the throne of thy father jove and the stars thy valour won thee are thy abode, and hebe with robe upgirt, more charming than the banished phrygian lad, hands thee the draught of blissful nectar
DEITY NAME: Hebe, goddess of eternal youth
PARENTAGE: Zeus and Hera
ABILITY: A concentrated touch from her can give people flashbacks from their youth.
Zeus (father),
Ares (brother),
Artemis (half-sister),
Athena (half-sister),
Hades (uncle),
Anteros (nephew),
Eros (nephew),
Helen (half-sister),
Persephone (half-sister),
Pollux (half-brother),
Clio (half-sister),
Melpomene (half-sister),
Thalia (half-sister)
HUMAN ALIAS: Anya Kovacs
HUMAN AGE | BIRTHDATE: Seventeen | August 30, 1994
NATIONALITY: Hungarian-American
OCCUPATION: Clothing store clerk
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
HEIGHT: 5'6"
BUILD: Slender, long-limbed
HAIR COLOR: Dark blonde
EYE COLOR: Light blue
PLAYED BY: Imogen Poots
PERSONALITY: Hebe is considered an exception among the powerful, charismatic goddesses from upon Mount Olympus. Extremely shy and modest, she tries to shine in her own way, working hard to prove her worth. Speaking with people is hardly the problem, as she can definitely hold conversations; it's merely a natural fear of being criticized by her peers after many years spent being bullied. While she has her social limitations, this doesn't stop her from making the effort to reach out or be passionate about things that matter most to her. She's meek and reserved, but when she has something to say, she'll say it.
Clumsiness is a frequent enemy that looms over her every day of her life ever. Occasionally Hebe will fumble with dishes or books, or cease paying attention to where she's walking and trip. Others seem to take advantage of this, and despite the jabs and jeers from her peers, she will always get back up and keep going, no matter what (even if she has to cry it out after in private). As a stubborn goddess, she'll do almost anything to cover up her outward misery.
Being overshadowed by her older sister had certainly damaged her sense of importance over time, and so she yearns for recognition from others that doesn't include the near daily taunts she receives. But despite this, she remains kind, gentle, and free of bitterness. Hebe follows orders well and prefers to be led rather than pressured into a leadership position, which is perfectly fine with everyone else. Even without much charisma, she manages to shine with her own youthful and innocent light, for even if she is not powerful, she is remembered.
HISTORY:Once upon a time in Ancient Greece, she was the youngest child of Zeus and Hera (although in one myth, she was described as being conceived when Hera was impregnated by wild lettuce). Her domain was that of youth, and also of young brides. Raised on Mt. Olympus, she became the cupbearer of the gods, pouring them their ambrosia until they could drink no more. She also became one of Aphrodite's many attendants, and helped her mother Hera with her chariots. But for much time, she attended to the gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus, even when the strain finally reached her and prompted her to spill her servings, and therefore attracting the laughter of her fellow gods.
It was the arrival of the Trojan boy Ganymede that threw Hebe for a loop. Her father was so enamored with Ganymede that it was only a matter of time when she found herself replaced as cupbearer of the gods. But her unhappiness was not long-lasting: her marriage to Heracles upon him being granted a place among the gods shaped her for the greater good. It was her marriage to the demi-god that began to soothe the hatred between her mother and husband. Learning that Hebe had the means to bestow eternal youth on any god who desired it with her elixir of youth, and he took advantage of this. But he was not the first, and certainly not the last, to seek this elixir of Hebe's. In time, she bore Heracles two sons, Anticetus and Alexiares.
REINCARNATIONS: This is her first reincarnation. Born Anya Elizaveta Kovacs to a Russian-American mother and a Hungarian father in Szeged, Hungary, she spent her first five years of life in Europe, and the next eleven in the United States. Her early years were very laid-back and slow, as she spent much, if not all, of her infancy with her mother and slightly older sister. Because of this, she has no trace of an accent when speaking English, her second language by all technicalities.
Her family moved first to Ohio, the state with the highest population of Hungarian-Americans, and resided there for a good seven years. When Anya wasn't quietly confining herself to her mother's room and trying on all her makeup, jewelry, and clothes, her family taught her both Hungarian and Russian, neither of which she can speak fluently, but can at the very least speak somewhat conversationally. With her parents, she often communicates in a choppy combination of one of the two and English.
After graduating from eighth grade as possibly the shiest girl in Ohio, her entrepreneur father suggested moving to New York, where he was sure his wife would find a better paying job, and where he'd be able to find decent, respectable work. And thus, one March, they made their home in the East Village area of New York City, which meant that Anya would have to start high school in a new city with absolutely no friends. Awesome.
Once she managed to suffer through grades nine and ten with slightly above average grades and slightly below average friends, she found a job at a nearby diner called Odessa, and has been working there ever since.
PLAYER: Angie!
thundersocksCONTACT: mean umbrellas [aim] | rockinghorsefly[at]gmail[dot]com
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