My random stories about my character, guff, and his world. Tell me what you think if you bother to read it, :D
Guff's tail swished back and forth. He was growing impatient. She had been in there a long time. Was she in trouble? Did he need to start planning her rescue?
He shifted his color from red to brown and then to blue. Something, anything to keep his mind occupied. Not that it took too much effort to change.
Finally, Guff stood up, and after making sure no one was around, changed his fur to a deep grey, and went to stand in the shadows. He was going to make his way to the back of the house. This was her first time, but she was taking too long! The owners would be home soon.
He stalked closer to the house, listening for any sound. Guff glanced up when he thought he heard something fly over. He saw nothing.
Guff heard drawers opening and closing, a closet door here and there, and the occasional creaking of the wood floor. Slowly, he shook his head. She /was/ doing much better than his first.
He let himself slip back into his memories. He could still hear the lady scream and feel the rush of wind as a vase flew over his head, feel the water splash against his back. He was out the window and over the fence before her husband was up the stairs. Guff shook his head. He had to concentrate on the present, keeping Kaylah out of trouble.
Guff stalked closer to a window, peering in so as to possibly see why she was taking so long. Nothing. He hurried along to the other side of the house, where could she be? Just as he was rounding back towards the rear of the house again, he saw soft pink ears emerge from the window, followed closely by her bubble-gum pink hair. She climbed out silently, with a small backpack in tow.
Guff rushed back to the bench he was seated on before, after he made sure he was a calm amber color. She would never know he was keeping watch of her.
Eventually she moved into his view, beaming. Guff tilted his head ever so slightly and took off walking. Kaylah stayed in the shadows, waiting for Guff to give the all clear, she didn't have his hearing or his scent.
After two blocks Guff motioned for her to join him. When she got close enough he grabbed the pack and they went their own ways. They would meet up tomorrow at a predesignated place.
Guff continued up the street, not bothering to keep his footsteps silent any more. He would retire to his hideout for now.
A few miles later Guff opened his door, and set the pack on the table. He couldn't be too careful, since he didn't know what she had grabbed, he tried not to watch over her that much earlier.
He hung his keys on his wall, certain that the locks would not stop any determined thief, but they would have a fun time getting by all of /his/ precautions.
Guff first checked Kaylah's bag for any traps, she would pull a prank like that on him. Though it was a good precaution to always trap your pack, should you be captured and someone, namely the police, get it. None of her traps were much of a match to him, he did teach her most of them.
He pulled out a goblet, a few rings, and a hat. Guff shook he head, why the hat? It wouldn't sell for anything. It looked well worn, it was faded red, losing its sequins, and falling apart at the seems. "Only take things that the owner won't miss for a few days!" Guff thought to himself. He would talk to her about it tomorrow.
He lay the pack aside and grabbed his own. He walked to the window and his eyes twinkled in the double-moonlight. After all, the night had barely just begun. His tail twitched as he jumped to the ground below.