Everyone ready?
But first, a few rules and general information, of course. Nothing major, really, just your basic exchange rules.
1. You MUST keep your identity a secret from your giftee until you post. That is crutial.
2. Fics must be a minimum of 1,000 words. There's no maximum, so have fun with it! Vid makers and artists/graphics people, use your judgement on what would be a sufficient gift.
3. Keep in mind when filling out the below sign up form, the more information you provide on what you like/don't like, can and can't do, the easier it'll be to match you up.
3b. When it lists what gift you would like, please put at least two things down, your first choice stated first. (Example: Fic (most want), vid.) That way in case I can't match you with someone for your first choice, there's always your second.
4. It doesn't matter where you post your gift, either in your own journal/community or to this community, just as long as you make a post here and link to the original post that it's in, and say who it's for. Also use the informational header you'd normally post with: title, pairing, genre, summary, etc.
5. RPF is allowed... but it's not so common yet in the fandom. If you want RPF and/or can do RPF, please say so! And also visa-versa, if you're totally against it, please say so.
6. Your assignment will be sent to the email address you provide when you sign up. Please reply to the email and let me know you got it and are okay with the assignment. If you're not okay and/or have an issue, please let me know ASAP.
7. If you need to drop out or feel like you can't finish your assignment, PLEASE let me know ASAP.
8. Have fun!
Alright, got all that? Told you it was nothing major.
So, here we go!
Sign up using this form: (general questions from
LJ name:
Contact email:
Are you a writer/artist/graphics person/vidder? (Include all that you'd be able to do.)
What sort of gift would you like? (fic/graphics/vid/anything)
What pairings/characters/genres would you like? (gen/RPF/het/slash/certain characters/etc.)
What are your general 'likes'? (i.e. kinks, situations; angst, crack, porn; first-time, established, etc.)
What are your general 'dislikes'? (i.e. cliches, squicks; as with likes, etc.)
What can you do? (gen/RPF/het/slash/certain characters/etc.)
What can you definitely not do? (gen/RPF/het/slash/certain characters/etc.)
Any prompts you'd like to leave? (optional):
Any questions/comments, let me know.
Also, after assignments are sent out, I will do a post for pinch hitters. If you feel you can do another gift, feel free to sign up for as a pinch hitter.
Let's do this! Last year, we had 9 people sign up, I'd love to have more than that! Tell your friends to sign up! You know the saying, the more the merrier! :D
Sign ups end October 13.