I love my man. He is the only person I have come to completely adore! He pays so much attention to me, it's almost as if I'm the only person who exists in his world. Ladies, I have never felt so special before.
Do you know how some people are so perfect, they almost seem like a figment of your imagination? And when I say perfect, I mean everything from the surface to the soul. I've always wanted to be perfect, but when I turned eighteen and grew up a little, I realized it must be pretty damn boring to get things right all the time. So now I'm just me
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I wait for the words to come. I feel I have a lot to say about things that matter and things that... don't. Just little, crazy things that have a certain amount of significance or none at all. Either way, both make sense to me. I would like to tell you in perfect detail about how bothered I feel over a door that is only slightly open; About how
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I have no concrete idea about how I feel right now. My emotions seem to lose themselves in a haze, and I am left to wonder what state of mind I'm in. I don't know why I bother to figure out the very littlest of things; I suppose I just try to understand myself better
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So I was telling my fiancé what my plans are for the near future. Career-wise. As much as I'd like to be a corporate raider or a CEO, I think I'll stick to what I do best: Gourmet cooking! Alright, so maybe I'm not actually very good at that. I've had life-threatening disasters in the kitchen, to be frank
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Everytime I hear King Harvest's 'Dancing In The Moonlight', I plunge into momentary depression. The song is actually a happy tune, just that it reminds me of a significant event in my past, when the song was played during a quiet, unhappy moment. Now it reminds me of how childhood friends grow up, then grow apart
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I just woke up. It's four in the morning and I am thinking of no one else but him. I'm not ashamed at all to say that my love for him is incredibly tremendous; To be able to love this great is one of the things I am proud of about myself. In fact, I never knew I was capable of falling so far deep in love until Joseph came along
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To live, all I need is him. To breathe, feel, and believe... Him. To want with all my mind, body and soul... Him. To desire and hunger for, with an intense and angry passion... Him.