These are the front and back covers and the fly leaf of a book I found today at the library. It's Священная Книга Оборотя {Svyashchennaya Kniga Oborotnya, "The Book of Werewolf"}, by Виктор Пелевин {Viktor Pelevin}. When I saw the cover, I was like, "OMG Lain!! In Russian!!" After a little research, I found (and promptly lost) a summary which revealed that it had very little to do with Lain, except
for the rather insane man thinking he's god and getting killed, while the mild, charming female protagonist ends up being the actual god. If anyone's read Svyashchennaya, I'd love it if you could shed more light on the subject. Also, if you know of a good translation, I'd really love to know.
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