Okay so the day went better than expected! Stacey and I went to the salon and Nicki did a fabulous job on my hair. I love her, she is awesome. If anyone needs their hair done, go see her.
For the rest of the day + a million pictures of me and my hair, click on the link.
On the way to the salon. I look fat. It was so hot. Ew.
Next was graduation. We were a late but made it in time to see Katie walk.
Stacey didn't want her peekture taken.
We saw Alex. We <3 him.
Holy shit! Rob!
We sat at a picnic table and smoked the whole time because we are rebels (still, even though we're all out of school).
Yay! Katie graduated! (not the best picture..)
And that was that. Time to go to my house but first we sat in traffic and baked in the heat.
What happened next was neither expected nor planned....SAVES THE DAY (through with being cool) DANCE PARTY IN KATIES ROOM 2K4.
And a pause to take a picture of the hair.
Zombies are fucking sexy so if this isn't sexy, I don't know what is.
Rocks Tonic Juice Magic..you know the song..."And I'd listen to you cry And I'd remember how I miss our nights under ocean skies." This was obviously taken on the "cry" part. HAHAHA it rules.
I'm changing the dance party name to the SWEATY I LOOK LIKE A MAN DANCE PARTY 2K4.
Then I picked my nose (omgz its my new icon) and we left.
We stopped by Chad's house for a bit but left so Stacey could change her clothes and freshen upppp.
Stacey freshening up = me taking 9238049234 pictures of myself.
My mullet rules.
Fishy faceeeeeeeee.
OmGzzzz peekaboo!
Whatev, sucka.
Laying on Stacey's messy floor.
Next we picked up James and went to the diner. WHAT A SUPRISE.
Me and James, OMGZ.
Stacey died smoking a cigarette. It's sad. <3
James takes the best pictures of me hahahaha.
Alright, that's it..no more.
That wasn't that many, right? HAAA.