(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 15:34

So! Hey. I'm BACK!

Some significant things have changed since I last enlightened the lj world with my ramblings.

Here are the basics:
new school.
new major.
new boyfriend.
okay, so...same job, but I did get a raise!

BYEBYE ART INSTITUTE. You were not good to me. I will not miss you.

I now attend Carlow University. Some like to call it the clitoris of Oakland, they've "heard of it but have no clue where it is." It's a private school right next to the Pitt campus, and primarily women. By "primarily" I mean all but about 15 students are female. I never thought I was cut out for an "all girl's school," but, when you get rid of the guys and there's no longer anybody to compete for, girls are surprisingly nice to one another! WOW. Go figure.

No more graphic design, either. I've decided that for me, commercial art isn't the route to take.
#1 I'm not nearly competitive enough.
#2 The idea of creating artwork to be sold does not appeal to me in the least. I want to use my art to help other people, and assist other people in using their own art to help themselves.

So, I'm now an Art Therapy major. Carlow's one of the only schools remotely close to this area that offers an Art Therapy program, and they're one of the few universities in the country that'll actually accept Art Institute credits. Because HEY! The Art Institutes suck. Just my opinion, but I need to make it clear. Unfortunately, Art Therapy is quite a slim field, so I'm dead set on double majoring. In what, though, I've yet to figure out. So far I seem to be either leaning towards Special Education (so I can work more with kids), or Art History, because...well...I love Art History.

Current courses: Psychology, Philosophy, Ceramics, Art History II, and some ridiculous elementary level math course they require all students to take, called bullshit Quantitative Reasoning. Meh. No real complaints, thus far. I feel like I'm actually getting a quality education for once! Honestly, it's a new feeling.

Okay, so I finally realized it was very unhealthy to have a boyfriend that consistently made me feel helpless and shitty. That's for an entirely new entry, though. I'm in a relationship that makes me happy now, and that's what counts. I've been dating Ian for going on six months - time has flown by - and it's been great, although I truly wish we lived just a smidge closer to each other. This whole two hour drive business isn't exactly my favorite, but we make the best out of the time we do get together.

For Valentine's Day (and yes, I realize it was two days ago), we're making each other mix CDs, cause we're poor, and we both like music. Compiling a mix for him has proven to be a challenge, though, because he's picky when it comes to music. Oh well, I like a challenge. :) He's coming to visit in under two weeks. This means I have to clean!

Ah, my uh, third home. Ha. After being there for over a year, I've formed some really great friendships with some super awesome people. There's a bit too much drama at times, but that's inevitably going to happen in any work environment. So, whatev! AND HEY! I just got a sixty cent raise! I still make next to nothing, but a raise is a freaking raise, mang. It's worth the small pay to me, but that's probably only because I love being surrounded by music all day, and, well...I'm not making a career out of it. After college, Alicia's gone!

The weather this winter has been on CRACK. It's in the 50's today. It's supposed to be back in the 20's on Saturday (or maybe tomorrow?). Weird.

Public transportation observations:

  • Some guy took some Pepcid Complete on the T yesterday. Ever watched somebody take over the counter meds in public? They get all shifty eyed, like they're doing something illegal. Dude, it was Pepcid. I'm not going to think you're a drug addict because you're trying to prevent heartburn.
  • I love seeing eye dogs. I think I admire them more than I admire most people.
  • And...old black women who wear neat hats are my reason for living, I've decided.

Good day, ladies and gents.
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