossip. However, for those who face phenomena that are related to the fate of the world, scandals have about as much influence as a mosquito bite. Political power that can be blown away by a scandal was only about that powerful from the beginning.

Just as Gaignun and Jr. have two names, the Kookai Foundation also has an official face and a hidden side. The Kookai Foundation's true objective is contained in its real name.

Probability of unchanging corresponding phenomena... 90.99866%

original design materials, canon info

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