Thread Log - July

Jul 20, 2007 21:58


Intro post!

- Audience lovin'.
- Fuuko: First meeting! Exploring camp.
- Jr.: Oops, a little ahead of schedule. Have some Camp and Canon Exposition.
- Dee: First meeting! Also a fellow adult.
- Yuma: First meeting! Pimp aura activate.
- chaos: Sitrep. Time discrepancies.
- Gremio: First meeting!
- Himawari: First meeting! A friend of Jr's is a friend of mine.
- Alby: o it's alby.
- Jin: Party @ our afterlife.
- Yzak: First meeting! Jobs. First Gea-- mental prodding.
- Rikkun: First meeting! A runner?
- Yuriev: --shit shit it's dad get in the car
- Canaan: Godwin sisters a-okay. Also, subtle hinting.


Suzuna's Pocky vs. Pretz post.

- Jr.: You gonna get cavities. Invitations to closets.
- Albert: First meeting! Also, on similarly reckless youngun-ish people. :/
- Jr.: how many other people have you told?

The Spontaneous Combustion of one Dmitri Yuriev and one Canaan ____, Esq.

- Jr.: Why blowing up Dad never works. On jobs and supposedly promised resurrection.


Janaff's fireworks post.

- Janaff: First meeting! Why fireworks are special.
- Jr.: New old holidays. Deep thoughts.


Generic onsen post!

- chaos: Mmm onsen.
- Jr.: Why don't we have one back home?


Coming into Jr's closet.

- Tanpopo~
- Himawari: Why do biiiirds suddenly appeaaaar.
- Jr.: My, what a big closet you have.
- Cecile: First meeting! Rooming/closeting with dogs.
- Alby, The Castle Guards: Speaking of which!
* Alby: I have a feeling you don't like me.
* Alby, Janaff, alligator: ...scratch that, not a feeling anymore.
* Jr.: Albyyyyyydo.
- Canaan: Jr. in the closet himself. :|
- Yuriev: Veiled sniping, round two!
- Haru: First meeting! Not a trap.
- Maggie: First meeting! Large closet is large.
- Nokuru: First meeting! Paperwork's a bitch.
- Janaff: More closet punning.


Rubedoll on hiatus.

- Dearka: First meeting! Partners missing in action.
- Allen: Dolls. D:
- Himawari: On camp effects.


O'Connell's Why Aren't People Freaking Out? post.

- O'Connell: First meeting! Some people are, by the way.
- Crowley: First meeting! Immunity to camp oddities. Men in snazzy suits.


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