Title: Breath
Description: Ensemble video dedicated to the intensely emotional storytelling of Torchwood, as well as the emotions felt by the audience.
Spoilers: Through 'Exit Wounds' (2x13)
Music: Breath by Breaking Benjamin
Format & Size: 45 MB wmv zip, or streamed.
raspberry_splat Links:
Download from Neural Cluster or stream it on
Neural Cluster (also seen below).
I'd wanted to vid 'Breath' to something since last year when I was losing interest in Smallville. I felt, at the time, that it would have been a pretty good idea for Clark and Lex but the series was either going nowhere or taking two steps back . Enter Torchwood and I knew I had a good match. While listening to the song again shortly after seeing the S2 finale 'Exit Wounds' I was struck by how easily the lyrics spelled out the pain that the characters have been put through. This was my main theme that I built upon.. their pain and loss. As I continued to edit this, a secondary theme began to emerge, and that was the pain and loss that the audience feels as well. So the emotions presented in this video are not just those of the characters, but mine and the audience's as well.
This video uses clips beginning from Out of Time (1x10) up through Exit Wounds (2x13).
I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like.
Is it over yet, in my head?
I know nothing of your kind, and I won't reveal your evil mind.
Is it over yet? I can't win.
So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.
This will be all over soon.
Pour salt into the open wound.
Is it over yet? Let me in.
So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.
I'm waiting, I'm praying, realize, start hating.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.