This isn't the first bandom snippet I've written. It's the first I'm posting, though.
Pete dreams.
It’s little exchanges, no full scenes but impressions written across his mind, behind his eyes.
Onstage, and Pete just finished introducing them, and Patrick glances sidelong. Pete winks like always, and waits for the smile Patrick always gives him back in trade.
Instead, Patrick blinks and faces the audience, and there’s roaring in Pete’s ears.
Pete tumbles into Patrick’s bunk and Patrick says, “Oh, uh? Um? Occupied, occupied, you’re laying on me.”
Pete lands on the floor of the bus, hard shove of Patrick’s hands and “Seriously, get out,” ringing off-key.
Patrick brings a girl to dinner - she doesn’t have a face, just smooth skin and makeup in a circus approximation. He beams and says, “This is Joe and Andy.” He sees Pete and his smile freezes. “And, um, I’m sorry. Guys? Which one of you brought a guest?”
Patrick says, “Guys, okay, listen,” and hands out his rough sheet music and plays the basics he’s cobbled together on the recording so far.
It has room for drums, guitar, rhythm, vocals. There’s no bass written in.
Pete wakes.
He hits his face on the bunk above his, wrenches his knee trying to get out of the blankets, staggers to the front of the bus, and grabs Patrick and buries his nose under Patrick’s jaw.
“Don’t forget don’t ever forget,” Pete breathes, and he keeps his lips moving past any sound. “Promise you won’t.”
“Pete?” Patrick doesn’t try to laugh this off. “I promise.”