Name: Tara.. (Tar-uh) not Terra...
Nicknames: Little Cat (my last name is Catalina and everyone knows my older brother) and the people i work with call me TC
Age: 17
Location: upstate NY in hickville! aka..Dexter..
Gender: female last time i checked :oP
Preference: im as straight as a broken arrow...
Status: single and loving every minute of it
Favorite Bands(Min:5 Max:20): River City Rebels, Taking Back Sunday, Bright Eyes, Vandals, Adicts, Rancid, Smashing Pumpkins, Brand New, The Used, K's Choice, Postal Service, Rufio, The Ramones, The Cure, Bad Religion.
Favorite Movies(Min:5 Max:10): Rocky Horror Picture Show!!, The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Elf, 40days and 40 nights, Little Shop of Horrors, Rodger Rabbit, A Clockwork Orange.
Favorite Books(Min:5 Max:10): ummm i dont think i can give u 5 because i dont really read. But i like alot of the Shakespear we've read in school such as Medea and Macbeth.. and i really liked To Kill A Mockingbird... i dont know im not much of a reader.
Something Interesting(A funny picture or story):
oookay everyone has to try this.. put ur arms like ours are... and try smacking the other person in the face or pushing them outta their chair.. its the funniest thing i have ever done.. i couldnt stop laughing.. thats me on the left by the way.
Describe Yourself in 10 words:im very outgoing, laidback, happy-go-lucky, talkative, friendly, caring, trustworthy, entertaining, amusing, and unique.
Theme Ideas?: Take pictures of the traditions you and ur family do for the holiday.. or a picture of urself in holiday clothes or watnot..
What do you think of the Mods?: from wat i see they're pretty hot.. lol but i dont know any of them yet.
Promote(1 in your journal, 1 in someone else's journal, 2 in communities that allow promoting) and link: , , , Pictures(MUST HAVE! Min:5 Max:20):