Yunho is inclined to being polite to others, and despite the fact that impatient he might be, Yunho easily ignores his discomfort in an effort of be the better person in almost any situation.
However, put him in a room with a person who’s equally competitive as himself and even more eccentric than Jaejoong and all hell is sure to break loose.
This is why it was probably a terrible idea to stick him in a room with one Gackt Camui.
Now, Yunho didn’t hate him, but honestly, couldn’t the man just GIVE UP for one damn second!?
Yunho glared and crossed his arms over his chest, staring squarely at Gackt who stretched his impossibly flexible limbs in that infuriatingly nonchalant manner of his.
Inwardly, Yunho fumed, his internal metaphor for his anger running circles in his mind, ready to break his competition.
Outwardly, Yunho also fumed, looking ready to break his competition given the chance,
Somewhere in between, Yunho was kinda-sorta excitedly terrified. The score was tied between them. Really, Yunho didn’t care what was going on so long as he won whatever it was. He was positively thrumming with the thrill of competition (more than he knew).
“Well, ‘mad aristocrat’ what d’you have for us next?”
He smirked but Gackt looked him over as calmly as ever.
“Sta-“ Yunho, at least could say he caught on quick. He lost his shirt in seconds.
“You’re on.”