Ok so today i did something that i thought i'd never have the strength to do. in fact it took all the courage i could muster and all the strength i had left in me. So last night b4 bed i prayed to god that i could have the strength to do what i needed to do. when i woke up i was sitting there and it came to me. so when i got home from school i got
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Oh where to begin. Well I guess I should start with this. About a month ago Allison broke up with me. We had been having some hard times and we couldn't come out on top. As much as I wish we could've I guess it just wasn’t our time. Immediately after it was so hard. Then we talked a couple days after we broke up. Things could’ve gotten better, not
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It's been a long while since my last post, prolly cuz no one ever reads these things anymore, but whatever i need to vent and i have no one to vent to so livejournal has to be my outlet, my cartharsis
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if u have even a little faith...the smallest ray of hope if u stay loyal to: god your friends your family the human race life and yourself you sincerly care for someone
and you pray from the deepest corner of your heart