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Comments 27

willbeurweapon December 27 2011, 18:28:28 UTC

[She'd come by to greet him and thank him for the dress she's wearing that she can only assume is his gift...

but he appears to be awash in a wave of amber]



letunityblossom December 27 2011, 18:30:03 UTC
O-oh, hello, Koharu...

[Attempting to push the amber back so he can get up.]


willbeurweapon December 27 2011, 18:32:14 UTC
...Are you alright?


letunityblossom December 27 2011, 18:41:18 UTC
I'm fine, I just didn't expect that to be in the box, I suppose...

[Finally crawling out from under the amber.]


A webfreedomftw December 27 2011, 19:17:23 UTC
[How do you feel about a visitor with a manilla envelope, topped with a green bow, who can't quite look you in the eye? Because you'll get one if you answer the knock at your door.]


letunityblossom December 27 2011, 19:52:39 UTC
[On the one hand, Lithuania was expecting to see Estonia today. On the other hand, this is incredibly awkward, and Lithuania has hardly been at his best lately. Still, he manages a smile--he really is glad to see Estonia both remember him and not be trying to kill him.]

Linksmų Kalėdų, Estija.

[He won't be angry about what happened.]


webfreedomftw December 27 2011, 20:30:14 UTC
Häid Jõulupühi, Leedu.

[After a moment's hesitation, he hands over the envelope. Inside, when Lithuania opens it, will be pages and pages of handwritten music, mostly Lithuanian folksongs, transcribed from memory. It ends with Lithuania's national anthem.]


1/2 letunityblossom December 27 2011, 20:36:31 UTC
[Lithuania opens the envelope curiously, but his eyes widen once he realizes what Estonia has done. He isn't so rude as to stop and read through every single one while Estonia is standing there, but he does look at quite a lot of them.]


b. likesottlyfab December 28 2011, 03:16:32 UTC
[Poland kept meaning to go next door to apologize to Lithuania, but he couldn't think of the right way to go about it. A few times he thought he had it perfectly in his head and started to walk over.

...but after a few steps the apology would fall apart in his head and didn't seem adequate enough anymore for what he had done.

Today he'd made it as far at Lithuania's mailbox, before it completely collapsed on him. He'd started to turn around and head back to his house again, when he heard a weird, loud sound coming from the porch and saw Lithuania laying in what looked like... brown rocks?]


letunityblossom December 28 2011, 03:23:08 UTC
[Lithuania is slowly attempting to crawl out from under all the amber. It's a hard task, as each time he shifts more of it slides down on top of him.]


likesottlyfab December 28 2011, 03:33:34 UTC
[Pulls the scarf that Koharu had knitted him up over his nose, and goes to help Lithuania up.]

...pfft. [He can't help but let a laugh slip out seeing Lithuania sliding around hopelessly though. He looks completely ridiculous.]


letunityblossom December 29 2011, 19:56:19 UTC
[Finally managing to get up, though the amber is pooling at his ankles.]

What am I even going to do with all this--ah.

[Hi Poland.]


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